
Function Select-ArmorApiResult
        The Select-ArmorApiResult function is used to filter data that has been returned from an endpoint for specific objects important to the user.
        { required: more detailed description of the function's purpose }
        Troy Lindsay
        Twitter: @troylindsay42
        GitHub: tlindsay42
        .PARAMETER Results
        The formatted API response contents.
        .PARAMETER Filter
        The list of parameters that the user can use to filter response data.
        Each key is the parameter name without the "$" and each value corresponds to the response data's key.
        {required: show one or more examples using the function}

        [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true )]
        [PSCustomObject[]] $Results = @(),
        [Parameter( Position = 1 )]
        [Hashtable] $Filter = $null

        # The Begin section is used to perform one-time loads of data necessary to carry out the function's purpose
        # If a command needs to be run with each iteration or pipeline input, place it in the Process section

        $function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-Verbose -Message ( 'Beginning {0}.' -f $function )
    } # End of Begin

        If ( $Results.Count -eq 0 -or $Filter.Keys.Count -eq 0 ) { Return $Results }

        $return = $Results.Clone()

        Write-Verbose -Message 'Filter the results.'

        ForEach ( $filterKey In $Filter.Keys )
            If ( ( Get-Variable -Name $filterKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ).Value -ne $null )
                Write-Verbose -Message ( 'Filter match = {0}' -f $filterKey )

                $filterKeyValue = ( Get-Variable -Name $filterKey ).Value

                # For when a location is one layer deep
                If ( $filterKeyValue -and $Filter[$filterKey].Split( '.' ).Count -eq 1 )
                    # The $filterKeyValue check assumes that not all filters will be used in each call
                    # If it does exist, the results are filtered using the $filterKeyValue's value against the $Filter[$filterKey]'s key name
                    $return = $return.Where( { $_.( $Filter[$filterKey] ) -like $filterKeyValue } )
                # For when a location is two layers deep
                ElseIf ( $filterKeyValue -and $Filter[$filterKey].Split( '.' ).Count -eq 2 )
                    # The $filterKeyValue check assumes that not all filters will be used in each call
                    # If it does exist, the results are filtered using the $filterKeyValue's value against the $Filter[$filterKey]'s key name
                    $return = $return.Where( { $_.( $Filter[$filterKey].Split( '.' )[0] ).( $Filter[$filterKey].Split( '.' )[-1] ) -eq $filterKeyValue } )

        Return $return
    } # End of Process

        Write-Verbose -Message ( 'Ending {0}.' -f $function )
    } # End of End
} # End of Function