
Function Send-Keystrokes
        # String to send as keystrokes

        # Time Delay in Seconds
        $Countdown = 5
        # Add the Forms Assembly to the environment
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

        # Send selector warning to the user
        for ($s = $Countdown; $s -gt 1; $s--) {Write-Progress -Activity "Preparing to send keys" -CurrentOperation "Click the cursor/context you want to start printing into" -SecondsRemaining $s -PercentComplete (($Countdown-$s)/3*100); start-sleep -Seconds 1}
        # Convert special characters of the string
        $ConvString = $InputObject | Format-SendKeys
        # Send each character of the given string as a key input
        $complete = $false
        while (!$complete)
            $complete = $true