
function New-BTHeader {
        Creates a new toast notification header.
        The New-BTHeader function creates a new toast notification header for a Toast Notification.
        These headers are diaplyed at the top of a toast and are also used to categorize toasts in the Action Center.
            You cannot pipe input to this function.
        New-BTHeader -Id 'primary header' -Title 'First Category'
        This command creates a Toast Header object, which will be displayed with the text "First Category."
        New-BTHeader -Id '001' -Title 'Stack Overflow Questions' -Arguments ''
        This command creates a Toast Header object, which will be displayed with the text "First Category."
        Clicking the header will take the user to the Stack Overflow website.


    param (
        # Unique string that identifies a header. If a new Id is provided, the system will treat the header as a new header even if it has the same display text as a previous header.
        # It is possible to update a header's display text by re-using the Id but changing the title.
        [string] $Id,

        # The header string that is displayed to the user.
        [string] $Title,

        # Specifies an app defined string.
        # For the purposes of BurntToast notifications this is generally the path to a file or URI and paired with the Protocol ActivationType.
        [string] $Arguments,

        # Defines tne ActivationType that is trigger when the button is pressed.
        # Defaults to Protocol which will open the file or URI specified in with the Arguments parameter in the relevant system default application.
        [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastActivationType] $ActivationType = [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastActivationType]::Protocol

    $Header = [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastHeader]::new($Id, $Title, $Arguments)

    if ($ActivationType) {
        $Header.ActivationType = $ActivationType
