
function New-BTProgressBar {
        Creates a new Progress Bar Element for Toast Notifications.
        The New-BTProgressBar function creates a new Progress Bar Element for Toast Notifications.
        You must specify the status and value for the progress bar and can optionally give the bar a title and override the automatic text representiation of the progress.
        You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet.
        New-BTProgressBar -Status 'Copying files' -Value 0.2
        This command creates a Progress Bar that is 20% full with the current status of 'Copying files' and the (default) text 20% displayed underneath.
        New-BTProgressBar -Status 'Copying files' -Indeterminate
        This command creates a Progress Bar with an 'indeterminate' animation rather than a bar filled to a certain percentage.
        New-BTProgressBar -Status 'Copying files' -Value 0.2 -ValueDisplay '4/20 files complete'
        This command creates a Progress Bar that is 20% full with the current status of 'Copying files' and the default text displayed underneath overridden to '4/20 files complete.'
        New-BTProgressBar -Title 'File Copy' -Status 'Copying files' -Value 0.2
        This example creates a Progress Bar that is 20% full with the current status of 'Copying files' and the (default) text 20% displayed underneath.
        The Progress Bar is displayed under the title 'File Copy.'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Determinate')]
    param (
        # The text displayed above the progress bar. Generally used to give context around what the bar represents.
        [string] $Title,

        # The text displayed under the progress bar. Used to show the current status of the operation being performed.
        # Examples include: Running, Paused, Stopped, Finished.
        [string] $Status,

        # Used where the percentage complete is unknown, the resulting progress bar displays a system generated animation rather than a filled bar.
        # Cannot be used at the same time as a set Value.
                   ParameterSetName = 'Indeterminate')]
        [switch] $Indeterminate,

        # Specifies the percentage to fill the progress bar as represented by a double, between 0 and 1 (inclusive.)
        # For example 0.4 is 40%, 1 is 100%.
                   ParameterSetName = 'Determinate')]
        [ValidateRange(0.0, 1.0)]
        [double] $Value,

        # A string that replaces the default text representation of the percentage complete.
        # The default text for the value 0.2 would be '20%', this parameter replaces this text with something of your own choice.
        [string] $ValueDisplay

    $ProgressBar = [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.AdaptiveProgressBar]::new()

    $ProgressBar.Status = $Status

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Determinate') {
        $ProgressBar.Value = $Value
    } else {
        $ProgressBar.Value = 'indeterminate'

    if ($Title) {
        $ProgressBar.Title = $Title

    if ($ValueDisplay) {
        $ProgressBar.ValueStringOverride = $ValueDisplay
