
function New-CitrixTemplateGroup {
    Creates a new Group in the Citrix Optimizer template.

    This function will create a Group in the Citrix Optimizer template. First it will check if that <group> exists, if not it will add it.
    Specifies the Path to the template file

    .PARAMETER GroupName
    Specifies the Group Name to create

    This function will take inputs via pipeline as string

    Returns $true or $false depending on the Group creation state as well as the GroupName

    PS> New-CitrixTemplateGroup -Path 'template.xml' -GroupName 'OS Optimizations' -GroupDescription 'This is the description for the group'
    Creates a new Group called "OS Optimizations" in the template file.
    PS> New-CitrixTemplateGroup -Path $Template.Path -GroupName 'System Optimizations' -GroupDescription 'This is the description for the group'
    Creates a new Group called "System Optimizations" in the template file based on the result of a New-CitrixTemplate return object.
    PS> $Group = New-CitrixTemplateGroup -Path $Template.Path -GroupName 'System Optimizations' -GroupDescription 'This is the description for the group'
    Creates a new Group called "System Optimizations" in the template file based on the result of a New-CitrixTemplate return object and pipes this into the variable $Group.



Param (
        ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true
        ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true
        ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true

begin {

        # Set strict mode and initial return value
        Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

        # Set up PSCustom Object for return
        $Return = New-Object -TypeName psobject 
        $Return | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Complete" -Value $false

} # begin

process {

    # Check if the template already exists
    if(Get-Template -Path $Path){

        write-verbose "Citrix Optimizer Template $($Path) found"
        write-verbose "Load Citrix Optimizer Template"

        # Load Template and check for existing Group"
        [XML]$xmlfile = Get-Content $Path

        # Check that the template group does not exist
        if(!(Get-TemplateGroup -Path $Path -GroupName $GroupName)){

            write-verbose "No existing Groups found, adding new group"

            # Create the Group element
            write-verbose "Create Group element"
            $Group = $XMLFile.CreateElement("group")
            # Create the ID element
            write-verbose "Create ID element"
            $ID = $XMLFile.CreateElement("id")
            $ID.InnerText = $GroupName
            # Create the display name element
            write-verbose "Create DisplayName element"
            $Name = $XMLFile.CreateElement("displayname")
            $Name.InnerText = $GroupName
            # Create the description element
            write-verbose "Create Description element"
            $Description = $XMLFile.CreateElement("description")
            $Description.InnerText = $GroupDescription
            # Append the group ID element to the Group and save the XML file
            write-verbose "Add Group to Citrix Optimizer XML Template"
            # Add the GroupName to the return object
            $Return | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GroupName" -Value $GroupName
            $Return.Complete = $true
        } else {
            # Group already exists
            write-verbose "Group $($GroupName) already exists - quitting"
            write-error "Group $($GroupName) already exists - quitting"

    } else {

        # Template file not found
        write-verbose "Citrix Optimizer Template $($Path) not found - quitting"
        write-error "Citrix Optimizer Template $($Path) not found - quitting"


} # process

end {
    # Pass back return object
    return $Return

} # end
