
.VERSION 3.3.0
.GUID 5f167621-6abe-4153-a26c-f643e1716720
.AUTHOR Ronald Bode (iRon)
.DESCRIPTION Stringifys an object to a PowerShell expression (PSON, PowerShell Object Notation).
.TAGS PSON PowerShell Object Notation expression Stringify

Function ConvertTo-Expression {
        Serializes an object to a PowerShell expression.
        The ConvertTo-Expression cmdlet converts (serializes) an object to a
        PowerShell expression. The object can be stored in a variable, file or
        any other common storage for later use or to be ported to another
        An expression can be restored to an object using the native
        Invoke-Expression cmdlet:
            $Object = Invoke-Expression ($Object | ConverTo-Expression)
        Or Converting it to a [ScriptBlock] and invoking it with cmdlets
        along with `Invoke-Command` or using the call operator (`&`):
            $Object = &([ScriptBlock]::Create($Object | ConverTo-Expression))
        An expression that is stored in a PowerShell (.ps1) file might also
        be directly invoked by the PowerShell dot-sourcing technique, e.g.:
            $Object | ConvertTo-Expression | Out-File .\Expression.ps1
            $Object = . .\Expression.ps1
        Warning: Invoking partly trusted input with Invoke-Expression or
        [ScriptBlock]::Create() methods could be abused by malicious code
        Any. Each objects provided through the pipeline will converted to an
        expression. To concatinate all piped objects in a single expression,
        use the unary comma operator, e.g.: ,$Object | ConvertTo-Expression
        String[]. ConvertTo-Expression returns a PowerShell expression
        (ScriptBlock) for each input object. A PowerShell expression default
        display output is a Sytem.String.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        Specifies the objects to convert to a PowerShell expression. Enter a
        variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression
        that gets the objects. You can also pipe one or more objects to
    .PARAMETER Depth
        Specifies how many levels of contained objects are included in the
        PowerShell representation. The default value is 9.
    .PARAMETER Expand
        Specifies till what level the contained objects are expanded over
        separate lines and indented according to the -Indentation and
        -IndentChar parameters. The default value is equal to the -Depth value.
        A negative value will remove redundant spaces and compress the
        PowerShell expression to a single line (except for multi-line strings).
        Xml documents and multi-line strings are embedded in a "here string"
        and aligned to the left.
    .PARAMETER Indentation
        Specifies how many IndentChars to write for each level in the
    .PARAMETER IndentChar
        Specifies which character to use for indenting.
    .PARAMETER Strong
        By default, the ConvertTo-Expression cmdlet will return a weakly typed
        expression which is best for transfing objects between differend
        PowerShell systems.
        The -Strong parameter will strickly define value types and objects
        in a way that they can still be read by same PowerShell system and
        PowerShell system with the same configuration (installed modules etc.).
    .PARAMETER Explore
        In explore mode, all type prefixes are omitted in the output expression
        (objects will cast to to hash tables). In case the -Strong parameter is
        also supplied, all orginal (.Net) type names are shown.
        The -Explore switch is usefull for exploring object hyrachies and data
        type, not for saving and transfering objects.
        PS C:\> (Get-UICulture).Calendar | ConvertTo-Expression
            'AlgorithmType' = 1
            'CalendarType' = 1
            'Eras' = ,1
            'IsReadOnly' = $False
            'MaxSupportedDateTime' = [datetime]'9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999'
            'MinSupportedDateTime' = [datetime]'0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000'
            'TwoDigitYearMax' = 2029
        PS C:\> (Get-UICulture).Calendar | ConvertTo-Expression -Strong
            'AlgorithmType' = [System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType]'SolarCalendar'
            'CalendarType' = [System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes]'Localized'
            'Eras' = [array][int]1
            'IsReadOnly' = [bool]$False
            'MaxSupportedDateTime' = [datetime]'9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999'
            'MinSupportedDateTime' = [datetime]'0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000'
            'TwoDigitYearMax' = [int]2029
        PS C:\>Get-Date | Select-Object -Property * | ConvertTo-Expression | Out-File .\Now.ps1
        PS C:\>$Now = .\Now.ps1 # $Now = Get-Content .\Now.Ps1 -Raw | Invoke-Expression
        PS C:\>$Now
        Date : 1963-10-07 12:00:00 AM
        DateTime : Monday, October 7, 1963 10:47:00 PM
        Day : 7
        DayOfWeek : Monday
        DayOfYear : 280
        DisplayHint : DateTime
        Hour : 22
        Kind : Local
        Millisecond : 0
        Minute : 22
        Month : 1
        Second : 0
        Ticks : 619388596200000000
        TimeOfDay : 22:47:00
        Year : 1963
        PS C:\>@{Account="User01";Domain="Domain01";Admin="True"} | ConvertTo-Expression -Expand -1 # Compress the PowerShell output
        PS C:\>WinInitProcess = Get-Process WinInit | ConvertTo-Expression # Convert the WinInit Process to a PowerShell expression
        PS C:\>Get-Host | ConvertTo-Expression -Depth 4 # Reveal complex object hierarchies

    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([ScriptBlock])]Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $True)][Alias('InputObject')]$Object, [Int]$Depth = 9, [Int]$Expand = $Depth,
        [Int]$Indentation = 1, [String]$IndentChar = "`t", [Switch]$Strong, [Switch]$Explore,
        [String]$NewLine = [System.Environment]::NewLine
    Begin {
        $ListItem = $Null
        $Tab = $IndentChar * $Indentation
        Function Serialize($Object, $Iteration, $Indent) {
            Function Quote ([String]$Item) {"'$($Item.Replace('''', ''''''))'"}
            Function Here ([String]$Item) {If ($Item -Match '[\r\n]') {"@'$NewLine$Item$NewLine'@$NewLine"} Else {Quote $Item}}
            Function Stringify ($Object, $Cast = $Type, $Convert) {
                $Casted = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Cast')
                Function Prefix($Object, [Switch]$Parenthesis) {
                    If ($Convert) {If ($ListItem) {$Object = "($Convert $Object)"} Else {$Object = "$Convert $Object"}}
                    If ($Parenthesis) {$Object = "($Object)"}
                    If ($Explore) {If ($Strong) {"[$Type]$Object"} Else {$Object}}
                    ElseIf ($Strong -or $Casted) {If ($Cast) {"[$Cast]$Object"}}
                    Else {$Object}
                Function Iterate($Object, [Switch]$Strong = $Strong, [Switch]$ListItem, [Switch]$Level) {
                    If ($Iteration -lt $Depth) {Serialize $Object -Iteration ($Iteration + 1) -Indent ($Indent + 1 - [Int][Bool]$Level)} Else {"'...'"}
                If ($Object -is [String]) {Prefix $Object} Else {
                    $List, $Properties = $Null; $Methods = $Object.PSObject.Methods.Name
                    If ($Methods -Contains 'GetEnumerator') {
                        If ($Methods -Contains 'get_Keys' -and $Methods -Contains 'get_Values') {
                            $List = [Ordered]@{}; ForEach ($Key in $Object.get_Keys()) {$List[(Quote $Key)] = Iterate $Object[$Key]}
                        } Else {
                            $Level = @($Object).Count -eq 1 -or ($Null -eq $Indent -and !$Explore -and !$Strong)
                            $StrongItem = $Strong -and $Type.Name -eq 'Object[]'
                            $List = @(ForEach ($Item in $Object) {
                                Iterate $Item -ListItem -Level:$Level -Strong:$StrongItem
                    } Else {
                        $Properties = $Object.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq 'Property'}
                        If (!$Properties) {$Properties = $Object.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object {$_.MemberType-eq 'NoteProperty'}}
                        If ($Properties) {$List = [Ordered]@{}; ForEach ($Property in $Properties) {$List[(Quote $Property.Name)] = Iterate $Property.Value}}
                    If ($List -is [Array]) {
                        If (!$Casted -and ($Type.Name -eq 'Object[]' -or "$Type".Contains('.'))) {$Cast = 'array'}
                        If (!$List.Count) {Prefix '@()'}
                        ElseIf ($List.Count -eq 1) {
                            If ($Strong) {Prefix "$List"}
                            ElseIf ($ListItem) {"(,$List)"}
                            Else {",$List"}
                        ElseIf ($Indent -ge $Expand - 1 -or $Type.GetElementType().IsPrimitive) {
                            $Content = If ($Expand -ge 0) {$List -Join ', '} Else {$List -Join ','}
                            Prefix -Parenthesis:($ListItem -or $Strong) $Content
                        ElseIf ($Null -eq $Indent -and !$Strong -and !$Convert) {Prefix ($List -Join ",$NewLine")}
                        Else {
                            $LineFeed = $NewLine + ($Tab * $Indent)
                            $Content = "$LineFeed$Tab" + ($List -Join ",$LineFeed$Tab")
                            If ($Convert) {$Content = "($Content)"}
                            If ($ListItem -or $Strong) {Prefix -Parenthesis "$Content$LineFeed"} Else {Prefix $Content}
                    } ElseIf ($List -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) {
                        If (!$Casted) {If ($Properties) {$Casted = $True; $Cast = 'pscustomobject'} Else {$Cast = 'hashtable'}}
                        If (!$List.Count) {Prefix '@{}'}
                        ElseIf ($Expand -lt 0) {Prefix ('@{' + (@(ForEach ($Key in $List.get_Keys()) {"$Key=" + $List[$Key]}) -Join ';') + '}')}
                        ElseIf ($List.Count -eq 1 -or $Indent -ge $Expand - 1) {
                            Prefix ('@{' + (@(ForEach ($Key in $List.get_Keys()) {"$Key = " + $List[$Key]}) -Join '; ') + '}')
                        } Else {
                            $LineFeed = $NewLine + ($Tab * $Indent)
                            Prefix ("@{$LineFeed$Tab" + (@(ForEach ($Key in $List.get_Keys()) {
                                If (($List[$Key])[0] -NotMatch '[\S]') {"$Key =" + $List[$Key].TrimEnd()} Else {"$Key = " + $List[$Key].TrimEnd()}
                            }) -Join "$LineFeed$Tab") + "$LineFeed}")
                    Else {Prefix ",$List"}
            If ($Null -eq $Object) {"`$Null"} Else {
                $Type = $Object.GetType()
                If ($Object -is [Boolean]) {If ($Object) {Stringify '$True'} Else {Stringify '$False'}}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [Adsi]) {Stringify "'$($Object.ADsPath)'" $Type}
                ElseIf ('Char', 'mailaddress', 'Regex', 'Semver', 'Type', 'Version', 'Uri' -Contains $Type.Name) {Stringify "'$($Object)'" $Type}
                ElseIf ($Type.IsPrimitive) {Stringify "$Object"}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [String]) {Stringify (Here $Object)}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [SecureString]) {Stringify "'$($Object | ConvertFrom-SecureString)'" -Convert 'ConvertTo-SecureString'}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [PSCredential]) {Stringify $Object.Username, $Object.Password -Convert 'New-Object PSCredential'}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [DateTime]) {Stringify "'$($Object.ToString('o'))'" $Type}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [Enum]) {If ("$Type".Contains('.')) {Stringify "$(0 + $Object)"} Else {Stringify "'$Object'" $Type}}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [ScriptBlock]) {If ($Object -Match "\#.*?$") {Stringify "{$Object$NewLine}"} Else {Stringify "{$Object}"}}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [RuntimeTypeHandle]) {Stringify "$($Object.Value)"}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [Xml]) {
                    $SW = New-Object System.IO.StringWriter; $XW = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextWriter $SW
                    $XW.Formatting = If ($Indent -lt $Expand - 1) {'Indented'} Else {'None'}
                    $XW.Indentation = $Indentation; $XW.IndentChar = $IndentChar; $Object.WriteContentTo($XW); Stringify (Here $SW) $Type}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [System.Data.DataTable]) {Stringify $Object.Rows}
                ElseIf ($Type.Name -eq "OrderedDictionary") {Stringify $Object 'ordered'}
                ElseIf ($Object -is [ValueType]) {Stringify "'$($Object)'" $Type}
                Else {Stringify $Object}
    Process {
        (Serialize $Object).TrimEnd()
}; Set-Alias ctex ConvertTo-Expression