
function New-DrmmSiteVariable {

    Creates a new site variable with the given name and value for the given site. The value can optionally be masked.
    .PARAMETER siteUid
    The UID of the site under which this variable should be placed.
    .PARAMETER name
    The name of the variable.
    .PARAMETER value
    The value of the variable.
    .PARAMETER masked
    Switch to set whether the value should be masked.

    # Function Parameters
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    # Declare Variables
    $apiMethod = 'PUT'
    $createVariableRequest = @{}

    $createVariableRequest.Add('name', $name)
    $createVariableRequest.Add('value', $value)
    If ( $masked -eq $true ) {
        $createVariableRequest.Add('masked', $true)
    Else {
        $createVariableRequest.Add('masked', $false)

    # Convert to JSON
    $Body = $createVariableRequest | ConvertTo-Json

    # Return Variable
    return New-ApiRequest -apiMethod $apiMethod -apiRequest "/v2/site/$siteUid/variable" -apiRequestBody $Body | ConvertFrom-Json
