
Gets one or all environment variables for the specified scope.

The Get-EnvironmentVariable function retrieves the value of an environment variable for the current user or the local machine. If no name is provided, it returns all environment variables for the specified scope.

The name of the environment variable to retrieve. If not specified, all environment variables for the scope are returned.

Specifies the scope of the environment variable. Valid values are "User" and "Machine". The default is "Machine".

Get-EnvironmentVariable -Name PATH -Scope User

Gets the value of the PATH environment variable for the current user.

Get-EnvironmentVariable -Scope Machine

Gets all environment variables for the local machine.

function Get-EnvironmentVariable {

        [ValidateSet("User", "Machine")]
        [string]$Scope = "Machine"

    If ($Name) {
        [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($Name, $Scope)
    else {

Sets an environment variable for the specified scope.

The Set-EnvironmentVariable function creates or modifies an environment variable for the current user or the local machine.

The name of the environment variable to set.

The value to assign to the environment variable.

Specifies the scope of the environment variable. Valid values are "User" and "Machine". The default is "Machine".

Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name MY_VARIABLE -Value "MyValue" -Scope User

Sets the MY_VARIABLE environment variable to "MyValue" for the current user.

function Set-EnvironmentVariable {


        [ValidateSet("User", "Machine")]
        [string]$Scope = "Machine"

    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($Name, $Value, $Scope)
    Write-Output "Environment variable `'$Name`' set to `'$Value`' for `'$Scope`' scope."

Removes an environment variable from the specified scope.

The Remove-EnvironmentVariable function deletes an environment variable for the current user or the local machine.

The name of the environment variable to remove.

Specifies the scope of the environment variable. Valid values are "User" and "Machine". The default is "Machine".

Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Name MY_VARIABLE -Scope User

Removes the MY_VARIABLE environment variable for the current user.

function Remove-EnvironmentVariable {

        [ValidateSet("User", "Machine")]
        [string]$Scope = "Machine"

    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($Name, $null, $Scope)
    Write-Output "Environment variable `'$Name`' removed from `'$Scope`' scope."