
function Get-Random-String {
    Generates a random string with an array of customisations
    This cmdlet generates a random string based on user customisation.
    rndmstr 32
    rndmstr 32 -UseUpperCase
    rndmstr 32 -UseUpperCase -UseNumbers
    rndmstr 32 -UseUpperCase -UseLoweCase:$false
    rndmstr 32 -UseUpperCase -UseNumbers -UseSpecialCharacters


        HelpMessage="The character length of the requested random string"
    [int] $StringLength,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage="Adds Lower-Case latin characters to the string pool")]
    [switch] $UseLowerCase = $true,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage="Adds Upper-Case latin characters to the string pool")]
    [switch] $UseUpperCase = $false,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage="Adds numeric characters to the string pool")]
    [switch] $UseNumbers = $false,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage="Adds the special characters: '!@#$%^&*_+-' to the string pool")]
    [switch] $UseSpecialCharacters = $false,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage="Characters here will be added to the string pool")]
    [string] $IncludeCharacters = "",

    [Parameter(HelpMessage="Characters here will be removed to the string pool")]
    [string] $ExcludeCharacters = ""
     !($UseLowerCase) -and
     !($UseUpperCase) -and
     !($UseNumbers) -and
     !($UseSpecialCharacters) -and
     ($IncludeCharacters -eq "")
        throw "No Characters allowed. Please use some of the parameter flags to enable character sets."
    # Initate character sets
    $Numbers = "0123456789"
    $SpecialCharacters = "!@#$%^&*_+-"
    # Populate the pool so that each character has a chance to be picked
    $Pool = ""
    for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $StringLength ; $i++){
        if($UseUpperCase) {$Pool+=$Letters}
        if($UseLowerCase) {$Pool+=$Letters.ToLower()}
        if($UseNumbers){$Pool+=$Numbers }

    # Remove Excluded characters
    foreach ($Char in $ExcludeCharacters.toCharArray()) {
       $Pool = $Pool -replace '['+$Char+']',''
    if($Pool -eq ""){
        throw "No Characters allowed. All available characters were excluded by user."

    # Sort by Get-Random to shuffle (Get-Random is a secure random)
    $Shuffle = $($Pool.tochararray() | Sort-Object {Get-Random})
    # Return the first N charachters as a string
    return $Shuffle[0..$StringLength] -join ''