
function Remove-MsolTenantContext
    Removes the default ID for the TenantId parameter.
    Removes the default ID for the TenantId parameter.

    Once the default ID for the TenantId parameter is removed the default behavior of the MSOnline cmdlets is restored.

    The above command will remove the default TenantId parameter, if present.
    Once the default ID for the TenantId parameter is removed the default behavior of the MSOnline cmdlets is restored.
    Removes the default ID for the TenantId parameter.


        $script:app.TrackEvent('Ran function: {0}' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
        if($script:module_config.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryPrompt){ Write-TelemetryPrompt }

        if($global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*-Msol*:TenantId'] -eq $null)
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Default TenantId has not been set. Please run Set-MsolTenantContext.'
            $target = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
            $target = $global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*-Msol*:TenantId']

            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($target,'Remove default tenant ID.'))
