
function Set-MsolTenantContext
    Sets the default ID for the TenantId parameter.
    Sets the default ID for the TenantId parameter.

    This is done by populating the global default parameter variable.
    Set-MsolTenantContext -TenantId 41a3b096-8205-4a50-8259-8603c7a91d5a

    The command above will set the default for all TenantId parameters in the MSOnline module and register all arguments completers.

    If this command is not run autocompletion will not work.

    The cmdlet takes the TenantId as a Guid.
    Once the default TenantId is set all auto-completers will be updated to reflect the change.
    Sets the default ID for the TenantId parameter.

        [Guid] $TenantId

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        $script:app.TrackEvent('Ran function: {0}' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
        if($script:module_config.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryPrompt){ Write-TelemetryPrompt }

            $global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*-Msol*:TenantId'] = $TenantId
            $completers_path = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -ChildPath 'Completers'
            $completers = Get-ChildItem -Path $completers_path -Filter '*.Completer.ps1'
            foreach($item in $completers)
                $message = 'Re-importing Completer: {0}' -f $item.FullName
                Write-Verbose -Message $message
                & $item.FullName
