
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  templateType="Project" xmlns="">
    <title>New ModuleBuild Project</title>
    <description>Create a new PowerShell Module with a ModuleBuild wrapper</description>
    <author>Zachary Loeber</author>
    <tags>Module, ModuleManifest, ModuleBuild</tags>
      prompt="Enter the name of the module. No space, underscores, or special characters are allowed" />
      prompt="Enter a description of your module" />
      prompt="Enter a module author" />
      prompt="Enter a project website (ie.;author&gt;/&lt;modulename&gt;)" />
      prompt="Enter the version number of the module"
      default="0.0.1" />
      prompt="Comma separate list of tags that describe this module. This is required for the PowerShell Gallery" />
      prompt="Comma separate list of paths that will be included with the final module release (ie. .\libs,.\data)"
      default=" " />
      prompt="Enter a PowerShell Gallery (aka Nuget) API key. Without this you will not be able to upload your module to the Gallery"
      default=" " />
      prompt="What license would you like for this module to have?"
        label="&amp;Creative Commons"
        help="This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation."
        value="CreativeCommons" />
        help="A short, permissive software license. Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software/source."
        value="MIT" />
        label="&amp;Apache 2.0"
        help="You can do what you like with the software, as long as you include the required notices. This permissive license contains a patent license from the contributors of the code."
        value="Apache" />
        label="&amp;GPL 3.0"
        help="You may copy, distribute and modify the software as long as you track changes/dates in source files. Any modifications to or software including (via compiler) GPL-licensed code must also be made available under the GPL along with build &amp; install instructions."
        value="GPL" />
      prompt="Use PSScriptAnalyzer in the module build process (Recommended for Gallery uploading)?"
        help="Enable script analysis"
        value="True" />
        help="Disable script analysis"
        value="False" />
      prompt="Combine scripts into one psm1 in the module build process (Recommended for Gallery uploading)?"
        help="Combine source files"
        value="True" />
        help="Do not combine source files"
        value="False" />
      prompt="Scan for sensitive terms (like your user id or company domain) in the module build process (Recommended for Gallery uploading)?"
        help="Sanitize sensitive terms"
        value="True" />
        help="Do not sanitize sensitive terms"
        value="False" />
      prompt="Generate YML file in build process for integration?"
        help="The YML file will get regenerated at every build. This file gets saved in the root folder of your project."
        value="True" />
        help="No YML file will be generated."
        value="False" />
      copyright="(c) ${PLASTER_Year} ${PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleAuthor}. All rights reserved."
      destination="${PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName}.psd1" />
      destination=".gitignore" />
      destination=".gitattributes" />
      destination=".vscode" />
      destination="src\other" />
      destination="src\private" />
      destination="src\public" />
      destination="src\tests" />
      destination="build\cleanup" />
      destination="build\startup" />
      destination="build\dotsource" />
      destination="build\tools" />
      condition="$PLASTER_PARAM_ProjectLicense -eq &quot;CreativeCommons&quot;" />
      condition="$PLASTER_PARAM_ProjectLicense -eq &quot;MIT&quot;" />
      condition="$PLASTER_PARAM_ProjectLicense -eq &quot;Apache&quot;" />
      condition="$PLASTER_PARAM_ProjectLicense -eq &quot;GPL&quot;" />
      destination="${PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName}.psm1" />
      destination="${PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName}.build.ps1" />
      destination="build\${PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName}.buildenvironment.ps1" />
      destination="build\${PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName}.buildenvironment.json" />
      destination="" />
      destination="Build.ps1" />
      destination="Install.ps1" />
      destination="build\docs" />
      destination="build\docs\ReadTheDocs" />
      destination="build\docs\en-US" />
      destination="build\docs\ReadTheDocs\Acknowledgements" />
      destination="build\docs\Additional" />