
    Serializes an object to a PowerShell expression.
    The ConvertTo-Expression cmdlet converts (serializes) an object to a PowerShell expression.
    The object can be stored in a variable, (.psd1) file or any other common storage for later use or to be ported
    to another system.
    expressions might be restored to an object using the native Invoke-Expression cmdlet:
        $Object = Invoke-Expression ($Object | ConvertTo-Expression)
    Or using the [PSNode Object Parser][1] (*under construction*).
    > [!Note]
    > Some object types can not be constructed from a a simple serialized expression
    Any. Each objects provided through the pipeline will converted to an expression. To concatenate all piped
    objects in a single expression, use the unary comma operator, e.g.: `,$Object | ConvertTo-Expression`
    String[]. `ConvertTo-Expression` returns a PowerShell [String] expression for each input object.
.PARAMETER InputObject
    Specifies the objects to convert to a PowerShell expression. Enter a variable that contains the objects,
    or type a command or expression that gets the objects. You can also pipe one or more objects to
.PARAMETER LanguageMode
    Defines which types are allowed for the serialization, see: [About language modes][2]
    If a specific type isn't allowed in the given language mode, it will be substituted by:
    * **`$Null`** in case of a null value
    * **`$False`** in case of a boolean false
    * **`$True`** in case of a boolean true
    * **A number** in case of a primitive value
    * **A string** in case of a string or any other **leaf** node
    * `@(...)` for an array (**list** node)
    * `@{...}` for any dictionary, PSCustomObject or Component (aka **map** node)
    See the [PSNode Object Parser][1] for a detailed definition on node types.
.PARAMETER ExpandDepth
    Defines up till what level the collections will be expanded in the output.
    By default, restricted language types initializers are suppressed.
    When the `Explicit` switch is set, *all* values will be prefixed with an initializer
    (as e.g. `[Long]` and `[Array]`)
    > [!Note]
    > The `-Explicit` switch can not be used in **restricted** language mode
    In case a value is prefixed with an initializer, the full type name of the initializer is used.
    > [!Note]
    > The `-FullTypename` switch can not be used in **restricted** language mode and will only be
    > meaningful if the initializer is used (see also the [-Explicit] switch).
.PARAMETER HighFidelity
    By default the fidelity of an object expression will end when:
    1) the concerned object property is a leaf node (see: [PSNode Object Parser][1])
    2) the concerned object property contains a constructor that accepts a single `string` parameter
    If the `-HighFidelity` switch is supplied, the second condition is omitted, meaning that the
    all nested properties a collection node will be recursively serialized.
.PARAMETER ExpandSingleton
    (List or map) collections nodes that contain a single item will not be expanded unless this
    `-ExpandSingleton` is supplied.
    Specifies indent used for the nested properties.
    Specifies how many levels of contained objects are included in the PowerShell representation.
    The default value is define by the PowerShell object node parser (`[PSNode]::DefaultMaxDepth`).
    [1]: "PowerShell Object Parser"
    [2]: "About language modes"

function ConvertTo-Expression {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseApprovedVerbs', '')]
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([Object[]])] param(

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $True)]

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -ne 'NoLanguage' })]
        [PSLanguageMode]$LanguageMode = 'Restricted',

        [Alias('Expand')][Int]$ExpandDepth = [Int]::MaxValue,





        [String]$Indent = ' ',

        [Alias('Depth')][int]$MaxDepth = [PSNode]::DefaultMaxDepth

    begin {
        function StopError($Exception, $Id = 'IncorrectArgument', $Group = [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::SyntaxError, $Object){
            if ($Exception -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { $Exception = $Exception.Exception }
            elseif ($Exception -isnot [Exception]) { $Exception = [ArgumentException]$Exception }
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($Exception, $Id, $Group, $Object))

        if ($this.LanguageMode -eq 'NoLanguage') { Throw 'The language mode "NoLanguage" is not supported.' }
        if (-not ('ConstrainedLanguage', 'FullLanguage' -eq $LanguageMode)) {
            if ($Explicit)     { StopError 'The Explicit switch requires Constrained - or FullLanguage mode.' }
            if ($FullTypeName) { StopError 'The FullTypeName switch requires Constrained - or FullLanguage mode.' }

    process {
        $Node = [PSNode]::ParseInput($InputObject, $MaxDepth)
