
This function retrieves all user environment variables that start with "PSAOAI".
The Get-PSAOAIEnv function uses the .NET Environment class to get all user environment variables.
It then filters these variables to only include those that start with "PSAOAI".
The resulting list of variables is then formatted for display.
System.Collections.DictionaryEntry. Outputs a list of user environment variables that start with "PSAOAI".
    Author: Wojciech Napierala
    Date: 2024-04

function Get-PSAOAIEnv {
    param ()
    # Get all user environment variables using .NET Environment class
    # Filter the variables to only include those that start with "PSAOAI"
    # Format the resulting list for display
    ([environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables("user")).GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Key -like "PSAOAI*" } | Format-List