
Function Invoke-RunLab {
    Param (
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = "The path to the configuration folder. Normally, you should run all commands from within the configuration folder.")]
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })]
        [String]$Path = ".",
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Run the command but suppress all status messages.")]

    $Path = Convert-Path $path

    if (-Not $NoMessages) {

        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object @"
        This is the Run-Lab script. This script will perform the following:
        * Start the Lab environment
        Note! If this is the first time you have run this, it can take up to an hour
        for the DSC configurations to apply and converge.


    $LabName = Split-Path (Get-Location) -Leaf
    $DataPath = Join-Path $(Convert-Path $path) -ChildPath "*.psd1"

    if (-Not $NoMessages) {
        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan -Object "Starting the lab environment from $DataPath"
    $data = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $DataPath
    # Creates the lab environment without making a Hyper-V Snapshot
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($LabName, "Start Lab")) {

        try {
            Start-Lab -ConfigurationData $data -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {
            Write-Warning "Failed to start lab. Are you running this in the correct configuration directory? $($_.exception.message)"
            #bail out because no other commands are likely to work

        if (-Not $NoMessages) {

            Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object @"
            Next Steps:
            To enable Internet access for the VM's, run:
            Run the following to validate when configurations have converged:
            To stop the lab VM's:
            When the configurations have finished, you can checkpoint the VM's with:
            To quickly rebuild the labs from the checkpoint, run:
            To destroy the lab to build again:

    } #WhatIf