
$errorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

Describe 'Archive Unit Tests' {
    BeforeAll {
        # Import CommonTestHelper for Enter-DscResourceTestEnvironment, Exit-DscResourceTestEnvironment
        $testsFolderFilePath = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
        $testHelperFolderFilePath = Join-Path -Path $testsFolderFilePath -ChildPath 'TestHelpers'
        $commonTestHelperFilePath = Join-Path -Path $testHelperFolderFilePath -ChildPath 'CommonTestHelper.psm1'
        Import-Module -Name $commonTestHelperFilePath

        $script:testEnvironment = Enter-DscResourceTestEnvironment `
            -DscResourceModuleName 'PSDscResources' `
            -DscResourceName 'MSFT_Archive' `
            -TestType 'Unit'

    AfterAll {
        $null = Exit-DscResourceTestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $script:testEnvironment

    InModuleScope 'MSFT_Archive' {
        $script:validChecksumValues = @( 'SHA-1', 'SHA-256', 'SHA-512', 'CreatedDate', 'ModifiedDate' )

        $testUsername = 'TestUsername'
        $testPassword = 'TestPassword'
        $secureTestPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $testPassword -AsPlainText -Force

        $script:testCredential = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -ArgumentList @( $testUsername, $secureTestPassword )

        $script:testGuid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()

        Describe 'Get-TargetResource' {
            $testPSDrive = @{
                Root = 'Test PSDrive Name'
            Mock -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -MockWith { return $testPSDrive }

            $testInvalidArchivePathErrorMessage = 'Test invalid archive path error message'
            Mock -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -MockWith { throw $testInvalidArchivePathErrorMessage }

            $testInvalidDestinationErrorMessage = 'Test invalid destination error message'
            Mock -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -MockWith { throw $testInvalidDestinationErrorMessage }

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When checksum specified and Validate not specified' {
                $getTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Checksum = 'ModifiedDate'

                It 'Should throw an error for Checksum specified while Validate is false' {
                    $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.ChecksumSpecifiedAndValidateFalse -f $getTargetResourceParameters.Checksum, $getTargetResourceParameters.Path, $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                    { $null = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $errorMessage

            Context 'When invalid archive path specified' {
                $getTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should throw an error for invalid archive path' {
                    { $null = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $testInvalidArchivePathErrorMessage

            Mock -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When invalid destination specified' {
                $getTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should throw an error for invalid destination' {
                    { $null = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $testInvalidDestinationErrorMessage

            Mock -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified and destination does not exist' {
                $getTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the specified archive exists at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters

                It 'Should return a Hashtable' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should -BeTrue

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with 3 properties' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Keys.Count | Should -Be 3

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Path property as the specified path' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Path | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Path

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Destination property as the specified destination' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Destination | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Ensure property as Absent' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent'

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination does not exist, Validate specified as true, and Checksum specified' {
                $getTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Validate = $true
                    Checksum = 'ModifiedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the specified archive exists at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters

                It 'Should return a Hashtable' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should -BeTrue

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with 3 properties' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Keys.Count | Should -Be 3

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Path property as the specified path' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Path | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Path

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Destination property as the specified destination' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Destination | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Ensure property as Absent' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent'

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination exists, and archive is not expanded at destination' {
                $getTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified archive exists at the specified destination' {
                    $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters

                It 'Should return a Hashtable' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should -BeTrue

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with 3 properties' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Keys.Count | Should -Be 3

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Path property as the specified path' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Path | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Path

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Destination property as the specified destination' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Destination | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Ensure property as Absent' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent'

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination exists, archive is not expanded at destination, Validate specified as true, and Checksum specified' {
                $getTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Validate = $true
                    Checksum = 'CreatedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified archive exists at the specified destination' {
                    $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Checksum

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters

                It 'Should return a Hashtable' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should -BeTrue

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with 3 properties' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Keys.Count | Should -Be 3

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Path property as the specified path' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Path | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Path

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Destination property as the specified destination' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Destination | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Ensure property as Absent' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent'

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination exists, and archive is expanded at destination' {
                $getTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified archive exists at the specified destination' {
                    $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters

                It 'Should return a Hashtable' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should -BeTrue

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with 3 properties' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Keys.Count | Should -Be 3

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Path property as the specified path' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Path | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Path

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Destination property as the specified destination' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Destination | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Ensure property as Present' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present'

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination exists, archive is expanded at destination, Validate specified as true, and Checksum specified' {
                $getTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Validate = $true
                    Checksum = 'CreatedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified archive exists at the specified destination' {
                    $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Checksum

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters

                It 'Should return a Hashtable' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should -BeTrue

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with 3 properties' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Keys.Count | Should -Be 3

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Path property as the specified path' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Path | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Path

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Destination property as the specified destination' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Destination | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Ensure property as Present' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present'

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination exists, archive is expanded at destination, and credential specified' {
                $getTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Credential = $script:testCredential

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should mount a PSDrive' {
                    $mountPSDriveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $credentialParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $getTargetResourceParameters.Credential -DifferenceObject $Credential)

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $credentialParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -ParameterFilter $mountPSDriveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified archive exists at the specified destination' {
                    $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the mounted PSDrive' {
                    $removePSDriveParameterFilter = {
                        $nameParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $testPSDrive -DifferenceObject $Name)
                        $forceParameterCorrect = $Force -eq $true

                        return $nameParameterCorrect -and $forceParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -ParameterFilter $removePSDriveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters

                It 'Should return a Hashtable' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should -BeTrue

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with 3 properties' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Keys.Count | Should -Be 3

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Path property as the specified path' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Path | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Path

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Destination property as the specified destination' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Destination | Should -Be $getTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                It 'Should return a Hashtable with the Ensure property as Present' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present'

        Describe 'Set-TargetResource' {
            $testPSDrive = @{
                Root = 'Test PSDrive Name'
            Mock -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -MockWith { return $testPSDrive }

            $testInvalidArchivePathErrorMessage = 'Test invalid archive path error message'
            Mock -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -MockWith { throw $testInvalidArchivePathErrorMessage }

            $testInvalidDestinationErrorMessage = 'Test invalid destination error message'
            Mock -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -MockWith { throw $testInvalidDestinationErrorMessage }

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName 'New-Item' -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When checksum specified and Validate not specified' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Checksum = 'ModifiedDate'

                It 'Should throw an error for Checksum specified while Validate is false' {
                    $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.ChecksumSpecifiedAndValidateFalse -f $setTargetResourceParameters.Checksum, $setTargetResourceParameters.Path, $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $errorMessage

            Context 'When invalid archive path specified' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should throw an error for invalid archive path' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $testInvalidArchivePathErrorMessage

            Mock -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When invalid destination specified' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should throw an error for invalid destination' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $testInvalidDestinationErrorMessage

            Mock -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination does not exist, and Ensure specified as Present' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Present'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    $newItemParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $itemTypeParameterCorrect = $ItemType -eq 'Directory'

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $itemTypeParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -ParameterFilter $newItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should expand the archive to the specified destination' {
                    $expandArchiveToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $forceParameterCorrect = $Force -eq $false

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect -and $forceParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' -ParameterFilter $expandArchiveToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove the content of the opened archive from the directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $null

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination does not exist, and Ensure specified as Absent' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Absent'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to expand the archive to the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove the content of the opened archive from the directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $null

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination does not exist, Ensure specified as Present, Validate specified as true, and Checksum specified' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Present'
                    Validate = $true
                    Checksum = 'ModifiedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    $newItemParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $itemTypeParameterCorrect = $ItemType -eq 'Directory'

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $itemTypeParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -ParameterFilter $newItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should expand the archive to the specified destination based on the specified Checksum method' {
                    $expandArchiveToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Checksum
                        $forceParameterCorrect = $Force -eq $false

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect -and $forceParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' -ParameterFilter $expandArchiveToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove the content of the opened archive from the directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $null

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination does not exist, Ensure specified as Absent, Validate specified as true, and Checksum specified' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Absent'
                    Validate = $true
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to expand the archive to the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove the content of the opened archive from the directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination exists, and Ensure specified as Present' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Present'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should expand the archive to the specified destination' {
                    $expandArchiveToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $forceParameterCorrect = $Force -eq $false

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect -and $forceParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' -ParameterFilter $expandArchiveToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove the content of the opened archive from the directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $null

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination exists, and Ensure specified as Absent' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Absent'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to expand the archive to the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the content of the opened archive from the directory at the specified destination' {
                    $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' -ParameterFilter $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $null

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination exists, Ensure specified as Present, Validate specified as true, and Checksum specified' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Present'
                    Validate = $true
                    Checksum = 'CreatedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should expand the archive to the specified destination based on the specified Checksum method' {
                    $expandArchiveToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Checksum
                        $forceParameterCorrect = $Force -eq $false

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect -and $forceParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' -ParameterFilter $expandArchiveToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove the content of the opened archive from the directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $null

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination exists, Ensure specified as Absent, Validate specified as true, and Checksum specified' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Absent'
                    Validate = $true
                    Checksum = 'SHA-512'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should not attempt to mount a PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to expand the archive to the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the content of the opened archive from the directory at the specified destination' {
                    $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Checksum

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' -ParameterFilter $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove a mounted PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $null

            Context 'When valid archive path and destination specified, destination exists, and credential specified' {
                $setTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Credential = $script:testCredential

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should mount a PSDrive' {
                    $mountPSDriveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $credentialParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $setTargetResourceParameters.Credential -DifferenceObject $Credential)

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $credentialParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' -ParameterFilter $mountPSDriveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified archive path is valid' {
                    $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' -ParameterFilter $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should assert that the specified destination is valid' {
                    $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter = {
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' -ParameterFilter $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should expand the archive to the specified destination' {
                    $expandArchiveToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect = $ArchiveSourcePath -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $setTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $forceParameterCorrect = $Force -eq $false

                        return $archiveSourcePathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect -and $forceParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' -ParameterFilter $expandArchiveToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove the content of the opened archive from the directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the mounted PSDrive' {
                    $removePSDriveParameterFilter = {
                        $nameParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $testPSDrive -DifferenceObject $Name)
                        $forceParameterCorrect = $Force -eq $true

                        return $nameParameterCorrect -and $forceParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-PSDrive' -ParameterFilter $removePSDriveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $null

        Describe 'Test-TargetResource' {
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -MockWith { return @{ Ensure = 'Absent' } }

            Context 'When archive with specified path is not expanded at the specified destination and Ensure is specified as Present' {
                $testTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Present'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the state of the specified archive' {
                    $getTargetResourceParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -ParameterFilter $getTargetResourceParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Context 'When archive with specified path is not expanded at the specified destination and Ensure is specified as Absent' {
                $testTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Absent'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the state of the specified archive' {
                    $getTargetResourceParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -ParameterFilter $getTargetResourceParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should -BeTrue

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -MockWith { return @{ Ensure = 'Present' } }

            Context 'When archive with specified path is expanded at the specified destination and Ensure is specified as Present' {
                $testTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Present'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the state of the specified archive' {
                    $getTargetResourceParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -ParameterFilter $getTargetResourceParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should -BeTrue

            Context 'When archive with specified path is expanded at the specified destination and Ensure is specified as Absent' {
                $testTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Absent'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the state of the specified archive' {
                    $getTargetResourceParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Destination

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -ParameterFilter $getTargetResourceParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Context 'When archive with specified path is expanded at the specified destination, Validate and Checksum specified, and Ensure is specified as Present' {
                $testTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Present'
                    Validate = $true
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the state of the specified archive' {
                    $getTargetResourceParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $validateParameterCorrect = $Validate -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Validate
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Checksum

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect -and $validateParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -ParameterFilter $getTargetResourceParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should -BeTrue

            Context 'When archive with specified path is expanded at the specified destination, Credential specified, and Ensure is specified as Present' {
                $testTargetResourceParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Ensure = 'Present'
                    Credential = $script:testCredential

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the state of the specified archive' {
                    $getTargetResourceParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Path
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $testTargetResourceParameters.Destination
                        $credentialParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $testTargetResourceParameters.Credential -DifferenceObject $Credential)

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect -and $credentialParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -ParameterFilter $getTargetResourceParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should -BeTrue

        Describe 'Mount-PSDriveWithCredential' {
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $true }
            Mock -CommandName 'New-Guid' -MockWith { return $script:testGuid }
            Mock -CommandName 'Invoke-NewPSDrive' -MockWith { throw 'Test error from New-PSDrive' }

            Context 'When specified path is already accessible' {
                $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Credential = $script:testCredential

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Mount-PSDriveWithCredential @mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should test if the given path is already accessible' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Path
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new guid' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Guid' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new PSDrive' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Invoke-NewPSDrive' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                $mountPSDriveWithCredentialResult = Mount-PSDriveWithCredential @mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters

                It 'Should return null' {
                    $mountPSDriveWithCredentialResult | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $false }

            Context 'When specified path is not accessible, path contains a backslash but does not end with a backslash, and new PSDrive creation fails' {
                $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters = @{
                    Path = 'Test\Path'
                    Credential = $script:testCredential

                It 'Should throw an error for failed PSDrive creation' {
                    $expectedPath = $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Path.Substring(0, $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Path.IndexOf('\'))
                    $expectedErrorMessage = $script:localizedData.ErrorCreatingPSDrive -f $expectedPath, $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Credential.UserName
                    { $null = Mount-PSDriveWithCredential @mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $expectedErrorMessage

            $expectedPSDrive = New-MockObject -Type 'System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo'
            Mock -CommandName 'Invoke-NewPSDrive' -MockWith { return $expectedPSDrive }

            Context 'When specified path is not accessible, path contains a backslash but does not end with a backslash, and new PSDrive creation succeeds' {
                $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters = @{
                    Path = 'Test\Path'
                    Credential = $script:testCredential

                $expectedPSDrivePath = $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Path.Substring(0, $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Path.IndexOf('\'))

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Mount-PSDriveWithCredential @mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should test if the given path is already accessible' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Path
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should create a new guid' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Guid' -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should create a new PSDrive' {
                    $newPSDriveParameterFilter = {
                        $nameParameterCorrect = $Parameters.Name -eq $script:testGuid
                        $psProviderParameterCorrect = $Parameters.PSProvider -eq 'FileSystem'
                        $rootParameterCorrect = $Parameters.Root -eq $expectedPSDrivePath
                        $scopeParameterCorrect = $Parameters.Scope -eq 'Script'
                        $credentialParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Credential -DifferenceObject $Parameters.Credential)

                        return $nameParameterCorrect -and $psProviderParameterCorrect -and $rootParameterCorrect -and $scopeParameterCorrect -and $credentialParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Invoke-NewPSDrive' -ParameterFilter $newPSDriveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                $mountPSDriveWithCredentialResult = Mount-PSDriveWithCredential @mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters

                It 'Should return the PSDrive outputted from New-PSDrive' {
                    $mountPSDriveWithCredentialResult | Should -Be $expectedPSDrive

            Context 'When specified path is not accessible, path ends with a backslash, and new PSDrive creation succeeds' {
                $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath\'
                    Credential = $script:testCredential

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Mount-PSDriveWithCredential @mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should test if the given path is already accessible' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Path
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should create a new guid' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Guid' -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should create a new PSDrive' {
                    $newPSDriveParameterFilter = {
                        $nameParameterCorrect = $Parameters.Name -eq $script:testGuid
                        $psProviderParameterCorrect = $Parameters.PSProvider -eq 'FileSystem'
                        $rootParameterCorrect = $Parameters.Root -eq $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Path
                        $scopeParameterCorrect = $Parameters.Scope -eq 'Script'
                        $credentialParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Credential -DifferenceObject $Parameters.Credential)

                        return $nameParameterCorrect -and $psProviderParameterCorrect -and $rootParameterCorrect -and $scopeParameterCorrect -and $credentialParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Invoke-NewPSDrive' -ParameterFilter $newPSDriveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                $mountPSDriveWithCredentialResult = Mount-PSDriveWithCredential @mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters

                It 'Should return the PSDrive outputted from New-PSDrive' {
                    $mountPSDriveWithCredentialResult | Should -Be $expectedPSDrive

            Context 'When specified path is not accessible and path does not contain a backslash' {
                $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'
                    Credential = $script:testCredential

                It 'Should throw an error for an invalid path' {
                    $expectedErrorMessage = $script:localizedData.PathDoesNotContainValidPSDriveRoot -f $mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters.Path
                    { $null = Mount-PSDriveWithCredential @mountPSDriveWithCredentialParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $expectedErrorMessage

        Describe 'Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf' {
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When path exists as a leaf' {
                $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf @assertPathExistsAsLeafParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should test if path exists as a leaf' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameters.Path
                        $pathTypeParameterCorrect = $PathType -eq 'Leaf'

                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect -and $pathTypeParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $false }

            Context 'When path does not exist' {
                $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameters = @{
                    Path = 'TestPath'

                It 'Should throw an error for non-existent path' {
                    $expectedErrorMessage = $script:localizedData.PathDoesNotExistAsLeaf -f $assertPathExistsAsLeafParameters.Path
                    { Assert-PathExistsAsLeaf @assertPathExistsAsLeafParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $expectedErrorMessage

        Describe 'Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile' {
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $null }

            Context 'When item at destination does not exist' {
                $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameters = @{
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile @assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve item at destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

            $directoryItem = New-Object -TypeName 'System.IO.DirectoryInfo' -ArgumentList @( 'TestDirectory' )
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $directoryItem }

            Context 'When item at destination exists as a directory' {
                $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameters = @{
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile @assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve item at destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameters.Destination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

            $fileItem = New-Object -TypeName 'System.IO.FileInfo' -ArgumentList @( 'TestFile' )

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $fileItem }

            Context 'When item at destination exists as a file' {
                $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameters = @{
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should throw error for file at destination' {
                    $expectedErrorMessage = $script:localizedData.DestinationExistsAsFile -f $assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameters.Destination
                    { Assert-DestinationDoesNotExistAsFile @assertDestinationDoesNotExistAsFileParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $expectedErrorMessage

        Describe 'Test-ChecksumIsSha' {
            Context 'When specified checksum method name is a SHA method name' {
                $testChecksumIsShaParameters = @{
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-ChecksumIsSha @testChecksumIsShaParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                $testChecksumIsShaResult = Test-ChecksumIsSha @testChecksumIsShaParameters

                It 'Should return true' {
                    $testChecksumIsShaResult | Should -BeTrue

            Context 'When specified checksum method name is not a SHA method name' {
                $testChecksumIsShaParameters = @{
                    Checksum = 'CreatedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-ChecksumIsSha @testChecksumIsShaParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                $testChecksumIsShaResult = Test-ChecksumIsSha @testChecksumIsShaParameters

                It 'Should return false' {
                    $testChecksumIsShaResult | Should -BeFalse

            Context 'When specified checksum method name is less than 3 characters' {
                $testChecksumIsShaParameters = @{
                    Checksum = 'AB'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-ChecksumIsSha @testChecksumIsShaParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                $testChecksumIsShaResult = Test-ChecksumIsSha @testChecksumIsShaParameters

                It 'Should return false' {
                    $testChecksumIsShaResult | Should -BeFalse

        Describe 'ConvertTo-PowerShellHashAlgorithmName' {
            $convertToPowerShellHashAlgorithmNameParameters = @{
                DscHashAlgorithmName = 'SHA-256'

            It 'Should not throw' {
                { $null = ConvertTo-PowerShellHashAlgorithmName @convertToPowerShellHashAlgorithmNameParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

            $convertToPowerShellHashAlgorithmNameResult = ConvertTo-PowerShellHashAlgorithmName @convertToPowerShellHashAlgorithmNameParameters

            It 'Should return the specified algorithm name without the hyphen' {
                $convertToPowerShellHashAlgorithmNameResult | Should -Be 'SHA256'

        Describe 'Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash' {
            $testArchiveEntryFullName = 'TestArchiveEntryFullName'
            $expectedPowerShellHashAlgorithmName = 'SHA256'

            $mockArchiveEntry = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry'
            $mockFileStream = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.FileStream'

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -MockWith { return $testArchiveEntryFullName }
            Mock -CommandName 'ConvertTo-PowerShellHashAlgorithmName' -MockWith { return $expectedPowerShellHashAlgorithmName }
            Mock -CommandName 'Open-ArchiveEntry' -MockWith { throw 'Error opening archive entry' }
            Mock -CommandName 'New-Object' -MockWith { throw 'Error opening stream to file' }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-FileHash' -MockWith { throw 'Error retrieving hash'}
            Mock -CommandName 'Close-Stream' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When opening the specified archive entry fails' {
                $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters = @{
                    FilePath = 'TestPath'
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    HashAlgorithmName = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should throw error for failure while opening archive entry' {
                    $expectedErrorMessage = $script:localizedData.ErrorComparingHashes -f $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters.FilePath, $testArchiveEntryFullName, $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters.HashAlgorithmName
                    { $null = Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash @testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $expectedErrorMessage

            Mock -CommandName 'Open-ArchiveEntry' -MockWith { return $mockFileStream }

            Context 'When opening a stream to the specified file fails' {
                $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters = @{
                    FilePath = 'TestPath'
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    HashAlgorithmName = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should throw error for failure while opening a stream to the file' {
                    $expectedErrorMessage = $script:localizedData.ErrorComparingHashes -f $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters.FilePath, $testArchiveEntryFullName, $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters.HashAlgorithmName
                    { $null = Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash @testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $expectedErrorMessage

            Mock -CommandName 'New-Object' -MockWith { return $mockFileStream }

            Context 'When retrieving the file hash fails' {
                $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters = @{
                    FilePath = 'TestPath'
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    HashAlgorithmName = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should throw error for failure to retrieve the file hash or archive entry hash' {
                    $expectedErrorMessage = $script:localizedData.ErrorComparingHashes -f $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters.FilePath, $testArchiveEntryFullName, $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters.HashAlgorithmName
                    { $null = Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash @testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $expectedErrorMessage

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-FileHash' -MockWith {
                return @{
                    Algorithm = 'SHA-256'
                    Hash = 'TestHash1'

            Context 'When file hash matches archive entry hash' {
                $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters = @{
                    FilePath = 'TestPath'
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    HashAlgorithmName = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash @testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should convert the specified DSC hash algorithm name to a PowerShell hash algorithm name' {
                    $convertToPowerShellHashAlgorithmNameParameterFilter = {
                        $dscHashAlgorithmNameParameterCorrect = $DscHashAlgorithmName -eq $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters.HashAlgorithmName
                        return $dscHashAlgorithmNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'ConvertTo-PowerShellHashAlgorithmName' -ParameterFilter $convertToPowerShellHashAlgorithmNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should open the specified archive entry' {
                    $openArchiveEntryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-ArchiveEntry' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveEntryParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should open a stream to the specified file' {
                    $expectedArgumentList = @( $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters.FilePath, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open )

                    $newObjectParameterFilter = {
                        $typeNameParameterCorrect = $TypeName -eq 'System.IO.FileStream'
                        $argumentListParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $expectedArgumentList -DifferenceObject $ArgumentList)

                        return $typeNameParameterCorrect -and $argumentListParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Object' -ParameterFilter $newObjectParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the hashes of the specified file and the specified archive entry with the specified hash algorithm name' {
                    $getFileHashParameterFilter = {
                        $inputStreamParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFileStream -DifferenceObject $InputStream)
                        $algorithmParameterCorrect = $Algorithm -eq $expectedPowerShellHashAlgorithmName

                        return $inputStreamParameterCorrect -and $algorithmParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-FileHash' -ParameterFilter $getFileHashParameterFilter -Exactly 2 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the file stream and the archive entry stream' {
                    $closeStreamParameterFilter = {
                        $streamParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFileStream -DifferenceObject $Stream)
                        return $streamParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Stream' -ParameterFilter $closeStreamParameterFilter -Exactly 2 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash @testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters | Should -BeTrue

            $script:timesGetFileHashCalled = 0

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-FileHash' -MockWith {

                if ($script:timesGetFileHashCalled -eq 1)
                    return @{
                        Algorithm = 'SHA-256'
                        Hash = 'TestHash1'
                    return @{
                        Algorithm = 'SHA-1'
                        Hash = 'TestHash2'

            Context 'When file hash does not match archive entry hash' {
                $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters = @{
                    FilePath = 'TestPath'
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    HashAlgorithmName = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash @testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should convert the specified DSC hash algorithm name to a PowerShell hash algorithm name' {
                    $convertToPowerShellHashAlgorithmNameParameterFilter = {
                        $dscHashAlgorithmNameParameterCorrect = $DscHashAlgorithmName -eq $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters.HashAlgorithmName
                        return $dscHashAlgorithmNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'ConvertTo-PowerShellHashAlgorithmName' -ParameterFilter $convertToPowerShellHashAlgorithmNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should open the specified archive entry' {
                    $openArchiveEntryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-ArchiveEntry' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveEntryParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should open a stream to the specified file' {
                    $expectedArgumentList = @( $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters.FilePath, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open )

                    $newObjectParameterFilter = {
                        $typeNameParameterCorrect = $TypeName -eq 'System.IO.FileStream'
                        $argumentListParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $expectedArgumentList -DifferenceObject $ArgumentList)

                        return $typeNameParameterCorrect -and $argumentListParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Object' -ParameterFilter $newObjectParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the hashes of the specified file and the specified archive entry with the specified hash algorithm name' {
                    $getFileHashParameterFilter = {
                        $inputStreamParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFileStream -DifferenceObject $InputStream)
                        $algorithmParameterCorrect = $Algorithm -eq $expectedPowerShellHashAlgorithmName

                        return $inputStreamParameterCorrect -and $algorithmParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-FileHash' -ParameterFilter $getFileHashParameterFilter -Exactly 2 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the file stream and the archive entry stream' {
                    $closeStreamParameterFilter = {
                        $streamParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFileStream -DifferenceObject $Stream)
                        return $streamParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Stream' -ParameterFilter $closeStreamParameterFilter -Exactly 2 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    $script:timesGetFileHashCalled = 0
                    Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash @testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameters | Should -BeFalse

        Describe 'Get-ChecksumFromFileTimestamp' {
            $testFileInfo = New-Object -TypeName 'System.IO.FileInfo' -ArgumentList @( $TestDrive )
            $testFileCreationTimeChecksum = (Get-Date -Date $testFileInfo.CreationTime -Format 'G')
            $testFileLastWriteTimeChecksum = (Get-Date -Date $testFileInfo.LastWriteTime -Format 'G')

            Context 'When checksum specified as CreatedDate' {
                $getChecksumFromFileTimestampParameters = @{
                    File = $testFileInfo
                    Checksum = 'CreatedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-ChecksumFromFileTimestamp @getChecksumFromFileTimestampParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return the creation time of the file as a Checksum' {
                    Get-ChecksumFromFileTimestamp @getChecksumFromFileTimestampParameters | Should -Be $testFileCreationTimeChecksum

            Context 'When checksum specified as ModifiedDate' {
                $getChecksumFromFileTimestampParameters = @{
                    File = $testFileInfo
                    Checksum = 'ModifiedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-ChecksumFromFileTimestamp @getChecksumFromFileTimestampParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return the last write time of the file' {
                    Get-ChecksumFromFileTimestamp @getChecksumFromFileTimestampParameters | Should -Be $testFileLastWriteTimeChecksum

        Describe 'Get-TimestampForChecksum' {
            $testFileInfo = New-Object -TypeName 'System.IO.FileInfo' -ArgumentList @( $TestDrive )

            Context 'When checksum specified as CreatedDate' {
                $getTimestampForChecksumParameters = @{
                    File = $testFileInfo
                    Checksum = 'CreatedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TimestampForChecksum @getTimestampForChecksumParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return the creation time of the file as a Checksum' {
                    Get-TimestampForChecksum @getTimestampForChecksumParameters | Should -Be $testFileInfo.CreationTime

            Context 'When checksum specified as ModifiedDate' {
                $getTimestampForChecksumParameters = @{
                    File = $testFileInfo
                    Checksum = 'ModifiedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TimestampForChecksum @getTimestampForChecksumParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return the last write time of the file' {
                    Get-TimestampForChecksum @getTimestampForChecksumParameters | Should -Be $testFileInfo.LastWriteTime

        Describe 'Get-TimestampFromFile' {
            $testFileInfo = New-Object -TypeName 'System.IO.FileInfo' -ArgumentList @( $TestDrive )

            Context 'When Timestamp specified as CreationTime' {
                $getTimestampFromFileParameters = @{
                    File = $testFileInfo
                    Timestamp = 'CreationTime'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TimestampFromFile @getTimestampFromFileParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return the creation time of the file as a Checksum' {
                    Get-TimestampFromFile @getTimestampFromFileParameters | Should -Be $testFileInfo.CreationTime

            Context 'When Timestamp specified as LastWriteTime' {
                $getTimestampFromFileParameters = @{
                    File = $testFileInfo
                    Timestamp = 'LastWriteTime'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Get-TimestampFromFile @getTimestampFromFileParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return the last write time of the file as a Checksum' {
                    Get-TimestampFromFile @getTimestampFromFileParameters | Should -Be $testFileInfo.LastWriteTime

        Describe 'ConvertTo-CheckSumFromDateTime' {
            $testDate = Get-Date
            $testDateFromChecksum = (Get-Date -Date $testDate -Format 'G')

            Context 'When called with a datetime object set to now' {
                $convertToCheckSumFromDateTimeParameters = @{
                    Date = $testDate

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = ConvertTo-CheckSumFromDateTime @convertToCheckSumFromDateTimeParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return the date normalized to a string using format of ''G''' {
                    ConvertTo-CheckSumFromDateTime @convertToCheckSumFromDateTimeParameters | Should -Be $testDateFromChecksum

        Describe 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' {
            $testArchiveEntryFullName = 'TestArchiveEntryFullName'
            $testArchiveEntryLastWriteTime = Get-Date -Month 1
            $testTimestampFromChecksum = Get-Date -Month 2

            $mockArchiveEntry = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry'

            # This is the actual file info of this file since we cannot set the properties of mock objects
            $testFileInfo = New-Object -TypeName 'System.IO.FileInfo' -ArgumentList @( $TestDrive )
            $testFileFullName = $testFileInfo.FullName

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -MockWith { return $testArchiveEntryFullName }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ChecksumIsSha' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-TimestampForChecksum' -MockWith { return $testTimestampFromChecksum }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryLastWriteTime' -MockWith { return $testArchiveEntryLastWriteTime }

            Context 'When specified checksum method is not a SHA method and file timestamp from checksum does not match archive entry last write time' {
                $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters = @{
                    File = $testFileInfo
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    Checksum = 'ModifiedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum @testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified checksum method is a SHA method' {
                    $testChecksumIsShaParameterFilter = {
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters.Checksum
                        return $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ChecksumIsSha' -ParameterFilter $testChecksumIsShaParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the hash of the specified file matches the hash of the specified archive entry' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the timestamp of the specified file for the specified checksum method' {
                    $getTimestampForChecksumParameterFilter = {
                        $fileParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $testFileInfo -DifferenceObject $File)
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters.Checksum

                        return $fileParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-TimestampForChecksum' -ParameterFilter $getTimestampForChecksumParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the last write time of the specified archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryLastWriteTimeParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryLastWriteTime' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryLastWriteTimeParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum @testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-TimestampForChecksum' -MockWith { return $testArchiveEntryLastWriteTime }

            Context 'When specified checksum method is not a SHA method and file timestamp from checksum matches archive entry last write time' {
                $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters = @{
                    File = $testFileInfo
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    Checksum = 'CreatedDate'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum @testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified checksum method is a SHA method' {
                    $testChecksumIsShaParameterFilter = {
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters.Checksum
                        return $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ChecksumIsSha' -ParameterFilter $testChecksumIsShaParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the hash of the specified file matches the hash of the specified archive entry' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the timestamp of the specified file for the specified checksum method' {
                    $getTimestampForChecksumParameterFilter = {
                        $fileParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $testFileInfo -DifferenceObject $File)
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters.Checksum

                        return $fileParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-TimestampForChecksum' -ParameterFilter $getTimestampForChecksumParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the last write time of the specified archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryLastWriteTimeParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryLastWriteTime' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryLastWriteTimeParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum @testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters | Should -BeTrue

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ChecksumIsSha' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When specified checksum method is a SHA method and file hash does not match archive entry hash' {
                $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters = @{
                    File = $testFileInfo
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum @testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified checksum method is a SHA method' {
                    $testChecksumIsShaParameterFilter = {
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters.Checksum
                        return $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ChecksumIsSha' -ParameterFilter $testChecksumIsShaParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the hash of the specified file matches the hash of the specified archive entry' {
                    $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameterFilter = {
                        $filePathParameterCorrect = $FilePath -eq $testFileFullName
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $hashAlgorithmNameParameterCorrect = $HashAlgorithmName -eq $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters.Checksum

                        return $filePathParameterCorrect -and $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $hashAlgorithmNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash' -ParameterFilter $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to retrieve the timestamp of the specified file for the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-TimestampForChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to retrieve the last write time of the specified archive entry' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryLastWriteTime' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum @testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When specified checksum method is a SHA method and file hash matches archive entry hash' {
                $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters = @{
                    File = $testFileInfo
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    Checksum = 'SHA-512'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum @testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the specified checksum method is a SHA method' {
                    $testChecksumIsShaParameterFilter = {
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters.Checksum
                        return $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ChecksumIsSha' -ParameterFilter $testChecksumIsShaParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the hash of the specified file matches the hash of the specified archive entry' {
                    $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameterFilter = {
                        $filePathParameterCorrect = $FilePath -eq $testFileFullName
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $hashAlgorithmNameParameterCorrect = $HashAlgorithmName -eq $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters.Checksum

                        return $filePathParameterCorrect -and $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $hashAlgorithmNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHash' -ParameterFilter $testFileHashMatchesArchiveEntryHashParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to retrieve the timestamp of the specified file for the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-TimestampForChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to retrieve the last write time of the specified archive entry' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryLastWriteTime' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum @testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameters | Should -BeTrue

        Describe 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' {
            Context 'When archive entry name does not contain a backslash or a foward slash' {
                $testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters = @{
                    ArchiveEntryName = 'TestArchiveEntryName'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory @testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory @testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Context 'When archive entry name contains a backslash but does not end with a backslash' {
                $testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters = @{
                    ArchiveEntryName = 'TestArchive\EntryName'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory @testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory @testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Context 'When archive entry name contains a foward slash but does not end with a foward slash' {
                $testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters = @{
                    ArchiveEntryName = 'TestArchive/EntryName'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory @testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory @testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Context 'When archive entry name ends with a backslash' {
                $testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters = @{
                    ArchiveEntryName = 'TestArchiveEntryName\'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory @testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory @testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters | Should -BeTrue

            Context 'When archive entry name ends with a forward slash' {
                $testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters = @{
                    ArchiveEntryName = 'TestArchiveEntryName/'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { $null = Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory @testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory @testArchiveEntryNameIsDirectoryPathParameters | Should -BeTrue

        Describe 'Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination' {
            $testArchiveEntryFullName = 'TestArchiveEntryFullName'
            $testItemPathAtDestination = 'TestItemPathAtDestination'

            $mockArchive = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive'
            $mockArchiveEntry = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry'
            $mockFile = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.FileInfo'
            $mockDirectory = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.DirectoryInfo'

            Mock -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -MockWith { return $mockArchive }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -MockWith { return @( $mockArchiveEntry ) }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -MockWith { return $testArchiveEntryFullName }
            Mock -CommandName 'Join-Path' -MockWith { return $testItemPathAtDestination }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $null }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -MockWith { return $true }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory and does not exist at destination' {
                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockFile }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory and item with the same name exists at the destination but is a file' {
                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return 'NotAFileOrADirectory' }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory and item with the same name exists at the destination but is not a file or a directory' {
                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockDirectory }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory and directory with the same name exists at the destination' {
                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters | Should -BeTrue

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $null }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file and does not exist at destination' {
                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockDirectory }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file and item with the same name exists at the destination but is a directory' {
                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return 'NotAFileOrADirectory' }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file and item with the same name exists at the destination but is not a file or a directory' {
                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockFile }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists at the destination, and a checksum method is not specified' {
                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters | Should -BeTrue

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists at the destination, and files do not match by the specified checksum method' {
                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter = {
                        $fileParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFile -DifferenceObject $File)
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Checksum

                        return $fileParameterCorrect -and $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -ParameterFilter $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return false' {
                    Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters | Should -BeFalse

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists at the destination, and files match by the specified checksum method' {
                $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter = {
                        $fileParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFile -DifferenceObject $File)
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters.Checksum

                        return $fileParameterCorrect -and $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -ParameterFilter $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should return true' {
                    Test-ArchiveExistsAtDestination @testArchiveExistsAtDestinationParameters | Should -BeTrue

        Describe 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' {
            $testArchiveEntryFullName = 'TestArchiveEntryFullName'
            $testArchiveEntryLastWriteTime = Get-Date

            $testCopyFromStreamToStreamError = 'Test copy from stream to stream error'

            $mockArchiveEntry = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry'
            $mockFileStream = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.FileStream'

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' { return $testArchiveEntryFullName }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -MockWith { return $true }
            Mock -CommandName 'New-Item' -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName 'Open-ArchiveEntry' -MockWith { return $mockFileStream }
            Mock -CommandName 'New-Object' -MockWith {
                if ($TypeName -eq 'System.IO.FileStream')
                    return $mockFileStream
                elseif ($TypeName -eq 'System.IO.FileInfo')
                    return $null
            Mock -CommandName 'Copy-FromStreamToStream' -MockWith { throw $testCopyFromStreamToStreamError }
            Mock -CommandName 'Close-Stream' -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryLastWriteTime' -MockWith { return $testArchiveEntryLastWriteTime }
            Mock -CommandName 'Set-ItemProperty' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory' {
                $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    DestinationPath = 'TestDestinationPath'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination @copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the specified archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    $newItemParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters.DestinationPath
                        $itemTypeParameterCorrect = $ItemType -eq 'Directory'

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $itemTypeParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -ParameterFilter $newItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to open the specified archive entry' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-ArchiveEntry' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new file stream at the specified destination' {
                    $newObjectParameterFilter = {
                        $typeNameParameterIsFileStream = $TypeName -eq 'System.IO.FileStream'
                        return $typeNameParameterIsFileStream

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Object' -ParameterFilter $newObjectParameterFilter -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to copy the archive entry to the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-FromStreamToStream' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to close a file stream' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Stream' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new file info at the specified destination' {
                    $newObjectParameterFilter = {
                        $typeNameParameterIsFileStream = $TypeName -eq 'System.IO.FileInfo'
                        return $typeNameParameterIsFileStream

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Object' -ParameterFilter $newObjectParameterFilter -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to retrieve the last write time of the specified archive entry' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryLastWriteTime' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to set the last write time of the file at the specified destination' {
                    $setItemPropertyParameterFilter = {
                        $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime = $Name -eq 'LastWriteTime'
                        return $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Set-ItemProperty' -ParameterFilter $setItemPropertyParameterFilter -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to set the last access time of the file at the specified destination' {
                    $setItemPropertyParameterFilter = {
                        $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime = $Name -eq 'LastAccessTime'
                        return $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Set-ItemProperty' -ParameterFilter $setItemPropertyParameterFilter -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to set the creation time of the file at the specified destination' {
                    $setItemPropertyParameterFilter = {
                        $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime = $Name -eq 'CreationTime'
                        return $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Set-ItemProperty' -ParameterFilter $setItemPropertyParameterFilter -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination @copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -MockWith { return $false }

            Context 'When archive entry is not a directory and copying from stream to stream fails' {
                $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    DestinationPath = 'TestDestinationPath'

                It 'Should throw an error for failed copy from the file stream to the archive entry stream' {
                    $expectedErrorMessage = $script:localizedData.ErrorCopyingFromArchiveToDestination -f $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters.DestinationPath
                    { Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination @copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $expectedErrorMessage

            Mock -CommandName 'Copy-FromStreamToStream' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When archive entry is not a directory and copying from stream to stream succeeds' {
                $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveEntry = $mockArchiveEntry
                    DestinationPath = 'TestDestinationPath'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination @copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the specified archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create a new directory at the specified destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should open the specified archive entry' {
                    $openArchiveEntryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-ArchiveEntry' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveEntryParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should create a new file stream at the specified destination' {
                    $expectedArgumentList = @( $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters.DestinationPath, [System.IO.FileMode]::Create )

                    $newObjectParameterFilter = {
                        $typeNameParameterIsFileStream = $TypeName -eq 'System.IO.FileStream'
                        $argumentListParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $expectedArgumentList -DifferenceObject $ArgumentList)

                        return $typeNameParameterIsFileStream -and $argumentListParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Object' -ParameterFilter $newObjectParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should copy the archive entry to the destination' {
                    $copyFromStreamToStreamParameterFilter = {
                        $sourceStreamParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFileStream -DifferenceObject $SourceStream)
                        $destinationStreamParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFileStream -DifferenceObject $DestinationStream)

                        return $sourceStreamParameterCorrect -and $destinationStreamParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-FromStreamToStream' -ParameterFilter $copyFromStreamToStreamParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the archive entry stream and the file stream' {
                    $closeStreamParameterFilter = {
                        $streamParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFileStream -DifferenceObject $Stream)
                        return $streamParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Stream' -ParameterFilter $closeStreamParameterFilter -Exactly 2 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should create a new file info at the specified destination' {
                    $expectedArgumentList = @( $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters.DestinationPath )

                    $newObjectParameterFilter = {
                        $typeNameParameterIsFileStream = $TypeName -eq 'System.IO.FileInfo'
                        $argumentListParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $expectedArgumentList -DifferenceObject $ArgumentList)

                        return $typeNameParameterIsFileStream -and $argumentListParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Object' -ParameterFilter $newObjectParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the last write time of the specified archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryLastWriteTimeParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryLastWriteTime' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryLastWriteTimeParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should set the last write time of the file at the specified destination' {
                    $setItemPropertyParameterFilter = {
                        $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime = $Name -eq 'LastWriteTime'
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters.DestinationPath
                        $valueParameterCorrect = $Value -eq $testArchiveEntryLastWriteTime

                        return $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime -and $literalPathParameterCorrect -and $valueParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Set-ItemProperty' -ParameterFilter $setItemPropertyParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should set the last access time of the file at the specified destination' {
                    $setItemPropertyParameterFilter = {
                        $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime = $Name -eq 'LastAccessTime'
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters.DestinationPath
                        $valueParameterCorrect = $Value -eq $testArchiveEntryLastWriteTime

                        return $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime -and $literalPathParameterCorrect -and $valueParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Set-ItemProperty' -ParameterFilter $setItemPropertyParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should set the creation time of the file at the specified destination' {
                    $setItemPropertyParameterFilter = {
                        $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime = $Name -eq 'CreationTime'
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters.DestinationPath
                        $valueParameterCorrect = $Value -eq $testArchiveEntryLastWriteTime

                        return $nameParameterIsLastWriteTime -and $literalPathParameterCorrect -and $valueParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Set-ItemProperty' -ParameterFilter $setItemPropertyParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return' {
                    Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination @copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

        Describe 'Expand-ArchiveToDestination' {
            $testArchiveEntryFullName = 'TestArchiveEntryFullName'
            $testItemPathAtDestination = 'TestItemPathAtDestination'
            $testParentDirectoryPath = 'TestParentDirectoryPath'

            $mockArchive = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive'
            $mockArchiveEntry = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry'
            $mockFile = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.FileInfo'
            $mockDirectory = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.DirectoryInfo'

            Mock -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -MockWith { return $mockArchive }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -MockWith { return @( $mockArchiveEntry ) }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -MockWith { return $testArchiveEntryFullName }
            Mock -CommandName 'Join-Path' -MockWith { return $testItemPathAtDestination }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -MockWith { return $true }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $null }
            Mock -CommandName 'Split-Path' -MockWith { return $testParentDirectoryPath }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'New-Item' -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory and does not exist at destination' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $destinationPathParameterCorrect = $DestinationPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination

                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $destinationPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -ParameterFilter $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockFile }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory, item with the same name exists at the destination but is a file, and Force is not specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should throw an error for attempting to overwrite an existing item without specifying the Force parameter' {
                    $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.ForceNotSpecifiedToOverwriteItem -f $testItemPathAtDestination, $testArchiveEntryFullName
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $errorMessage

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory, item with the same name exists at the destination but is a file, and Force is specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Force = $true

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $destinationPathParameterCorrect = $DestinationPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination

                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $destinationPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -ParameterFilter $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $removeItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -ParameterFilter $removeItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return 'NotAFileOrADirectory' }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory, item with the same name exists at the destination but is not a file or a directory, and Force is not specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should throw an error for attempting to overwrite an existing item without specifying the Force parameter' {
                    $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.ForceNotSpecifiedToOverwriteItem -f $testItemPathAtDestination, $testArchiveEntryFullName
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $errorMessage

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory, item with the same name exists at the destination but is not a file or a directory, and Force is specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Force = $true

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $destinationPathParameterCorrect = $DestinationPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination

                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $destinationPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -ParameterFilter $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $removeItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -ParameterFilter $removeItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockDirectory }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory and directory with the same name exists at the destination' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $null }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file and does not exist at destination and the parent directory of the file does not exist' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $splitPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        $parentParameterCorrect = $Parent -eq $true

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $parentParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -ParameterFilter $splitPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testParentDirectoryPath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $newItemParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testParentDirectoryPath
                        $itemTypeParameterCorrect = $ItemType -eq 'Directory'

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $itemTypeParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -ParameterFilter $newItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $destinationPathParameterCorrect = $DestinationPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination

                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $destinationPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -ParameterFilter $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file and does not exist at destination and the parent directory of the file exists' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $splitPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        $parentParameterCorrect = $Parent -eq $true

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $parentParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -ParameterFilter $splitPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testParentDirectoryPath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $destinationPathParameterCorrect = $DestinationPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination

                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $destinationPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -ParameterFilter $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockDirectory }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, item with the same name exists at the destination but is a directory, and Force is not specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should throw an error for attempting to overwrite an existing item without specifying the Force parameter' {
                    $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.ForceNotSpecifiedToOverwriteItem -f $testItemPathAtDestination, $testArchiveEntryFullName
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $errorMessage

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, item with the same name exists at the destination but is a directory, and Force is specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Force = $true

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $destinationPathParameterCorrect = $DestinationPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination

                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $destinationPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -ParameterFilter $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $removeItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -ParameterFilter $removeItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return 'NotAFileOrADirectory' }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, item with the same name exists at the destination but is not a file or a directory, and Force is not specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should throw an error for attempting to overwrite an existing item without specifying the Force parameter' {
                    $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.ForceNotSpecifiedToOverwriteItem -f $testItemPathAtDestination, $testArchiveEntryFullName
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $errorMessage

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, item with the same name exists at the destination but is not a file or a directory, and Force is specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Force = $true

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $destinationPathParameterCorrect = $DestinationPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination

                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $destinationPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -ParameterFilter $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $removeItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -ParameterFilter $removeItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockFile }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists at the destination, and a checksum method is not specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists at the destination, files do not match by the specified checksum method, and Force is not specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should throw an error for attempting to overwrite an existing item without specifying the Force parameter' {
                    $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.ForceNotSpecifiedToOverwriteItem -f $testItemPathAtDestination, $testArchiveEntryFullName
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage $errorMessage

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists at the destination, files do not match by the specified checksum method, and Force is specified' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'
                    Force = $true

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $destinationPathParameterCorrect = $DestinationPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination

                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $destinationPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -ParameterFilter $copyArchiveEntryToDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter = {
                        $fileParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFile -DifferenceObject $File)
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Checksum

                        return $fileParameterCorrect -and $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -ParameterFilter $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $removeItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -ParameterFilter $removeItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists at the destination, and files match by the specified checksum method' {
                $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination exists' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to create the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'New-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to copy the archive entry to the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Copy-ArchiveEntryToDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter = {
                        $fileParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFile -DifferenceObject $File)
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $expandArchiveToDestinationParameters.Checksum

                        return $fileParameterCorrect -and $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -ParameterFilter $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove the existing item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Expand-ArchiveToDestination @expandArchiveToDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

        Describe 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' {
            $sortedTestDirectories = @( 'SortedTestDirectory' )
            $testDirectoryPathAtDestination = 'TestDirectoryPathAtDestination'
            $testDirectoryChildItem = @( 'TestChildItem' )

            Mock -CommandName 'Sort-Object' -MockWith { return $sortedTestDirectories }
            Mock -CommandName 'Join-Path' -MockWith { return $testDirectoryPathAtDestination }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ChildItem' -MockWith { return $null }
            Mock -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When specified directory does not exist at the specified destination' {
                $removeDirectoryFromDestination = @{
                    Directory = @( 'TestDirectory' )
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-DirectoryFromDestination @removeDirectoryFromDestination } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should sort the specified list of directories' {
                    $sortObjectParameterFilter = {
                        $inputObjectParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $removeDirectoryFromDestination.Directory -DifferenceObject $InputObject)
                        $descendingParameterCorrect = $Descending -eq $true
                        $uniqueParameterCorrect = $Unique -eq $true

                        return $inputObjectParameterCorrect -and $descendingParameterCorrect -and $uniqueParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Sort-Object' -ParameterFilter $sortObjectParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the path to the specified directory at the specified destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeDirectoryFromDestination.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $sortedTestDirectories[0]

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the directory exists at the destination' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testDirectoryPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt retrieve the child items of the directory at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ChildItem' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove the item' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-DirectoryFromDestination @removeDirectoryFromDestination | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-Path' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When specified directory exists at the specified destination and does not have child items' {
                $removeDirectoryFromDestination = @{
                    Directory = @( 'TestDirectory' )
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-DirectoryFromDestination @removeDirectoryFromDestination } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should sort the specified list of directories' {
                    $sortObjectParameterFilter = {
                        $inputObjectParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $removeDirectoryFromDestination.Directory -DifferenceObject $InputObject)
                        $descendingParameterCorrect = $Descending -eq $true
                        $uniqueParameterCorrect = $Unique -eq $true

                        return $inputObjectParameterCorrect -and $descendingParameterCorrect -and $uniqueParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Sort-Object' -ParameterFilter $sortObjectParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the path to the specified directory at the specified destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeDirectoryFromDestination.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $sortedTestDirectories[0]

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the directory exists at the destination' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testDirectoryPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the child items of the directory at the destination' {
                    $getChildItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testDirectoryPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ChildItem' -ParameterFilter $getChildItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the item' {
                    $removeItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testDirectoryPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -ParameterFilter $removeItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-DirectoryFromDestination @removeDirectoryFromDestination | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ChildItem' -MockWith { return $testDirectoryChildItem }

            Context 'When specified directory exists at the specified destination and has child items' {
                $removeDirectoryFromDestination = @{
                    Directory = @( 'TestDirectory' )
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-DirectoryFromDestination @removeDirectoryFromDestination } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should sort the specified list of directories' {
                    $sortObjectParameterFilter = {
                        $inputObjectParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $removeDirectoryFromDestination.Directory -DifferenceObject $InputObject)
                        $descendingParameterCorrect = $Descending -eq $true
                        $uniqueParameterCorrect = $Unique -eq $true

                        return $inputObjectParameterCorrect -and $descendingParameterCorrect -and $uniqueParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Sort-Object' -ParameterFilter $sortObjectParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the path to the specified directory at the specified destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeDirectoryFromDestination.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $sortedTestDirectories[0]

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the directory exists at the destination' {
                    $testPathParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testDirectoryPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-Path' -ParameterFilter $testPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the child items of the directory at the destination' {
                    $getChildItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testDirectoryPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ChildItem' -ParameterFilter $getChildItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove the item' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-DirectoryFromDestination @removeDirectoryFromDestination | Should -Be $null

        Describe 'Remove-ArchiveFromDestination' {
            $testArchiveEntryFullName = 'TestArchiveEntryFullName'
            $testItemPathAtDestination = 'TestItemPathAtDestination'
            $testParentDirectoryPath = 'TestParentDirectoryPath'

            $mockArchive = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive'
            $mockArchiveEntry = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry'
            $mockFile = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.FileInfo'
            $mockDirectory = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.DirectoryInfo'

            Mock -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -MockWith { return $mockArchive }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -MockWith { return @( $mockArchiveEntry ) }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -MockWith { return $testArchiveEntryFullName }
            Mock -CommandName 'Join-Path' -MockWith { return $testItemPathAtDestination }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -MockWith { return $true }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $null }
            Mock -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName 'Split-Path' -MockWith { return $null }
            Mock -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -MockWith { }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory and does not exist at destination' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove any directories from the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockFile }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory, item with the same name exists at the destination but is a file' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove any directories from the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return 'NotAFileOrADirectory' }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory and item with the same name exists at the destination but is not a file or a directory' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove any directories from the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockDirectory }

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory and directory with the same name exists at the root of the destination' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $splitPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        $parentParameterCorrect = $Parent -eq $true
                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $parentParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -ParameterFilter $splitPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the specified directory from the destination' {
                    $removeDirectoryFromDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $directoryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject @( $testArchiveEntryFullName ) -DifferenceObject $Directory)
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        return $directoryParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -ParameterFilter $removeDirectoryFromDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Split-Path' -MockWith {
                if ($Path -ne $testParentDirectoryPath)
                    return $testParentDirectoryPath

            Context 'When archive entry is a directory and directory with the same name exists within a parent directory at the destination' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $splitPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        $parentParameterCorrect = $Parent -eq $true
                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $parentParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -ParameterFilter $splitPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the specified directory and its parent directory from the destination' {
                    $removeDirectoryFromDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $directoryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject @( $testArchiveEntryFullName, $testParentDirectoryPath ) -DifferenceObject $Directory)
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        return $directoryParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -ParameterFilter $removeDirectoryFromDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -MockWith { return $false }
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $null }
            Mock -CommandName 'Split-Path' -MockWith { return $null }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file and does not exist at destination' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove any directories from the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockDirectory }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file and item with the same name exists at the destination but is a directory' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove any directories from the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return 'NotAFileOrADirectory' }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file and item with the same name exists at the destination but is not a file or a directory' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove any directories from the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { return $mockFile }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists at the root of the destination, and a checksum method is not specified' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $removeItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -ParameterFilter $removeItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $splitPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        $parentParameterCorrect = $Parent -eq $true
                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $parentParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -ParameterFilter $splitPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove any directories from the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Split-Path' -MockWith {
                if ($Path -ne $testParentDirectoryPath)
                    return $testParentDirectoryPath

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists within a parent directory at the destination, and a checksum method is not specified' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $removeItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -ParameterFilter $removeItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $splitPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        $parentParameterCorrect = $Parent -eq $true
                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $parentParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -ParameterFilter $splitPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the parent directory from the destination' {
                    $removeDirectoryFromDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $directoryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject @( $testParentDirectoryPath ) -DifferenceObject $Directory)
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        return $directoryParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -ParameterFilter $removeDirectoryFromDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists at the destination, and files do not match by the specified checksum method' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter = {
                        $fileParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFile -DifferenceObject $File)
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Checksum

                        return $fileParameterCorrect -and $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -ParameterFilter $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove an existing file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not attempt to remove any directories from the destination' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -Exactly 0 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null

            Mock -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -MockWith { return $true }

            Context 'When archive entry is a file, file with the same name exists at the destination, and files match by the specified checksum method' {
                $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters = @{
                    ArchiveSourcePath = 'TestArchiveSourcePath'
                    Destination = 'TestDestination'
                    Checksum = 'SHA-256'

                It 'Should not throw' {
                    { Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should open the archive' {
                    $openArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.ArchiveSourcePath
                        return $pathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Open-Archive' -ParameterFilter $openArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the entries of the specified archive' {
                    $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntries' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntriesParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the full name of the current archive entry' {
                    $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        return $archiveEntryParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ArchiveEntryFullName' -ParameterFilter $getArchiveEntryFullNameParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should find the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $joinPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        $childPathParameterCorrect = $ChildPath -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName

                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $childPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Join-Path' -ParameterFilter $joinPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should retrieve the item at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $getItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-Item' -ParameterFilter $getItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination matches the archive entry by the specified checksum method' {
                    $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter = {
                        $fileParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockFile -DifferenceObject $File)
                        $archiveEntryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchiveEntry -DifferenceObject $ArchiveEntry)
                        $checksumParameterCorrect = $Checksum -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Checksum

                        return $fileParameterCorrect -and $archiveEntryParameterCorrect -and $checksumParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum' -ParameterFilter $testFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksumParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the file at the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $removeItemParameterFilter = {
                        $literalPathParameterCorrect = $LiteralPath -eq $testItemPathAtDestination
                        return $literalPathParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-Item' -ParameterFilter $removeItemParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should attempt to find the parent directory of the desired path of the archive entry at the destination' {
                    $splitPathParameterFilter = {
                        $pathParameterCorrect = $Path -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        $parentParameterCorrect = $Parent -eq $true
                        return $pathParameterCorrect -and $parentParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Split-Path' -ParameterFilter $splitPathParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should test if the archive entry is a directory' {
                    $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect = $ArchiveEntryName -eq $testArchiveEntryFullName
                        return $archiveEntryNameParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ArchiveEntryIsDirectory' -ParameterFilter $testArchiveEntryIsDirectoryParameterFilter  -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should remove the parent directory from the destination' {
                    $removeDirectoryFromDestinationParameterFilter = {
                        $directoryParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject @( $testParentDirectoryPath ) -DifferenceObject $Directory)
                        $destinationParameterCorrect = $Destination -eq $removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters.Destination
                        return $directoryParameterCorrect -and $destinationParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-DirectoryFromDestination' -ParameterFilter $removeDirectoryFromDestinationParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should close the opened archive' {
                    $closeArchiveParameterFilter = {
                        $archiveParameterCorrect = $null -eq (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mockArchive -DifferenceObject $Archive)
                        return $archiveParameterCorrect

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Close-Archive' -ParameterFilter $closeArchiveParameterFilter -Exactly 1 -Scope 'Context'

                It 'Should not return anything' {
                    Remove-ArchiveFromDestination @removeArchiveFromDestinationParameters | Should -Be $null