function Register-PSFTeppScriptblock { <# .SYNOPSIS Registers a scriptblock under name, to later be available for TabExpansion. .DESCRIPTION Registers a scriptblock under name, to later be available for TabExpansion. This system supports two separate types of input: Full or Simple. Simple: The scriptblock simply must return string values. PSFramework will then do the rest of the processing when the user asks for tab completion. This is the simple-most way to implement tab completion, for a full example, look at the first example in this help. Full: A full scriptblock implements all that is needed to provide Tab Expansion. For more details and guidance, see the following concept help: Get-Help about_psf_tabexpansion .PARAMETER ScriptBlock The scriptblock to register. .PARAMETER Name The name under which the scriptblock should be registered. It is recommended to prefix the name with the module (e.g.: mymodule.<name>), as names are shared across all implementing modules. .PARAMETER Mode Whether the script provided is a full or simple scriptblock. By default, this function automatically detects this, but just in case, you can override this detection. .EXAMPLE Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name "psalcohol-liquids" -ScriptBlock { "beer", "mead", "wine", "vodka", "whiskey", "rum" } Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Get-Alcohol -Parameter Type -Name "psalcohol-liquids" In step one we set a list of questionable liquids as the list of available beverages for parameter 'Type' on the command 'Get-Alcohol' .EXAMPLE Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -Name MyFirstTeppScriptBlock Stores the scriptblock stored in $scriptBlock under the name "MyFirstTeppScriptBlock" .EXAMPLE $scriptBlock = { (Get-ChildItem (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName mymodule.path.scripts -Fallback "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts")).FullName } Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name mymodule-scripts -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -Mode Simple Stores a simple scriptblock that will return a list of strings under the name "mymodule-scripts". The system will wrap all the stuff around this that is necessary to provide Tab Expansion and filter out output that doesn't fit the user input so far. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [PSFramework.TabExpansion.TeppScriptMode] $Mode = "Auto" ) $scp = New-Object PSFramework.TabExpansion.ScriptContainer $scp.Name = $Name.ToLower() $scp.LastDuration = New-TimeSpan -Seconds -1 if ($Mode -like "Auto") { $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($ScriptBlock, [ref]$null, [ref]$null) $simple = $null -eq $ast.ParamBlock } elseif ($Mode -like "Simple") { $simple = $true } else { $simple = $false } if ($simple) { $scr = [scriptblock]::Create(@' param ( $commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter ) $start = Get-Date [PSFramework.TabExpansion.TabExpansionHost]::Scripts["<name>"].LastExecution = $start $innerScript = [ScriptBlock]::Create(([PSFramework.TabExpansion.TabExpansionHost]::Scripts["<name>"].InnerScriptBlock)) $items = $innerScript.Invoke() foreach ($item in ($items | Where-Object { "$_" -like "$wordToComplete*"} | Sort-Object)) { New-PSFTeppCompletionResult -CompletionText $item -ToolTip $item } [PSFramework.TabExpansion.TabExpansionHost]::Scripts["<name>"].LastDuration = (Get-Date) - $start '@.Replace("<name>", $Name.ToLower())) $scp.ScriptBlock = $scr $scp.InnerScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock } else { $scp.ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock } [PSFramework.TabExpansion.TabExpansionHost]::Scripts[$Name.ToLower()] = $scp } |