
function New-PSFRunspaceWorkflow {
        Creates a new runspace workflow.
        Creates a new runspace workflow.
        The workflow object is the core element of the runspace workflow system.
        It contains the workers, runspaces and queues that execute the workflow.
        All workflows are stored centrally and cen be retrieved using Get-PSFRunspaceWorkflow.
        To ensure proper cleanup, remember to use Remove-PSFRunspaceWorkflow when completed.
        The name of the workflow to create.
        Must be unique in the current runspace.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Allows overwriting an existing workflow of the same name.
        Note: Doing so will terminate all processing on the previous workflow.
        PS C:\> New-PSFRunspaceWorkflow -Name 'MyModule.MyWorkflow
        Creates a new Runspace Workflow with the name 'MyModule.MyWorkflow'

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (

    process {
        if ($script:runspaceWorkflows[$Name]) {
            if (-not $Force) {
                Stop-PSFFunction -String 'New-PSFRunspaceWorkflow.Error.ExistsAlready' -StringValues $Name -EnableException $true -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet


        $script:runspaceWorkflows[$Name] = [PSFramework.Runspace.RSWorkflow]::new($Name)