$scriptBlock = { $script:___ScriptName = 'psframework.taskengine' try { #region Main Execution while ($true) { # This portion is critical to gracefully closing the script if ([PSFramework.Runspace.RunspaceHost]::Runspaces[$___ScriptName].State -notlike "Running") { break } $task = $null $tasksDone = @() while ($task = [PSFramework.TaskEngine.TaskHost]::GetNextTask($tasksDone)) { $task.State = 'Running' try { [PSFramework.Utility.UtilityHost]::ImportScriptBlock($task.ScriptBlock) $task.ScriptBlock.Invoke() $task.State = 'Pending' } catch { $task.State = 'Error' $task.LastError = $_ Write-PSFMessage -EnableException $false -Level Warning -Message "[Maintenance] Task '$($task.Name)' failed to execute" -ErrorRecord $_ -FunctionName "task:TaskEngine" -Target $task -ModuleName PSFramework } $task.LastExecution = Get-Date if (-not $task.Pending -and ($task.Status -eq "Pending")) { $task.Status = 'Completed' } $tasksDone += $task.Name } # If there will no more tasks need executing in the future, might as well kill the runspace if (-not ([PSFramework.TaskEngine.TaskHost]::HasPendingTasks)) { break } Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } #endregion Main Execution } catch { } finally { [PSFramework.Runspace.RunspaceHost]::Runspaces[$___ScriptName].SignalStopped() } } Register-PSFRunspace -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -Name 'psframework.taskengine' -NoMessage |