
function Add-LeapLocation {
    Adds a leap point (A vista!) to the leap points database
    Long description
    The name of the leap point to save
    The path to save (can be relative or absolute)
    .PARAMETER Notes
    Any notes that you want to save about the vista
    .PARAMETER Include
    A regex pattern that will be checked against each vista path when retrieving vista
    .PARAMETER Scope
    Whether to store the leap point in memory only or persistently in the vista database
    Adds a persistent leap point with the name, path, and notes specified.
    PS> Add-LeapLocation -Name github -Path ~\Documents\Gitlab -Notes "Contains my personal gitlab account repos"
    Adds a persistent leap point to the current path with the specified name.
    PS> cd C:\Windows\System32; Add-LeapLocation -Name sys32

    param (
        $Path = $pwd,
        [ValidateSet("Persistent", "Temporary")]
        $Scope = $script:orb.DefaultStore

    $item = [Bookmark]@{
        Name    = $Name
        Path    = $Path
        Notes   = $Notes
        Include = $Include
    if ($Scope -eq "Temporary") {
        $item.TempText = $script:orb.TemporaryDesignation
        $script:orb.TempArgumentList += $item
    else {
        $script:orb.PersistentArgumentList += $item
function Get-LeapInternal {
    Retrieves the module internal object for fine tuning and manipulation
    The object returned is used to set various settings for storing, retrieving, and displaying vistas.
    PS> $internal = Get-Leapinternal
    PS> $internal.ListFormat = "{0}"
    Change the name of the text in the list view (PSReadline Ctrl + Space) for Set-LeapLocation
    to only display the name of the vista.
    (Default is to display the name and if it is a temporary/in-memory vista)
    See for possible replacements
    PS> $internal.TemporaryDesignation = " (!!)"
    Change the text to be used to denote which vistas are temporary (in memory only) in Set-LeapLocation parameter list view
    PS> $internal.PersistentArgumentList[0].Notes = "Cooler notes"
    PS> $internal.Export()
    Update the vista persistent database and set the 1st item's Notes to "Cooler Notes"
    PS> $internal.Update()
    Update the list view database (such as after changing data in the vista persistent database or an entry in $internal.TemporaryArgumentList)
    PS> $internal.DefaultStore = "Temporary"
    Set the default location for new vistas to be in memory instead of stored persistently to disk.
    PS> $internal.StartsWithFallback = $false
    Enable strict matching of vista names (default is true and will attempt to find a matching vista that starts with your $name text)

function Set-LeapLocation {
    Changes your current directory to a leap point (as stored in either the vista file or in memory)
    The name of the leap point (a vista!) that you want to travel to.
    Jumps to the specified leap point/vista (assuming you have a leap point titled sys32)
    PS> Set-LeapPoint sys32
    Jumps to the specified leap point/vista
    Assuming you have a leap point titled sys32 and StartsWithFallback has been left on
    PS> Set-LeapPoint sys
    General notes

    param (

    if ($bookmark = $script:orb.Get($Name)) {
        Set-Location $bookmark.Path
    else {
        throw "No leap point found for query '$Name'. Exiting."
class Bookmark {

    Bookmark() {}
    Bookmark([object]$obj) {
        $this.Name = $obj.Name
        $this.Path = $obj.Path
        $this.Notes = $obj.Notes
        $this.Include = $obj.Include
        $this.TempText = $obj.TempText
    Bookmark([string]$str) {
        $this.Name = $str

class LeapData {
    $DatabaseName = "PSLeapVistas.csv"
    $DatabaseDirectory = "~\Documents\PowerShell\Config\PSLeap"
    [ValidateSet("Persistent", "Temporary")]
    $DefaultStore = "Persistent"
    [string]$TemporaryDesignation = " (Temp)"
    [string]$ListFormat = "{0}{1}"
    $StartsWithFallback = $true
    hidden [bookmark[]]$ArgumentList

    LeapData() {}

    [bookmark[]] Get() { return $this.ArgumentList }
    [bookmark] Get([string]$Name) {
        if ($out = $this.ArgumentList.Where{ $_.Name -eq $Name }[0]) {}
        elseif ($this.StartsWithFallback -and ($out = $this.ArgumentList.Where{ $_.Name -like "$Name*" }[0])) {}

        if ($out) { return $out }
        else { return $null }

    Update() {
        $this.ArgumentList = @()
        if ($this.TempArgumentList.count) {
            $this.ArgumentList += $this.TempArgumentList | Sort-Object Name

        # Get persistent locations and add them to the db content
        if (Test-Path "$($script:orb.DatabaseDirectory)\$($script:orb.DatabaseName)") {
            $this.PersistentArgumentList = Import-Csv "$($script:orb.DatabaseDirectory)\$($script:orb.DatabaseName)"
            $this.ArgumentList += $this.PersistentArgumentList | Sort-Object Name

    Export() {
        mkdir -ea silent $this.DatabaseDirectory | Out-Null
        $this.PersistentArgumentList | Where-Object { -not $_.TempText } | Export-Csv "$($script:orb.DatabaseDirectory)\$($script:orb.DatabaseName)"
# I'm calling the master object an orb because it is short and sweet.
$script:orb = [LeapData]::new()

$script = {
    param ( $commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter )

    $script:orb.ArgumentList |
    Where-Object name -Like "$wordToComplete*" |
    Where-Object { $pwd -match $_.Include } |
    ForEach-Object {
        if ($_.Include) { $include = "`nInclude filter: {2}" }
        else { $include = '' }
            ($script:orb.ListFormat -f @(
                Split-Path -Leaf $_.Path
            ("{0}$include`n{1}" -f $_.Path, $_.Notes, $_.Include)

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Set-LeapLocation -ScriptBlock $script -ParameterName Name
