
Function New-RabbitMqConnectionFactory {
    Create a RabbitMQ client connection
    Create a RabbitMQ client connection
    Builds a RabbitMQ.Client.ConnectionFactory based on parameters, invokes CreateConnection method.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    RabbitMq host
    If SSL is specified, we use this as the SslOption server name as well.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Optional PSCredential to connect to RabbitMq with
    .PARAMETER CertPath
    Pkcs12/PFX formatted certificate to connect to RabbitMq with. Prior to connecting, please make sure the system trusts the CA issuer or self-signed SCMB certifiate.
    .PARAMETER CertPassphrase
    The SecureString Pkcs12/PFX Passphrase of the certificate.
    Optional Ssl version to connect to RabbitMq with
    If specified, we use ComputerName as the SslOption ServerName property.
    .PARAMETER vhost
    create a connection via the specified virtual host, default is /
    $Connection = New-RabbitMqConnectionFactory -ComputerName -Ssl Tls12 -Credential $Credential
    # Connect to over SSL (use tls 1.2), with credentials in $Credential
    $Connection = New-RabbitMqConnectionFactory -ComputerName
    # Connect to




        [int]$Port = 5672,



        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]


        Write-Progress -id 10 -Activity 'Create SCMB Connection' -Status 'Building connection' -PercentComplete 30

        $Factory = New-Object RabbitMQ.Client.ConnectionFactory
        #Add the hostname
        $HostNameProp = [RabbitMQ.Client.ConnectionFactory].GetField("HostName")
        $HostNameProp.SetValue($Factory, $ComputerName)

        $TcpPortProp = [RabbitMQ.Client.ConnectionFactory].GetField("Port")
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Ssl') -and 
             $Ssl -ne [Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]::None -and
            $TcpPortProp.SetValue($Factory, 5671)
        else {
            $TcpPortProp.SetValue($Factory, $Port)

        $SslOptionsParams = @{}
            'Ssl'            {
                if ( $Ssl -ne [Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]::None ) {
            'CertPath'       { $SslOptionsParams.Add('CertPath',$CertPath)}
            'CertPassphrase' { $SslOptionsParams.Add('CertPassphrase',$CertPassphrase)}
        Write-Progress -id 10 -Activity 'Create SCMB Connection' -Status 'Building connection' -PercentComplete 45

        if($vhost) {
            $vhostProp = [RabbitMQ.Client.ConnectionFactory].GetProperty("VirtualHost")
            $vhostProp.SetValue($Factory, $vhost)
        #Add cred and SSL info
            Add-RabbitMqConnCred -Credential $Credential -Factory $Factory -ErrorAction Stop
        if($SslOptionsParams.count -gt 0)
            New-RabbitMqSslOption @SslOptionsParams -ServerName $ComputerName -Factory $Factory -ErrorAction Stop
        $CreateConnectionMethod = [RabbitMQ.Client.ConnectionFactory].GetMethod("CreateConnection", [Type]::EmptyTypes)
        Write-Progress -id 10 -Activity 'Create SCMB Connection' -Status 'Attempting to establish connection' -PercentComplete 60

        #We're ready to go! Output is a connection
        $CreateConnectionMethod.Invoke($Factory, "instance,public", $null, $null, $null)
        Throw $_
