
# Libraries #

# Source Query documnetation from:
class SourceQueryBuffer {
    SourceQueryBuffer([byte[]]$buffer) {
        $this.buffer = $buffer

        $bufferTmp = $this.buffer.Clone()
        $this.lastNullCharacterPosition = $this.buffer.length - 1 - $bufferTmp.IndexOf( [byte]0 )

    [int] hidden $position
    [int] hidden $lastNullCharacterPosition

    [int]PeekByte() {
        $data = $this.buffer[ $this.position ]
        return $data
    [int]GetByte() {
        $data = $this.buffer[ $this.position - 1 ]
        return $data
    [int]GetShort() {
        $this.position += 2
        $data = [BitConverter]::ToInt16($this.buffer, $this.position - 2) #
        return $data
    [int]GetLong() {
        $this.position += 4
        $data = [BitConverter]::ToInt32($this.buffer, $this.position - 4)
        return $data
    [int]GetLongLong() {
        $this.position += 8
        $data = [BitConverter]::ToInt64($this.buffer, $this.position - 8)
        return $data
    [float]GetFloat() {
        #$bytes = $this.buffer[ ($this.position) .. ($this.position + 3) ]
        #[float[]]$floatArr = [float]($bytes.length / 4)
        # for ($i = 0; $i -lt $floatArr.Length; $i++) {
        # if ([BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {
        # [Array]::Reverse($bytes, $i * 4, 4)
        # }
        # $floatArr[$i] = [BitConverter]::ToSingle($bytes, $i * 4)
        # }
        #return $floatArr[0]

        $bytes = $this.buffer[ ($this.position) .. ($this.position + 3) ]
        if ([BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {
        $float = [BitConverter]::ToSingle($bytes, 0)
        $this.position += 4
        return $float
    [string]GetString() {
        $bufferRemaining = $this.buffer[ $($this.position) .. $( $this.buffer.Length - 1 ) ]
        $nullTerminatorPosition = $bufferRemaining.IndexOf( [byte]0 )
        $str = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($bufferRemaining[ 0 .. $nullTerminatorPosition ])
        $this.position += $nullTerminatorPosition + 1
        return $str.Trim("`0")
    [bool]HasMore() {
        if ($this.position -lt $this.lastNullCharacterPosition) {
            return $true
        return $false
    # Returns all bytes after the last Null Character Position until end of byte array
    [byte[]]GetRemainingBytes() {
        if ($this.lastNullCharacterPosition -eq -1) {
            return $null
        }else {
            $bytes = $this.buffer[ $($this.lastNullCharacterPosition + 1) .. $($this.buffer.Length - 1) ]
            return $bytes
        return $null
    [string]GetRemainingString() {
        $bytes = $this.GetRemainingBytes()
        if ($bytes -ne $null) {
            return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString( $bytes )
        return ''

Performs a Source Query.

Performs a Source Query.

DNS or IP address.


Source engine. May be one of the following: 'GoldSource', 'Source'.

Query type. Mya be one of the following: 'info', 'players', 'rules', 'ping'.

# Source Engine
# A2S_INFO query. Returns a hashtable of server metadata
SourceQuery -Address $address -Port $port -Engine 'Source' -Type 'info'
# A2S_PLAYER query. Returns a hashtable of players
SourceQuery -Address $address -Port $port -Engine 'Source' -Type 'players'
# A2S_RULES query, Returns a hashtable of server cvars
SourceQuery -Address $address -Port $port -Engine 'Source' -Type 'rules'
# A2A_PING query. Returns a hashtable of whether the ping was successful
SourceQuery -Address $address -Port $port -Engine 'Source' -Type 'ping'

# GoldSource Engine
# A2S_INFO query - Returns a hashtable of server metadata
SourceQuery -Address $address -Port $port -Engine 'GoldSource' -Type 'info'
# A2S_PLAYER query. Returns a hashtable of players
SourceQuery -Address $address -Port $port -Engine 'GoldSource' -Type 'players'
# A2S_RULES query, Returns a hashtable of server cvars
SourceQuery -Address $address -Port $port -Engine 'GoldSource' -Type 'rules'
# A2A_PING query. Returns a hashtable of whether the ping was successful
SourceQuery -Address $address -Port $port -Engine 'GoldSource' -Type 'ping'


A2A_PING is no longer supported on Counter Strike: Source and Team Fortress 2 servers, and is considered a deprecated feature. See:

function SourceQuery {
        [ValidateSet('Goldsource', 'Source')]
        [ValidateSet('info', 'players', 'rules', 'ping')]
    try {
        # Determine the IP
        $Address = Resolve-DNS -Address $Address

        Write-Verbose "Sending SourceQuery to $Address`:$Port"

        # Constants (Request Body)
        $A2S_INFO = 0x54
        $A2S_PLAYER = 0x55
        $A2S_RULES = 0x56
        $A2A_PING = 0x69
        $A2S_SERVERQUERY_GETCHALLENGE = 0x57 # Deprecated

        if (!$Address) { throw "Invalid address" }

        # Set up UDP Socket
        $remoteEP  = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($Address), $Port)
        $udpClient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
        $udpClient.Client.SendTimeout = 500
        $udpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 500

        $requestBody = ''
        if ($Type -match 'info') {
            $requestBody = $A2S_INFO
        }elseif ($Type -match 'players') {
            $requestBody = $A2S_PLAYER
        }elseif ($Type -match 'rules') {
            $requestBody = $A2S_RULES
        }elseif ($Type -match 'ping') {
            $requestBody = $A2A_PING

        function SendPacket ($pack) {
            Debug-Packet $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $pack
            $udpClient.Send($pack, $pack.Length) > $null
        function ReceivePacket {
            $pack = $udpClient.Receive([ref]$remoteEP)
            Debug-Packet $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $pack

        function GetQueryData ([byte[]]$rPack) {
            if ($requestBody -eq $A2S_INFO) {
                $pack = @(255,255,255,255) + $requestBody + [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes('Source Engine Query') + 0
                SendPacket $pack
                $rPack = ReceivePacket
                if (!$rPack.Length) { return }

                if ($rPack.length -eq 9 -and $rPack[4] -eq 0x41) {
                    # In Counter-Strike 2, if the client is not localhost, the reponse is always a challenge
                    # Got a challenge response. Send challenge request
                    $pack = @(255,255,255,255) + $requestBody + [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes('Source Engine Query') + 0 + $rPack[5..8]
                    SendPacket $pack
                    $rpack = ReceivePacket
                    if (!$rPack.Length) { return }

                $buffer = [SourceQueryBuffer]::New($rPack)
                $Junk = $buffer.GetLong()
                $Header = $buffer.GetByte()

                if ($Header -eq 0x6C) {
                    # 'l' - Banned by the server.
                    $Info = [ordered]@{
                        Message = $buffer.GetString()
                        Banned = $true
                }else {
                    if ($Header -eq 0x6D) {
                        # 'm' - Obsolute Goldsource
                        $Info = [ordered]@{
                            Address = $buffer.GetString()
                            Name = $buffer.GetString()
                            Map = $buffer.GetString()
                            # ....
                    }else {
                        $Info = [ordered]@{
                            Protocol = $buffer.GetByte()
                            Name = $buffer.GetString()
                            Map = $buffer.GetString()
                            Folder = $buffer.GetString()
                            Game = $buffer.GetString()
                            ID = $buffer.GetShort()
                            Players = $buffer.GetByte()
                            Max_players = $buffer.GetByte()
                            Bots = $buffer.GetByte()
                            Server_type = $buffer.GetByte()
                            Environment = & {
                                                switch ( [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($buffer.GetByte()) ) {
                                                    'l' { 'linux'; break }
                                                    'w' { 'windows'; break }
                                                    'm' { 'mac'; break }
                                                    default: { '' }
                            Visibility = if ($buffer.GetByte() -eq 0) { 'public' } else { 'public'}
                            VAC = if ($buffer.GetByte() -eq 0) { 'secured' } else { 'unsecured' }

                        if ($Info['ID'] -eq 2400) {
                            # AppID 2400 is The Ship
                            $Info['Mode'] = $buffer.GetByte()
                            $Info['Witnesses'] = $buffer.GetByte()
                            $Info['Duration '] = $buffer.GetByte()

                        $Info['Version'] = $buffer.GetString()

                        $extraDataFlag = $buffer.GetByte()
                        if ($extraDataFlag -band 0x80) {
                            # Server's game port number
                            $Info['Port'] = $buffer.GetShort()
                        }elseif ($extraDataFlag -band 0x80) {
                            # Server's SteamID
                            $Info['SteamID'] = $buffer.GetLongLong()
                        }elseif ($extraDataFlag -band 0x40) {
                            # Source TV port and name
                            $Info['Port'] = $buffer.GetShort()
                            $Info['Name'] = $buffer.GetString()
                        }elseif ($extraDataFlag -band 0x20) {
                            # Tags that describe the game according to the server (for future use.)
                            $Info['Keywords'] = $buffer.GetString()
                        }elseif ($extraDataFlag -band 0x01) {
                            # The server's 64-bit GameID. If this is present, a more accurate AppID is present in the low 24 bits. The earlier AppID could have been truncated as it was forced into 16-bit storage.
                            $Info['GameID'] = $buffer.GetLongLong()
                return $Info
            }elseif ($requestBody -eq $A2S_PLAYER) {
                # Send a challenge request
                $pack = @(255,255,255,255) + $requestBody + @( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
                SendPacket $pack
                $rpack = ReceivePacket
                if (!$rPack.Length) { return }

                # Are we banned?
                $buffer = [SourceQueryBuffer]::New($rPack)
                $Header = $buffer.GetByte()
                if ($Header -eq 0x6C) {
                    # 'l' - Banned by the server.
                    $Players = [ordered]@{
                        Message = $buffer.GetString()
                        Banned = $true
                }else {
                    # A2S_PLAYER request
                    $pack = @(255,255,255,255) + $requestBody + $rpack[5..8]
                    SendPacket $pack
                    $rpack = ReceivePacket
                    if (!$rPack.Length) { return }

                    $buffer = [SourceQueryBuffer]::New($rPack)
                    $Junk = $buffer.GetLong()
                    $Header = $buffer.GetByte()

                    $Players = [ordered]@{
                        Players_count = $buffer.GetByte()
                        Players = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                    if ($Players['Players_count'] -gt 0) {
                        1..$Players['Players_count'] | % {
                            $player = [ordered]@{
                                Index = $buffer.GetByte()
                                Name = $buffer.GetString()
                                Score = $buffer.GetLong()
                                Duration = $buffer.GetFloat()
                            $duration = [int]($player['Duration'])
                            $duration = New-Timespan -Seconds $duration
                            $player['Duration_hh_mm_ss'] = if ($duration.Hours -gt 0) { $duration.ToString('hh\:mm\:ss') } else { $duration.ToString('mm\:ss') }

                            $Players['Players'].Add( $player ) > $null
                return $Players
            }elseif ($requestBody -eq $A2S_RULES) {
                # Send a challenge request
                $pack = @(255,255,255,255) + $requestBody + @( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
                SendPacket $pack
                $rpack = ReceivePacket
                if (!$rPack.Length) { return }

                # Are we banned?
                $buffer = [SourceQueryBuffer]::New($rPack)
                $Junk = $buffer.GetLong()
                $Header = $buffer.GetByte()
                if ($Header -eq 0x6C) {
                    # 'l' - Banned by the server.
                    $Rules = [ordered]@{
                        Message = $buffer.GetString()
                        Banned = $true
                }else {
                    # A2S_RULES request
                    $pack = @(255,255,255,255) + $requestBody + $rpack[5..8]
                    SendPacket $pack

                    try {
                        $rPack = ''
                        $Rules = [ordered]@{
                            Rules_count = 0
                            Rules = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

                        $cnt = 0
                        while ($rPack = ReceivePacket) {
                            $buffer = [SourceQueryBuffer]::New($rPack)

                            # Packet Header
                            $packetHeader = $buffer.GetLong() # 4

                            if ($packetHeader -eq -2) {

                                # PacketID
                                $packetIDTmp = $buffer.GetLong() # 4
                                if ($packetID -ne $null -and $packetID -ne $packetIDTmp) {
                                    # Invalid multipacket packetID. PacketID does not match the multipacket set's packetID
                                $packetID = $packetIDTmp

                                # PacketCount
                                # PacketNumber and PacketSize for newer Source Engines only
                                if ($Engine -match '^Source$') {
                                    $packetCount = $buffer.GetByte() # 1
                                    $packetNumber = $buffer.GetByte() # 1
                                    $packetSize = $buffer.GetShort() # 2
                                }elseif ($Engine -match '^Goldsource$') {
                                    if ($cnt -eq 0) {
                                        $packetCount = $buffer.GetByte() # 1
                                    }else {
                                        $Junk_0x12 = $buffer.GetByte() # 1

                            # FF FF FF FF, Header, and Rule count in first packet
                            if ($cnt -eq 0) {
                                $Junk = $buffer.GetLong()
                                $Header = $buffer.GetByte()
                                $Rules_count = $buffer.GetShort()

                                $Rules['Rules_count'] += $Rules_count

                            while ($buffer.HasMore()) {
                                $rule = [ordered]@{
                                    Name =  if ($remainderString) {
                                                # Prepend the remainder of the previous tuncated packet to this first entry of current packet
                                                $remainderString + $buffer.GetString()
                                            } else { $buffer.GetString() }
                                    Value = $buffer.GetString()
                                $Rules['Rules'].Add( $rule ) > $null
                                $remainderString = ''
                            $remainderString = $buffer.GetRemainingString()
                            if ($remainderString -eq '') {
                    }catch {
                        if ($rPack -eq $null) { throw }
                return $Rules
            }elseif ($requestBody -eq $A2A_PING) {
                # A2A_PING is no longer supported on Counter Strike: Source and Team Fortress 2 servers, and is considered a deprecated feature. See:

                # A2A_PING request
                $pack = @(255,255,255,255) + $requestBody
                SendPacket $pack
                $rpack = ReceivePacket
                if (!$rPack.Length) { return }

                # Are we banned?
                $buffer = [SourceQueryBuffer]::New($rPack)
                $Junk = $buffer.GetLong()
                $Header = $buffer.GetByte()
                if ($Header -eq 0x6C) {
                    # 'l' - Banned by the server.
                    $Ping = [ordered]@{
                        Message = $buffer.GetString()
                        Banned = $true

                $ping_response = $buffer.GetByte()
                $Ping = [ordered]@{
                    Success = $true
                return $Ping
        function GetResponse ($pack) {
            $response = $enc.GetString( $pack[5..($pack.Length - 1)] )

        function Debug-Packet ($label, $pack) {
            if ($pack) {
                Write-Verbose "[$label]"
                #Write-Verbose "pack: $pack"
                Write-Verbose "pack: $( $pack | % { $_.ToString('X2').PadLeft(2) } )"
                Write-Verbose "pack: "
                Write-Verbose "$( $pack | % { if ($_ -eq 0x00) { "\".PadLeft(2) } else { [System.Text.Encoding]::Utf8.GetString($_).Trim().PadLeft(2) } } )"
                Write-Verbose "length: $($pack.Length)"
                Write-Verbose ""

        # Query
        $answer = GetQueryData
    }catch {
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq 'Stop') {
        }else {
            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_