
function ConvertTo-ServiceUrl
        Converts parameters into a full URL for a Pipeworks Service
        Converts parameters into a full URL for a Pipeworks web service.
        This allows you to easily call another a Pipeworks web service with a uniform URL.
        This can work because all Pipeworks services have a very uniform URL format:
        ConvertTo-ServiceUrl -ServiceUrl "" -CommandName "Write-ScriptHTML" -Parameter @{
            Text = "'hello world'"

    # The root URL of the web service

    # The name of the command in the Pipeworks module.

    # The name of the command in the Pipeworks module.

    # If set, will get a URL to return the XML

    process {
        #region Create a GET string
        # Carry over the parameters
        $actionUrl  = foreach ($kv in $Parameter.GetEnumerator()) {

        $actionUrl  = "/${CommandName}/?" + ($actionUrl -join '&')
        #endregion Create a GET string

        if ($AsXml) {
            $actionUrl  += "&AsXml=true"
        if ($ServiceUrl) {
            $actionUrl   = "$ServiceUrl".TrimEnd("/") + $actionUrl
