
### HTML can be horrible.
Making most sites requires a fairly deep understanding of how HTML renders in various browsers, how CSS fits into the picture, which javascript framework to use, and how to put it all together. However, you can create fairly advanced sites and services in Pipeworks without knowing any HTML.
Since a PowerShell module doesn't need to contain any commands, you can make a simple NOHTML site by creating an empty module with a simple topic or two:
    # Create a directory to contain the topics
    New-Item "$home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\NoHTML\$(Get-Culture)\" -Force -ItemType Directory |
    # Put a sparse module manifest in the directory.
    # The only thing that's "really" required in a Pipeworks manifest is the version
    "@{ModuleVersion = '1.0'}" |
        Set-Content $home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\NoHTML\NOHtml.psd1
    Hello World
    # This is important!
    ### This is less important
    " |
        Set-Content $home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\NoHTML\Hello_World.help.txt
    Import-Module NoHTML -Force -PassThru | ConvertTo-ModuleService -Force