
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using module ..\private\PnPWsl2Helpers.psm1
    This function extracts the value of the HELP_MESSAGE variable from a Bash script.
    The GetScriptHelpMessage function takes one parameter: the name of a Bash script file.
    It reads the content of the file, uses a regular expression to find the value of the HELP_MESSAGE variable,
    and then returns this value.
    The name of the Bash script file from which the HELP_MESSAGE value is to be extracted. This should be a valid file name.
    GetScriptHelpMessage -fileName ""
    This command extracts the value of the HELP_MESSAGE variable from the "" file.
    The function uses the Get-Content cmdlet to read the content of the file.
    It uses the [regex]::Match method to find the value of the HELP_MESSAGE variable.

class ValidateWslCandy : IValidateSetValuesGenerator {

    [string]GetScriptHelpMessage($fileName) {
        # Read the content of the Bash script
        $scriptContent = Get-Content -Path $fileName -Raw
        # Use regular expression to extract the value of HELP_MESSAGE
        $helpMessageRegex = 'HELP_MESSAGE="(.*?)"'
        $helpMessage = [regex]::Match($scriptContent, $helpMessageRegex).Groups[1].Value
        return $helpMessage
    This function retrieves the base distribution path of a given file.
    The GetBaseDistributionPath function takes one parameter: the name of a file.
    It replaces the WslCandyFolder path in the file name with an empty string, effectively retrieving the base distribution path of the file.
    The name of the file for which the base distribution path is to be retrieved. This should be a valid file name.
    GetBaseDistributionPath -fileName "C:\WslTools\file.txt"
    This command retrieves the base distribution path of the "file.txt" file.

    [string]GetBaseDistributionPath($fileName) {
        $toolsFolder = ((Get-ModuleConfiguration).WslCandyFolder).ToLower()
        $fileName = $fileName.ToLower()
        $path = $fileName.Replace($toolsFolder, "")
        return $path
    Generates valid values for WSL tools
    This class implements the IValidateSetValuesGenerator interface to generate valid values for WSL tools.
    The GetValidValues method retrieves a list of filenames in the "mods" folder and performs some modifications to generate valid values.


    [string[]] GetValidValues() {
        ## get all filenames in mods folder
        $config = Get-ModuleConfiguration
        $currentActiveFolder = $config.WslCandyFolder
        $mods = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $currentActiveFolder -Filter "*.sh"  -Recurse | `
                where-Object { $_.FullName -notlike "*\_core\*" } |`
                Select-Object  `
            @{name = 'Name'; expression = { $, 2) + "-" + $ + "-" + [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.Name) } }, `
            @{name = 'Description'; expression = { $this.GetScriptHelpMessage($_.FullName) } }, `
            @{name = 'BaseName'; expression = { $_.Name } }, `
            @{name = 'BaseDistributionPath'; expression = { $this.GetBaseDistributionPath($_.FullName) } }, `
            @{name = 'FullPath'; expression = { $_.FullName.ToLower().replace("\", "\\") } }, `
            @{name = 'Root'; expression = { $ } }, `
            @{name = 'Scope'; expression = { $ } } `
        # ## add all options to the list as an item
        # $allTmp = @{
        # Name = "*AllCandy*"
        # Description = "This option will install all available Candy."
        # BaseName = "*"
        # FullPath = "*"
        # Root = "*"
        # Scope = "*"
        # }
        # $mods += $allTmp
        $env:PNPWSL2_Candy = $mods | ConvertTo-Json  ## converto to json 'cause is an environment variable
        return $mods.Name     