
    This resoure manages print queues installed on the local computer. It enables to install/remove a print queue and configure its basic properties.
    $Name: The name of the print queue.
    $Ensure: [Present|Absent]
    $IPAddress: The printer port managed through Win32_TcpIpPrinterPort WMI class.
    $DriverName: The name of the print driver.
            If the cPrintDriverUpdater resource is used to manage print drivers then it should correspond
            to value of the name attribute in the configuration database. See the topic about_cPrintDriverUpdater
            for more details.
    $FarmName: This property is specific to the PrintHA solution, which enables to manage different sets of print queues
            on different server farms. Because of this, it is necessary to create the registry key
            HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters with a multi-string value
            OptionalNames containing at least one farm name (logical alphanumeric identifier) corresponding to this value.
    $ShareName: If this property has a value then the print queue is shared under this name.
    $Location: The location of the printer.
    $Comment: An additional comment displayed with the printer.
    $KeepWhenLeavingFarm: A boolean value controlling that the print queue is not to be removed when the server is removed from the farm.
    $Published: A boolean value controlling whether the print queue is to be published in Active Directory or not.
    $Color: A boolean value controlling whether color printing is enabled or not.
    $DaclInJSONFormat: String in JSON format specifying the DACL (Discretionary Access Control List) of the print queue.
                See the topic about_cPrinter_ACL.help.txt for more details.
    $NoDefaultAdminPermissions: This boolean variable (default is $false) controls whether the resource adds default permissions to
                    administrators above the DACL specified in $DaclInJSONFormat or not.
                    See the topic about_cPrinter_ACL.help.txt for more details.