

# Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order.
# List commits that are reachable by following the `parent` links from the given commit(s), but
# exclude commits that are reachable from the one(s) given with a ^ in front of them. The output
# is given in reverse chronological order by default.
function Invoke-GitRevList {
    param (
        # Commits to start from.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]

        # Commit limiting

        # Limit the number of commits to output.

        # Skip number commits before starting to show the commit output.

        # Show commits more recent than a specific date.

        # Show all commits more recent than a specific date. This visits all commits in the range,
        # rather than stopping at the first commit which is older than a specific date.

        # Show commits older than a specific date.

        # ...

        # History Simplification

        # Bisection Helpers

        # Commit Ordering

        # Object Traversal

        # Commit Formatting

        # ...

        # Print a number stating how many commits would have been listed, and suppress all other
        # output.

    $Arguments = $Commits

    # Commit limiting

    if ($null -ne $MaxCount) {
        $Arguments += "--max-count=$MaxCount"

    if ($null -ne $Skip) {
        $Arguments += "--skip=$Skip"

    if ($null -ne $Since) {
        $Arguments += "--since=$($Since.ToString("o"))"

    if ($null -ne $SinceAsFilter) {
        $Arguments += "--since-as-filter=$($SinceAsFilter.ToString("o"))"

    if ($null -ne $Until) {
        $Arguments += "--until=$($Until.ToString("o"))"

    # ...

    # History Simplification

    # Bisection Helpers

    # Commit Ordering

    # Object Traversal

    # Commit Formatting

    # ...

    if ($Count) {
        $Arguments += "--count"

    Invoke-Git "rev-list" @Arguments