
function Copy-HgRepository
    Clones a Mercurial repository.
    Wraps the Mercurial clone and share commands to copy an existing repository in a new directory.
    If the clone/share succeeds, sets the `$PsHg?` variable to `$true`. Otherwise, sets it to `$false`. (I.e. use the `$PsHg?` variable to check if the clone succeeded or not.
      cphg, hgclone
    Copy-HgRepository -Source C:\Projects\PsHg -Destination C:\Projects\PsHg-Spike
    Clones `C:\Projects\PsHg` to `C:\Projects\PsHg-Spike`.
    Copy-HgRepository -Source C:\Projects\PsHg -Destination C:\Projects\PsHg-Share -Share
    Demonstrates how to create a shared repository.

        # The path of the repository to clone.
        # The directory where the repository should be cloned/copied.

        # Shares a repository instead of cloning it.
        # Use Mercurial's pull protocol to copy metadata.

        # Use uncompressed transfer (fast over LAN).

        # The cloned repository will not include a working copy (only a repository).
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $noUpdateArg = ''
    if( $NoWorkingCopy )
        $noUpdateArg = '--noupdate'

    $pullArg = ''
    if( $Pull )
        $pullArg = '--pull'

    $uncompressedArg = ''
    if( $Uncompressed )
        $uncompressedArg = '--uncompressed'

    $Script:PsHg? = $false
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Clone' )
        hg clone $noUpdateArg $pullArg $uncompressedArg $Source $Destination
        $hgExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE
        hg --config extensions.share= share $noUpdateArg $Source $Destination
        $hgExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE

    if( $hgExitCode -eq 0 )
        $Script:PsHg? = $true

Set-Alias -Name 'hgclone' -Value 'Copy-HgRepository'
Set-Alias -Name 'cphg' -Value 'Copy-HgRepository'