
function Test-HgDefaultPath
    Tests if a repository has a default incoming/outgoing path, i.e. that you'll be able to push/pull or view incoming/outgoing changes.
    If you try to read incoming/outgoing changes for a repository without a default path, you'll sometimes get cryptic error messages. Use this function when you want to detct if its safe to push/pull or view the incoming/outgoing changesets.
    Test-HgDefaultPath -Incoming
    Checks if there is a repository from which changesets are pulled and incoming changesets read.
    Test-HgDefaultPath -Outgoing
    Checks if there is a repository to which changesets can be pushed and outgoing changesets read.

        # Checks if there is a repository from which changes can be pulled and incoming changesets read.

        # Checks if there is a repository to which changes can be pushed and outgoing changesets read.
        # The path to the repository.
        $RepoRoot = (Get-Location).Path
    $RepoRoot = Resolve-HgRoot -Path $RepoRoot
    if( -not $RepoRoot )
    Push-Location $RepoRoot
        if( (Get-HgConfig -Name paths.default) )
            return $true
            if( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Outgoing' )
                if( (Get-HgConfig -Name paths.default-push) )
                    return $true
            return $false