
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can override individual preferences by passing a hashtable with just those
# preference defined as shown below:
# Import-Module Pscx -arg @{ModulesToImport = @{Prompt = $true}}
# Any value not specified will be retrieved from the default preferences built
# into the PSCX DLL.
# If you have a sufficiently large number of altered preferences, copy this file,
# modify it and pass the path to your preferences file to Import-Module e.g.:
# Import-Module Pscx -arg "$(Split-Path $profile -parent)\Pscx.UserPreferences.ps1"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

$isPSv5 = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5

    ShowModuleLoadDetails = $false    # Display module load details during Import-Module

    CD_GetChildItem = $false          # Display the contents of new provider location after using
                                      # cd (Set-LocationEx). Mutually exclusive with CD_EchoNewLocation.

    CD_EchoNewLocation = $false       # Display new provider location after using cd (Set-LocationEx).
                                      # Mutually exclusive with CD_GetChildItem.

    TextEditor = 'Notepad.exe'        # Default text editor used by the Edit-File function
                                      # For Visual Studio Code use 'code.cmd'

    PromptTheme = 'Modern'            # Prompt string and window title updates. To enable, first
                                      # set the ModulesToImport setting for Prompt below to $true.
                                      # Then set this value to one of: 'Modern', 'WinXP' or 'Jachym'.

    PageHelpUsingLess = $isPSv5       # Pscx replaces PowerShell's More function. When this setting
                                      # is set to $true, less.exe is used to page items piped
                                      # to the More function. Less.exe is powerful paging app
                                      # that allows advanced navigation and search. Press 'h' to
                                      # access help inside less.exe and 'q' to exit less.exe.
                                      # Set this setting to $false to use for paging.

    SmtpFrom = $null                  # These settings are used by the PSCX Send-SmtpMail cmdlet.
    SmtpHost = $null                  # Specify a default SMTP server.
    SmtpPort = $null                  # Specify a default port number if not specified port 25 is used.

    FileSizeInUnits = $false          # Pscx prepends format data for display of file information.
                                      # If this value is set to $true, file sizes are displayed in
                                      # using KB,MG,GB and TB units.

    ModulesToImport = @{
        CD                = $isPSv5
        DirectoryServices = $false
        FileSystem        = $false
        GetHelp           = $false    # Disabled by default due to some bugs that have to be resolved.
        Net               = $false
        Prompt            = $false    # Disabled by default because a lot of users already have established prompt functions.
        TranscribeSession = $false    # Disabled by default for security and privacy reasons.
        Utility           = $true
        Vhd               = $false
        Wmi               = $false