
function Receive-Media
        Receives Media from an Input
        Receives media from inputs.
        Stopping a script that is receiving media with CTRL+C may prevent certain filetypes from being finalized.

        For best results, use a filetype designed for streaming, such as .wav for audio or .mpg for video.

        Alternatively, if you run Receive-Media -AsJob, stopping the job will normally allow FFMpeg to finalize.
        Receive-Media -DirectShow -VideoDevice "OBS Virtual Camera" -OutputPath .\Desktop.mpg
        Receive-Media -DirectShow -VideoDevice "OBS Virtual Camera" -OutputPath .\Desktop.mkv -AsJob

    # The input device type.

    # The input device identifier. This will be specific to a given input type.

    # If provided, will use a specific pixel format for video and image output. This maps to the -pix_fmt parameter in ffmpeg.

    # The frame rate of the outputted video

    # The number of frames to output.

    # The duration to record. If not provided, will record indefinitely.

    # A list of additional arguments to FFMpeg.

    # If set, will save output to a file
    # If set, will run as a background job.

    # If set, will limit the number of background jobs to a throttle limit.
    # By default 5.
    # Throttling is only available if running on PowerShell Core.

    # The path to FFMpeg.exe. By default, checks in the path.

    dynamicParam {
        $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        Get-RoughDraftExtension -CommandName $myCmd -DynamicParameter

    process {
        if ($AsJob) { # If -AsJob was passed,
            return & $StartRoughDraftJob # start a background job.

        $in = @{} + $PSBoundParameters

        :receivingMedia do {

            #region Handle Extensions
            $extensionArguments = @()
            Get-RoughDraftExtension -CommandName $myCmd -CanRun -ExtensionParameter $in |
                . Get-RoughDraftExtension -Run |
                . { process {
                    $inObj = $_
                    if ($inObj.ExtensionOutput) {
                        Write-Verbose "Adding Arguments from Extension '$extensionCommand'"
                        Write-Verbose "$($inObj.extensionOutput)"
                        $extensionArguments += $inObj.extensionOutput
                    if ($inObj.Done) {
                        break receivingMedia
                } }

            #endregion Handle Extensions
            $allArguments = @()
            if ($InputType -and $InputDevice) {
                $allArguments += '-f', $InputType, '-i', $InputDevice

            if ($extensionArguments) {
                $allArguments += $extensionArguments

            if ($PixelFormat) {
                $allArguments += '-pix_fmt', $PixelFormat

            if ($FrameRate) { # If -FrameRate was passed
                $allArguments += "-r" # use '-r' to set it.
                $allArguments += "$FrameRate"
            if ($FrameCount) {
                $allArguments += "-frames" # use '-r' to set it.
                $allArguments += "$FrameCount"
            } elseif ($Duration.TotalMilliseconds -ge 0) {
                $allArguments += '-t' # then use '-to' to set the end time.
                $allArguments += "$Duration"

            $allArguments += $FFMpegArgument
            if ($OutputPath) {
                $allArguments += $OutputPath, '-y'

            $ProgId = Get-Random
            Write-Verbose "FFMpeg Arguments: $allArguments"

            Use-FFMpeg -FFMpegArgument $allArguments -FFMpegPath $FFMpegPath |
                ForEach-Object {
                    $outLine = $_
                    Write-Verbose $outLine

                    $progress = $outLine | & ${?<FFMpeg_Progress>} -Extract
                    if ($progress -and 
                    ) {
                        Write-Progress "Receiving Media" "$($progress.Time)" -Id $ProgId

            Write-Progress "Receiving Media" " " -Id $ProgId -Completed
        } while ($false)