
Function Write-PSObject
          Display the input PSObject(s)/Object(s) as formatted table with defined fore/back colors for headers row and/or body rows and/or columns values based on specified conditions or criteria.
        Display the input PSObject(s)/Object(s) with formatted defined colors with three ways which could be combined together.
        The first way is to format the whole table to write the Odd lines with a specific fore/back colors, and the even with deferent ones.
        The second way is to write a specific column's value or the whole line based on a condition or more for the output values.
        The third way is to write a separator line between each two lines which could be blank line, or any other values with our without specified fore/back color.
        #In this example, the output lines will be colored with "Yellow" forecolor and "Blue" backcolor if any value inside that line exactly equals to "False" for any property.
        Write-PSObject -PSObject $psObjects -MatchMethod Exact -Column "*" -Value $False -RowForeColor Yellow -RowBackColor Blue;
        #In this example, the output lines will be colored with "Red" forecolor if any value inside that line exactly equals to "False" for any property.
        Write-PSObject -PSObject $psObjects -MatchMethod Exact -Column "*" -Value $False -RowForeColor Red;
      .PARAMETER Object
        Alias: O, I
        Data Type: Object
        Mandatory: True
        Description: The input PSOject(s) to display with formatted colors.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: N/A.
      .PARAMETER MatchMethod
        Alias: MM, M
        Data Type: String[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: The array of values validations way which must be provided with one of the three valid set "Exact", "Match" or "Query".
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: If this parameter not provided, the conditional formatting will not be functional and all the tailed parameters will be ignored.
                This must be tailed with the following parameters to be functional:
               "Column", "Value" and one or more of the following parameters:
               "ValueForeColor", "ValueBackColor", "RowForeColor" and/or "RowBackColor".
      .PARAMETER FormatTableColor
        Alias: FTC, FT, F
        Data Type: Switch
        Mandatory: False
        Description: If specified, lines will be formatted with specified fore/back colors based on the sequence.
                     User can define specific fore or/and back color for odd lines in sequence, and different fore or/and back colors for even lines.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: User needs to use one or more of the following parameters with this switch in order to make it functional:
               "OddLineForeColor", "OddLineBackColor", "EvenLineForeColor" and/or "EvenLineBackColor"
      .PARAMETER Column
        Alias: C, Col
        Data Type: String[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: The list of the names of columns/properties which hold the value(s) to be validated to apply the table formatting.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: *
        Notes: This parameter can provided as one string or array of them which must match the same count of the "Value" parameter or the script will be terminated (If the "$IgnoreErrors" switch is provided, the function will not be terminated, but the formatting will not be functional).
               If the parameter "MatchMethod" is not provided, this column and all the other relative ones will be ignored and the whole conditional formatting will not be functional.
               The "*" is referring to all the columns/properties within the table/PSObject(s).
               If the "*" is provided as a name of column/property, that means the same condition defined by the "MatchMethod" and "Value" parameters will be applied on all the columns/properties.
               For example, you can just mention "*" as column/property name to color all the "False" values for any column/property with forecolor "Red" and/or backcolor "Black".
      .PARAMETER Value
        Alias: V
        Data Type: String[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: The value validation way which must be matching with one of the following three valid set provided by the parameter "MatchMethod" (all case insensitive):
                     1. Exact ---» The provided value must match exactly with the inputs.
                                   Ex1: -Value "True"
                                   Ex2: -Value $True
                                   Ex3: -Value 4
                                   Ex4: -Value "Ahmad", 4, "True", $False
                     2. Match ---» The provided value must match with part of the inputs.
                                   Ex1: "Ahmad"
                                   Ex2: -Value "Ah"
                                   Ex3: -Value "ma"
                                   Ex4: -Value "ad"
                                   Ex5: -Value "X", "C123", "A"
                     3. Query ---» The provided value must match with the provided query which could contains various conditions on the same column.
                                   Ex1: -Value "'Up Time' -Like '00 Days*'"
                                   Ex2: -Value "'CPU' -gt 90 -and CPU -le 95'"
                                   Ex3: -Value "'Name' -Match 'C3' -and 'Name' -Notmatch 'C34'"
                                   Ex4: -Value "'Name' -Match 'C3' -and 'Name' -Notmatch 'C34'", "'Up Time' -Like '00 Days*'"
                                   Ex5: -Value "'Name' -Match 'Ahmad' -and 'Address' -Notmatch 'Central Park'", "'Up Time' -Like '00 Days*'"
                                   Please note that, column/property name must be put as it is between two single quotations, and the whole condition/query between two double quotations.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This must be tailed with the following parameters to be functional:
               "Column", "Value" and one or more of the following parameters:
               "ValueForeColor", "ValueBackColor", "RowForeColor" and/or "RowBackColor".
               This parameter can provided as one string value or array of them which must match the same count of the "Column" parameter or the script will be terminated (If the "$IgnoreErrors" switch is provided, the function will not be terminated, but the formatting will not be functional).
               If the parameter "MatchMethod" is not provided, this column and all the other relative ones will be ignored and the whole conditional formatting will not be functional.
      .PARAMETER FormatTableColor
        Alias: FTC, FT, F
        Data Type: Switch
        Mandatory: False
        Description: If specified, lines will be formatted with specified fore/back colors based on the sequence.
                     User can define specific fore or/and back color for odd lines in sequence, and different fore or/and back colors for even lines.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: User needs to use one ore more of the following parameters with this switch in order to make it functional:
               "OddLineForeColor", "OddLineBackColor", "EvenLineForeColor" and/or "EvenLineBackColor"
      .PARAMETER ValueForeColor
        Alias: VFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the forecolor of the values that match the specified condition.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the following parameters are provided "MatchMethod" “Column” and “Value”.
      .PARAMETER ValueBackColor
        Alias: VBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the backcolor of the values that match the specified condition.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the following parameters are provided "MatchMethod" “Column” and “Value”.
      .PARAMETER RowForeColor
        Alias: RFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the forecolor of the whole line/row that when of its values match the specified condition(s).
                     With another meaning, if no values inside that row/line (single PSObject) matches any provided condition, this parameter will be ignored.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: Null
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "MatchMethod" parameter is provided.
               If the "ValueForeColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               The "FlagsForeColor" of the flagged columns would override it.
      .PARAMETER RowBackColor
        Alias: RBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the backcolor of the whole line/row that any of its values match the specified condition(s).
                     With another meaning, if no values inside that row/line (single PSObject) matches any provided condition, this parameter will be ignored.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: Null
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "MatchMethod" parameter is provided.
               If the "ValueBackColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               The "FlagsBackColor" of the flagged columns would override it.
      .PARAMETER OddLineForeColor
        Alias: OLFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the forecolor of the whole line/row that with an odd sequence of the whole rows starting from the first row of values.
                     Example, you can provide that parameter with the forecolor of the rows number 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default forecolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "FormatTableColor" parameter is provided.
               It can work with or without the other relative odd/even fore/back colors.
               If the "ValueForeColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "RowForeColor" is provided, it could override the color of the whole line/row, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               The "FlagsForeColor" of the flagged columns would override it.
      .PARAMETER OddLineBackColor
        Alias: OLBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the backcolor of the whole line/row that with an odd sequence of the whole rows starting from the first row of values.
                     Example, you can provide that parameter with the backcolor of the rows number 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default backcolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "FormatTableColor" parameter is provided.
               It can work with or without the other relative odd/even fore/back colors.
               If the "ValueBackColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "RowBackColor" is provided, it could override the color of the whole line/row, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               The "FlagsBackColor" of the flagged columns would override it.
      .PARAMETER EvenLineForeColor
        Alias: ELFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the forecolor of the whole line/row that with an even sequence of the whole rows starting from the second row of values.
                     Example, you can provide that parameter with the forecolor of the rows number 2, 4, 6, 8, etc.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default forecolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "FormatTableColor" parameter is provided.
               It can work with or without the other relative odd/even fore/back colors.
               If the "ValueForeColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "RowForeColor" is provided, it could override the color of the whole line/row, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               The "FlagsForeColor" of the flagged columns would override it.
      .PARAMETER EvenLineBackColor
        Alias: ELBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the backcolor of the whole line/row that with an odd sequence of the whole rows starting from the second row of values.
                     Example, you can provide that parameter with the backcolor of the rows number 2, 4, 6, 8, etc.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default backcolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "FormatTableColor" parameter is provided.
               It can work with or without the other relative odd/even fore/back colors.
               If the "ValueBackColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "RowBackColor" is provided, it could override the color of the whole line/row, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               The "FlagsBackColor" of the flagged columns would override it.
      .PARAMETER HeadersForeColor
        Alias: HFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the forecolor of the whole two headers lines/rows.
                     The first header row/line which describes the names of the columns/properties.
                     While, the second header row/line is the underlines dashes characters which separate the header names than the rows' values.
                     Example, When get the results of the function "Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ | FT -Al;", the output would be something like the following:
                     Mode LastWriteTime Length Name # First header line.
                     ---- ------------- ------ ---- # Second header line.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default forecolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
      .PARAMETER HeadersBackColor
        Alias: HBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the backcolor of the whole two headers lines/rows.
                     The first header row/line which describes the names of the columns/properties.
                     While, the second header row/line is the underlines dashes characters which separate the header names than the rows' values.
                     Example, When get the results of the function "Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ | FT -Al;", the output would be something like the following:
                     Mode LastWriteTime Length Name # First header line.
                     ---- ------------- ------ ---- # Second header line.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default backcolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
      .PARAMETER BodyForeColor
        Alias: BFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the forecolor of the whole lines/rows values.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default forecolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
               If the "ValueForeColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "RowForeColor" is provided, it could override the color of the whole line/row, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "OddLineForeColor" and /or "EvenLineForeColor" parameter(s) are provided, they would override it.
               The "FlagsForeColor" of the flagged columns would override it.
      .PARAMETER BodyBackColor
        Alias: BBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the backcolor of the whole lines/rows values.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default backcolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
               If the "ValueBackColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "RowBackColor" is provided, it could override the color of the whole line/row, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "OddLineBackColor" and /or "EvenLineBackColor" parameter(s) are provided, they would override it.
               The "FlagsBackColor" of the flagged columns would override it.
      .PARAMETER ColoredColumns
        Alias: CC
        Data Type: String[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Define the columns/properties to have their values colored without conditions.
        Example(s): "CPU", "Memory", "SN"
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
      .PARAMETER ColumnForeColor
        Alias: CFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the forecolor of values the specified "ColoredColumns".
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "ColoredColumns" parameter is provided.
               If the "ValueForeColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "RowForeColor" is provided, it could override the color of the whole line/row, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "OddLineForeColor" and /or "EvenLineForeColor" parameter(s) are provided, they would override it.
               The "FlagsForeColor" of the flagged columns would override it.
      .PARAMETER ColumnBackColor
        Alias: CBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the backcolor of the whole lines/rows values.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "ColoredColumns" parameter is provided.
               If the "ValueBackColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "RowBackColor" is provided, it could override the color of the whole line/row, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               If the "OddLineBackColor" and /or "EvenLineBackColor" parameter(s) are provided, they would override it.
               The "FlagsBackColor" of the flagged columns would override it.
      .PARAMETER FlagColumns
        Alias: FC
        Data Type: String[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Define the columns/properties to have their values colored when any of the specified values match the specified condition(s).
        Example(s): "CPU", "Memory", "SN"
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the following parameters are provided "MatchMethod" “Column” and “Value”.
      .PARAMETER FlagsForeColor
        Alias: FFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the forecolor of the flagged columns/properties.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the ""MatchMethod" “Column”, “Value” and "FlagColumns" parameters are provided.
               If the "ValueForeColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               This would override the colors specified by the "RowBackColor", "OddLineFBackColor" and/or the "EvenLineBackColor" parameters.
      .PARAMETER FlagsBackColor
        Alias: FBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor[]
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the backcolor of the whole lines/rows values.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the ""MatchMethod" “Column”, “Value” and "FlagColumns" parameters are provided.
               If the "ValueBackColor" is provided, it could override the colors of the matched properties values, if they match with specific provided condition(s).
               This would override the colors specified by the "RowForeColor", "OddLineForeColor" and/or the "EvenLineForeColor" parameters.
      .PARAMETER InjectRowsSeparator
        Alias: IRS
        Data Type: Switch
        Mandatory: False
        Description: If specified, new lines would be injected between body rows/lines.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: By default the new line separator would be just new line with null data as the default value of the "RowsSeparator" parameter is $null.
       .PARAMETER RowsSeparator
        Alias: RS
        Data Type: String
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Define the shape of the separator line/row between body rows/lines.
                     The value could be one character such as "-", "==", etc, or mixed ones and the line would be trimmed by the maximum length of the body rows.
        Example(s): "-", ".", "=", "|", "#", " ", etc.
        Default Value: $null
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "InjectRowsSeparator" parameter is provided.
               If not specified, the new line separator would be just new line with null data.
      .PARAMETER RowsSeparatorForeColor
        Alias: RSFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the forecolor of the separator rows/lines.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default forecolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "InjectRowsSeparator" and "RowsSeparator" parameters are provided.
      .PARAMETER RowsSeparatorBackColor
        Alias: RSBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the backcolor of the separator rows/lines.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default backcolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter is function only when the "InjectRowsSeparator" and "RowsSeparator" parameters are provided.
      .PARAMETER RemoveHeadersSeparator
        Alias: RHS
        Data Type: Switch
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Neglect displaying the second header line "----" (the separator line between headers (columns/properties) names and the body rows/values.).
                     With another meaning, the values rows/lines would be printed directly after the columns/properties names line/row.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter will not be functional if "BodyOnly" parameter is specified.
      .PARAMETER HeadersSeparator
        Alias: HS
        Data Type: String
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Define the shape of the separator header separator line "----" between the columns names and body rows.
                     The value could be one character such as ".", "==", etc, or mixed ones and the line would be trimmed by the maximum length of the body rows.
        Example(s): ".", "=", "|", "#", " ", etc.
        Default Value: "-"
        Notes: This parameter will not be functional if any of the two parameters "BodyOnly" or "RemoveHeadersSeparator" is specified.
      .PARAMETER HeadersSeparatorForeColor
        Alias: HSFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the forecolor of the separator header separator line "----" between the columns names and body rows.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default forecolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter will not be functional if any of the two parameters "BodyOnly" or "RemoveHeadersSeparator" is specified.
      .PARAMETER HeadersSeparatorBackColor
        Alias: HSBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Used to define the backcolor of the separator header separator line "----" between the columns names and body rows.
        Example(s): Red, Black, Blue, White, etc.
        Default Value: The default backcolor of the host.
        Notes: This parameter will not be functional if any of the two parameters "BodyOnly" or "RemoveHeadersSeparator" is specified.
      .PARAMETER BodyOnly
        Alias: BO
        Data Type: Switch
        Mandatory: False
        Description: If specified, only the body rows (values lines) will be displayed, and, the two headers lines will not be displayed.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
      .PARAMETER HeadersOnly
        Alias: HO
        Data Type: Switch
        Mandatory: False
        Description: If specified, only the two headers lines will be displayed, and, the body rows (values lines) will not be displayed.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
      .PARAMETER IgnoreErrors
        Alias: IE
        Data Type: Switch
        Mandatory: False
        Description: It would try to suppress and error/exception could be raised due to missing or non matched parameters and continue displaying the rows.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
               If one of the provided conditions which is provided by the combination of the properties "MatchMethod", "Column", "Value" and/or "FlagColumns" and/or their relative properties was not well provided, or mismatching, the "MatchMethod" property would be ignored and the conditional formatting will not be functional.
      .PARAMETER HostWindowWidth
        Alias: HWW
        Data Type: UInt16
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Resize the host PowerShell window with a new specified width before presenting the data.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
               It would also resize the buffer width size with the same specified value if the current value is less than the new specified window width.
      .PARAMETER HostWindowHeight
        Alias: HWH
        Data Type: UInt16
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Resize the host PowerShell window with a new specified height before presenting the data.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
               It would also resize the buffer height size with the same specified height if the current value is less than the new specified window height.
      .PARAMETER HostWindowForeColor
        Alias: HWFC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Override the current forecolor of the host PowerShell with a new specified one before presenting the data.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.
      .PARAMETER HostWindowBackColor
        Alias: HWBC
        Data Type: ConsoleColor
        Mandatory: False
        Description: Override the current background color of the host PowerShell with a new specified one before presenting the data.
        Example(s): N/A
        Default Value: N/A
        Notes: This parameter is not dependent on any other parameters or conditions.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias("O", "I")][Object]$Object,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1)][Alias("MM", "M")] [String[]][ValidateSet("Exact", "Match", "Query")]$MatchMethod,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2)][Alias("FTC", "FT", "F")] [Switch]$FormatTableColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3)][Alias("C")] [String[]]$Column = "*",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4)][Alias("V")]  [String[]]$Value,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5)][Alias("VFC")][ConsoleColor[]]$ValueForeColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6)][Alias("VBC")][ConsoleColor[]]$ValueBackColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7)][Alias("RFC")][ConsoleColor]$RowForeColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 8)][Alias("RBC")] [ConsoleColor]$RowBackColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 9)][Alias("OLFC")] [ConsoleColor]$OddRowForeColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 10)][Alias("OLBC")] [ConsoleColor]$OddRowBackColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 11)][Alias("ELFC")] [ConsoleColor]$EvenRowForeColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 12)][Alias("ELBC")] [ConsoleColor]$EvenRowBackColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 13)][Alias("HFC")] [ConsoleColor]$HeadersForeColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 14)][Alias("HBC")] [ConsoleColor]$HeadersBackColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 15)][Alias("BFC")] [ConsoleColor]$BodyForeColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 16)][Alias("BBC")] [ConsoleColor]$BodyBackColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 17)][Alias("CC")] [String[]]$ColoredColumns,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 18)][Alias("CFC")] [ConsoleColor[]]$ColumnForeColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 19)][Alias("CBC")] [ConsoleColor[]]$ColumnBackColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 20)][Alias("FC")] [String[]]$FlagColumns,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 21)][Alias("FFC")] [ConsoleColor[]]$FlagsForeColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 22)][Alias("FBC")] [ConsoleColor[]]$FlagsBackColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 23)][Alias("IRS")] [Switch]$InjectRowsSeparator,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 24)][Alias("RS")] [String]$RowsSeparator = $null,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 25)][Alias("RSFC")] [ConsoleColor]$RowsSeparatorForeColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 26)][Alias("RSBC")] [ConsoleColor]$RowsSeparatorBackColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 27)][Alias("RHS")] [Switch]$RemoveHeadersSeparator,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 28)][Alias("HS")] [String]$HeadersSeparator = "-",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 29)][Alias("HSFC")] [ConsoleColor]$HeadersSeparatorForeColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 30)][Alias("HSBC")] [ConsoleColor]$HeadersSeparatorBackColor = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 31)][Alias("BO")] [Switch]$BodyOnly,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 32)][Alias("HO")] [Switch]$HeadersOnly,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 33)][Alias("IE")] [Switch]$IgnoreErrors,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 34)][Alias("HWW")] [UInt16]$HostWindowWidth,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 35)][Alias("HWH")] [UInt16]$HostWindowHeight,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 36)][Alias("HWFC")] [ConsoleColor]$HostWindowForeColor,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 37)][Alias("HWBC")] [ConsoleColor]$HostWindowBackColor

    If (($HostWindowWidth -And $HostWindowWidth -ne 0) -Or ($HostWindowHeight -And $HostWindowHeight -ne 0) -OR $HostWindowForeColor -ne $null -Or $HostWindowBackColor -ne $null)
            $psHost = Get-Host;
            $psWindow = $psHost.UI.RawUI;

            If ($HostWindowForeColor -ne $null -Or $HostWindowBackColor -ne $null)
                If ($HostWindowBackColor -ne $null)
                    $psWindow.BackgroundColor = $HostWindowBackColor;
                    $RowBackColor = $HostWindowBackColor;
                    $OddRowBackColor = $HostWindowBackColor;
                    $EvenRowBackColor = $HostWindowBackColor;
                    $HeadersBackColor = $HostWindowBackColor;
                    $BodyBackColor = $HostWindowBackColor;
                    $ColumnBackColor = $HostWindowBackColor;
                    $FlagsBackColor = $HostWindowBackColor;
                    $RowsSeparatorBackColor = $HostWindowBackColor;
                    $HeadersSeparatorBackColor = $HostWindowBackColor;

                If ($HostWindowForeColor -ne $null)
                    $psWindow.ForegroundColor = $HostWindowForeColor;

                    $RowForeColor = $HostWindowForeColor;
                    $OddRowForeColor = $HostWindowForeColor;
                    $EvenRowForeColor = $HostWindowForeColor;
                    $HeadersForeColor = $HostWindowForeColor;
                    $BodyForeColor = $HostWindowForeColor;
                    $ColumnForeColor = $HostWindowForeColor;
                    $FlagsForeColor = $HostWindowForeColor;
                    $RowsSeparatorForeColor = $HostWindowForeColor;
                    $HeadersSeparatorForeColor = $HostWindowForeColor;

            $newBufferSize = $psWindow.BufferSize;

            If ($HostWindowHeight -ne $null -And $HostWindowHeight -ne 0)
                If ($newBufferSize.Height -lt $HostWindowHeight)
                    $newBufferSize.Height = $HostWindowHeight;

            If ($HostWindowWidth -ne $null -And $HostWindowWidth -ne 0)
                If ($newBufferSize.Width -lt $HostWindowWidth)
                    $newBufferSize.Width = $HostWindowWidth;

            $psWindow.BufferSize = $newBufferSize;

            $newSize = $psWindow.WindowSize;

            If ($HostWindowHeight -ne $null -And $HostWindowHeight -ne 0)
                $newSize.Height = $HostWindowHeight;

            If ($HostWindowWidth -ne $null -And $HostWindowWidth -ne 0)
                $newSize.Width = $HostWindowWidth;

            If (($HostWindowWidth -ne $null -And $HostWindowWidth -ne 0) -Or ($HostWindowHeight -ne $null -And $HostWindowHeight -ne 0))
                $psWindow.WindowSize = $newSize;
        Catch { }

    $lines = (($input | Format-Table -A | Out-String) -replace "`r", "" -split "`n") | Where-Object { $_.Trim() -ne "" };
    If (!($lines))
        $lines = (($Object | Format-Table -A | Out-String) -replace "`r", "" -split "`n") | Where-Object { $_.Trim() -ne "" };
        $Object = $input;

    If (!($lines) -Or $lines.Length -eq 0)

    If ($MatchMethod)
        If (($Column.Count -ne $Value.Count))
            If ($IgnoreErrors)
                $MatchMethod = $False;
                Write-Host "The count of the input columns seems not matching with the count of the input values or values' forecolors.";

        If ($MatchMethod.Count -lt $Column.Count)
            $MatchMethod = @($MatchMethod[0]) * $Column.Count;
        $Column = @();
        $FlagColumns = @();

    #region Set Default Colors
    #region Defaults

    #endregion Defaults
    #region Match Method
    If ($RowForeColor -eq -1)
        $RowForeColor = $BodyForeColor;

    If ($RowBackColor -eq -1)
        $RowBackColor = $BodyBackColor;
    #endregion Match Method

    #region Flag Columns
    If ($FlagColumns.Count -gt 0)
        If ($FlagColumns.Count -gt $FlagsForeColor.Count -and $FlagsForeColor.Count -ne 0)
            $FlagsForeColor = @($FlagsForeColor[0]) * $FlagColumns.Count;

        If ($FlagColumns.Count -gt $FlagsBackColor.Count -and $FlagsBackColor.Count -ne 0)
            $FlagsBackColor = @($FlagsBackColor[0]) * $FlagColumns.Count;

    If ($ColoredColumns.Count -gt 0)
        If ($ColoredColumns.Count -gt $ColumnForeColor.Count -and $ColumnForeColor.Count -ne 0)
            $ColumnForeColor = @($ColumnForeColor[0]) * $ColoredColumns.Count;

        If ($ColoredColumns.Count -gt $ColumnBackColor.Count -and $ColumnBackColor.Count -ne 0)
            $ColumnBackColor = @($ColumnBackColor[0]) * $ColoredColumns.Count;
    #endregion Flag Columns
    #endregion Set Default Colors

    $l = 0;
    Foreach ($line in $lines)

        If ($l -le 2)
            If ($l -eq 2 -And ($MatchMethod -Or $ColoredColumns))
                $headerLine = $line;
                $header = $lines[0];
                [String[]]$headerLines = $headerLine -split " " | Where-Object { $_.Trim() -ne "" } | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("`t").Trim(); };
                $colCount = $headerLines.Count;
                $columns = @($null) * $colCount;

                [Int[]] $headersPos = @(0) * $colCount;
                [Int[]] $headersLen = @(0) * $colCount;

                $pos = 0;
                $i = 0;
                $headersPos[$i] = 0;

                $columns[$i] = $header.Substring($pos, $headerLines[$i].Length);
                $col = $Columns[$i];
                $headersLen[$i] = $object | Select-Object $col, @{Name = "Len"; Expression = { $_.$col.ToString().Length } } | Sort-Object Len -Descending | Select-Object Len -First 1 -ExpandProperty Len;
                If ($headerLines[$i].Length -gt $headersLen[$i])
                    $headersLen[$i] = $headerLines[$i].Length;

                While ($pos -ne -1)
                    $pos = $headerLine.IndexOf(" -", $pos + 1, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    If ($pos -eq -1)

                    $columns[$i] = $header.Substring($pos + 1, $headerLines[$i].Length);
                    $col = $Columns[$i];
                    $colLen = $object | Select-Object $col, @{Name = "Len"; Expression = { $_.$col.ToString().Length } } | Sort-Object Len -Descending | Select-Object Len -First 1 -ExpandProperty Len;
                    If ($col.Length -gt $colLen)
                        $colLen = $col.Length;

                    $headersLen[$i] = $colLen;
                    $headersPos[$i] = $headersPos[$i - 1] + $headersLen[$i - 1] + 1;

            If ($l -eq 2 -And $RemoveHeadersSeparator)

            If (!($BodyOnly))
                $hfc = $HeadersForeColor;
                $hbc = $HeadersBackColor;

                If ($l -eq 2)
                    If ($HeadersSeparator -ne "-")
                        If (!($HeadersSeparator))
                            $line = $null;
                            $line = $line.Replace("-", $HeadersSeparator);
                            $line = $line.Substring(0, $lines[0].Length);

                        $hfc = $HeadersSeparatorForeColor;
                        $hbc = $HeadersSeparatorBackColor;

                Write-Line -Object $line -ForegroundColor $hfc -BackgroundColor $hbc;

            If ($l -eq 2)
                If ($HeadersOnly)

        elseIf ($l -gt 2 -And ($MatchMethod -Or $ColoredColumns))
            $oLine = $object[$l - 3];
            $values = @($null) * $colCount;

            For ($i = 0; $i -lt $colCount; $i++)
                $col = $Columns[$i];
                $values[$i] = $oLine | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $col;

        If ($FormatTableColor)
            If ($l % 2 -eq 0)
                $BodyForeColor = $EvenRowForeColor;
                $BodyBackColor = $EvenRowBackColor;
                $BodyForeColor = $OddRowForeColor;
                $BodyBackColor = $OddRowBackColor;

        $fc = @($BodyForeColor) * $colCount;
        $bc = @($BodyBackColor) * $colCount;

        If ($ColoredColumns)
            For ($j = 0; $j -lt $columns.Count; $j++)
                If ($ColoredColumns -contains $columns[$j])
                    $fColIndex = [System.Array]::IndexOf(($ColoredColumns | ForEach-Object { $_.ToLower() }), $columns[$j].ToLower());

                    If ($fColIndex -lt $ColumnForeColor.Count)
                        $fc[$j] = $ColumnForeColor[$fColIndex];

                    If ($fColIndex -lt $ColumnBackColor.Count)
                        $bc[$j] = $ColumnBackColor[$fColIndex];

        If ($MatchMethod -Or $ColoredColumns)
            $matchCond = $false;
            $matchCondGroup = @($false) * $Column.Count;
            $matchColumnFlag = @($false) * $columns.Count;
            For ($i = 0; $i -lt $columns.Count; $i++)
                For ($j = 0; $j -lt $Column.Count; $j++)
                    $colPos = $null;
                    $colVal = $null;
                    $col = $Column[$j];
                    $val = $Value[$j];

                    If ($col -eq $columns[$i] -Or $col -eq "*")
                        $colPos = $i;
                        $colVal = $values[$i];
                        $query = $null;
                        $r = $null;
                        Switch ($MatchMethod[$j])
                            "Exact" { $query = """$colVal"" -eq ""$val""" };
                            "Match" { $query = """$colVal"" -match ""$val""" };
                                For ($c = 0; $c -lt $columns.Count; $c++)
                                    $colC = $Columns[$c];
                                    $valC = $values[$c];
                                    [double]$valCNum = New-Object System.Double;
                                    $isNum = [double]::TryParse($valC, [ref] $valCNum);
                                    if ($isNum)
                                        $val = $val -replace "'$colC'" , "$valC";
                                        $val = $val -replace "'$colC'" , "'$valC'";
                                    $query = $val;

                        $r = Invoke-Expression $query;
                        If ($r)
                            $matchCond = $true;
                            If ($null -ne $ValueForeColor -and $ValueForeColor.Count -gt $j)
                                $fColor = $ValueForeColor[$j]
                            elseIf ($RowForeColor)
                                $fColor = $RowForeColor;
                                $fColor = $BodyForeColor;

                            If ($null -ne $ValueBackColor -and $ValueBackColor.Count -gt $j)
                                $bColor = $ValueBackColor[$j]
                            elseIf ($RowBackColor)
                                $bColor = $RowBackColor;
                                $bColor = $BodyBackColor;

                            $fc[$i] = $fColor;
                            $bc[$i] = $bColor;

                            $matchCondGroup[$j] = $True;
                            $matchColumnFlag[$i] = $True;
                            If ($null -ne $FlagColumns -and $FlagColumns.Count -gt $j -and $null -ne $FlagColumns[$j] -and $FlagColumns[$j].Trim() -ne "")
                                [String[]]$fColumnsSplit = @();
                                $fColumnsSplit = $FlagColumns[$j] -split "," | Where-Object { $_.Trim() -ne "" } | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim("").Trim("'"); };

                                Foreach ($fcs  in $fColumnsSplit)
                                    $fColIndex = [System.Array]::IndexOf(($columns | ForEach-Object { $_.ToLower() }), $fcs.ToLower());
                                    If ($fColIndex -ne -1)
                                        If ($j -lt $FlagsForeColor.Count)
                                            $matchColumnFlag[$fColIndex] = $True;
                                            $fc[$fColIndex] = $FlagsForeColor[$j];

                                        If ($j -lt $FlagsBackColor.Count)
                                            $matchColumnFlag[$fColIndex] = $True;
                                            $bc[$fColIndex] = $FlagsBackColor[$j];

            For ($j = 0; $j -lt $columns.Count; $j++)
                $foreColor = $fc[$j];
                $backColor = $bc[$j];

                If ($matchCond)
                    If (!($matchColumnFlag[$j]))
                        If ($null -ne $RowForeColor)
                            $foreColor = $RowForeColor;

                        If ($null -ne $RowBackColor)
                            $backColor = $RowBackColor;

                If ($j -eq 0)
                    $vPos = $headersPos[$j];
                    $vLen = $headersLen[$j];
                    If ($null -ne $RowBackColor -and $matchCond)
                        Write-Line " " -NoNewline -BackgroundColor $RowBackColor;
                        Write-Line " " -NoNewline -BackgroundColor $BodyBackColor;

                    $vPos = $headersPos[$j];
                    $vLen = $headersLen[$j];

                if ($j -eq $headersLen.Length -1)
                    $valueText = $line.SubString($vPos);
                    $valueText = $line.SubString($vPos, $vLen);

                Write-Line -Object $valueText -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $foreColor -BackgroundColor $backColor;
                If ($j -eq $columns.Count - 1)
        ElseIf (!($HeadersOnly))
            Write-Line -ForegroundColor $BodyForeColor -BackgroundColor $BodyBackColor $line;

        If ($l -ne ($lines.Length))
            If ($InjectRowsSeparator)
                If (!$RowsSeparator)
                    $RowsSeparator = " ";

                $RowsSeparatorLine = $RowsSeparator * $line.Length;
                $RowsSeparatorLine = $RowsSeparatorLine.Substring(0, $line.Length);

                Write-Line -Object $RowsSeparatorLine -ForegroundColor $RowsSeparatorForeColor -BackgroundColor $RowsSeparatorBackColor;