
// This is the configuration file for cspell (code spell check).
// Use this to define legitimate words not in the dictionary, and other words the spellcheck should ignore.
// Used by the streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker VS Code extension and streetsidesoftware/cspell-action@v3 GitHub Action.
// For more information on configuration, see https://cspell.org/configuration/.
    "version": "0.2",
    "language": "en",
    "ignorePaths": [
    "words": [
    "ignoreWords": [
        "chsh", // Change shell
        "CICD", // Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment
        "Codespace", // GitHub Codespaces
        "Codespaces", // GitHub Codespaces
        "devcontainer", // VS Code devcontainer
        "devcontainers", // VS Code devcontainers
        "gittools", // GitHub action author
        "Hmmss", // Time format
        "jacoco", // Java code coverage
        "Leonhardt", // GitHub action author
        "madrapps", // GitHub action author
        "nupkg", // NuGet package
        "nunit", // .NET unit testing framework
        "pwsh", // PowerShell Core
        "yzhang" // GitHub action author