
    Copyright � 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

        Collection of useful functions from various Public internet sources.
        Those functions are licensed under their respective licenses.


function Join-Object
        Join data from two sets of objects based on a common value

        Join data from two sets of objects based on a common value

        For more details, see the accompanying blog post:

        For even more details, see the original code and discussions that this borrows from:
            Dave Wyatt's Join-Object - http://powershell.org/wp/forums/topic/merging-very-large-collections
            Lucio Silveira's Join-Object - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2012/07/13/join-object.aspx

        'Left' collection of objects to join. You can use the pipeline for Left.

        The objects in this collection should be consistent.
        We look at the properties on the first object for a baseline.
    .PARAMETER Right
        'Right' collection of objects to join.

        The objects in this collection should be consistent.
        We look at the properties on the first object for a baseline.

    .PARAMETER LeftJoinProperty
        Property on Left collection objects that we match up with RightJoinProperty on the Right collection

    .PARAMETER RightJoinProperty
        Property on Right collection objects that we match up with LeftJoinProperty on the Left collection

    .PARAMETER LeftProperties
        One or more properties to keep from Left. Default is to keep all Left properties (*).

        Each property can:
            - Be a plain property name like "Name"
            - Contain wildcards like "*"
            - Be a hashtable like @{Name="Product Name";Expression={$_.Name}}.
                 Name is the output property name
                 Expression is the property value ($_ as the current object)
                 Alternatively, use the Suffix or Prefix parameter to avoid collisions
                 Each property using this hashtable syntax will be excluded from suffixes and prefixes

    .PARAMETER RightProperties
        One or more properties to keep from Right. Default is to keep all Right properties (*).

        Each property can:
            - Be a plain property name like "Name"
            - Contain wildcards like "*"
            - Be a hashtable like @{Name="Product Name";Expression={$_.Name}}.
                 Name is the output property name
                 Expression is the property value ($_ as the current object)
                 Alternatively, use the Suffix or Prefix parameter to avoid collisions
                 Each property using this hashtable syntax will be excluded from suffixes and prefixes

    .PARAMETER Prefix
        If specified, prepend Right object property names with this prefix to avoid collisions

            Property Name = 'Name'
            Suffix = 'j_'
            Resulting Joined Property Name = 'j_Name'

    .PARAMETER Suffix
        If specified, append Right object property names with this suffix to avoid collisions

            Property Name = 'Name'
            Suffix = '_j'
            Resulting Joined Property Name = 'Name_j'

        Type of join. Default is AllInLeft.

        AllInLeft will have all elements from Left at least once in the output, and might appear more than once
          if the where clause is true for more than one element in right, Left elements with matches in Right are
          preceded by elements with no matches.
          SQL equivalent: outer left join (or simply left join)

        AllInRight is similar to AllInLeft.
        OnlyIfInBoth will cause all elements from Left to be placed in the output, only if there is at least one
          match in Right.
          SQL equivalent: inner join (or simply join)
        AllInBoth will have all entries in right and left in the output. Specifically, it will have all entries
          in right with at least one match in left, followed by all entries in Right with no matches in left,
          followed by all entries in Left with no matches in Right.
          SQL equivalent: full join

        #Define some input data.

        $l = 1..5 | Foreach-Object {
                Name = "jsmith$_"
                Birthday = (Get-Date).adddays(-1)

        $r = 4..7 | Foreach-Object{
                Department = "Department $_"
                Name = "Department $_"
                Manager = "jsmith$_"

        #We have a name and Birthday for each manager, how do we find their department, using an inner join?
        Join-Object -Left $l -Right $r -LeftJoinProperty Name -RightJoinProperty Manager -Type OnlyIfInBoth -RightProperties Department

            # Name Birthday Department
            # ---- -------- ----------
            # jsmith4 4/14/2015 3:27:22 PM Department 4
            # jsmith5 4/14/2015 3:27:22 PM Department 5

        #Define some input data.

        $l = 1..5 | Foreach-Object {
                Name = "jsmith$_"
                Birthday = (Get-Date).adddays(-1)

        $r = 4..7 | Foreach-Object{
                Department = "Department $_"
                Name = "Department $_"
                Manager = "jsmith$_"

        #We have a name and Birthday for each manager, how do we find all related department data, even if there are conflicting properties?
        $l | Join-Object -Right $r -LeftJoinProperty Name -RightJoinProperty Manager -Type AllInLeft -Prefix j_

            # Name Birthday j_Department j_Name j_Manager
            # ---- -------- ------------ ------ ---------
            # jsmith1 4/14/2015 3:27:22 PM
            # jsmith2 4/14/2015 3:27:22 PM
            # jsmith3 4/14/2015 3:27:22 PM
            # jsmith4 4/14/2015 3:27:22 PM Department 4 Department 4 jsmith4
            # jsmith5 4/14/2015 3:27:22 PM Department 5 Department 5 jsmith5

        #Hey! You know how to script right? Can you merge these two CSVs, where Path1's IP is equal to Path2's IP_ADDRESS?
        #Get CSV data
        $s1 = Import-CSV $Path1
        $s2 = Import-CSV $Path2

        #Merge the data, using a full outer join to avoid omitting anything, and export it
        Join-Object -Left $s1 -Right $s2 -LeftJoinProperty IP_ADDRESS -RightJoinProperty IP -Prefix 'j_' -Type AllInBoth |
            Export-CSV $MergePath -NoTypeInformation

        # "Hey Warren, we need to match up SSNs to Active Directory users, and check if they are enabled or not.
        # I'll e-mail you an unencrypted CSV with all the SSNs from gmail, what could go wrong?"
        # Import some SSNs.
        $SSNs = Import-CSV -Path D:\SSNs.csv

        #Get AD users, and match up by a common value, samaccountname in this case:
        Get-ADUser -Filter "samaccountname -like 'wframe*'" |
            Join-Object -LeftJoinProperty samaccountname -Right $SSNs `
                        -RightJoinProperty samaccountname -RightProperties ssn `
                        -LeftProperties samaccountname, enabled, objectclass

        This borrows from:
            Dave Wyatt's Join-Object - http://powershell.org/wp/forums/topic/merging-very-large-collections/
            Lucio Silveira's Join-Object - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2012/07/13/join-object.aspx

            Always display full set of properties
            Display properties in order (left first, right second)
            If specified, add suffix or prefix to right object property names to avoid collisions
            Use a hashtable rather than ordereddictionary (avoid case sensitivity)


        PowerShell Language


                   ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
        [object[]] $Left,

        # List to join with $Left
        [object[]] $Right,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $LeftJoinProperty,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $RightJoinProperty,

        [object[]]$LeftProperties = '*',

        # Properties from $Right we want in the output.
        # Like LeftProperties, each can be a plain name, wildcard or hashtable. See the LeftProperties comments.
        [object[]]$RightProperties = '*',

        [validateset( 'AllInLeft', 'OnlyIfInBoth', 'AllInBoth', 'AllInRight')]
        [string]$Type = 'AllInLeft',

        function AddItemProperties($item, $properties, $hash)
            if ($null -eq $item)

            foreach($property in $properties)
                $propertyHash = $property -as [hashtable]
                if($null -ne $propertyHash)
                    $hashName = $propertyHash["name"] -as [string]         
                    $expression = $propertyHash["expression"] -as [scriptblock]

                    $expressionValue = $expression.Invoke($item)[0]
                    $hash[$hashName] = $expressionValue
                    foreach($itemProperty in $item.psobject.Properties)
                        if ($itemProperty.Name -like $property)
                            $hash[$itemProperty.Name] = $itemProperty.Value

        function TranslateProperties

            foreach($Prop in $Properties)
                $propertyHash = $Prop -as [hashtable]
                if($null -ne $propertyHash)
                    $hashName = $propertyHash["name"] -as [string]         
                    $expression = $propertyHash["expression"] -as [scriptblock]

                    $ScriptString = $expression.tostring()
                    if($ScriptString -notmatch 'param\(')
                        Write-Verbose "Property '$HashName'`: Adding param(`$_) to scriptblock '$ScriptString'"
                        $Expression = [ScriptBlock]::Create("param(`$_)`n $ScriptString")
                    $Output = @{Name =$HashName; Expression = $Expression }
                    Write-Verbose "Found $Side property hash with name $($Output.Name), expression:`n$($Output.Expression | out-string)"
                    foreach($ThisProp in $RealObject.psobject.Properties)
                        if ($ThisProp.Name -like $Prop)
                            Write-Verbose "Found $Side property '$($ThisProp.Name)'"

        function WriteJoinObjectOutput($leftItem, $rightItem, $leftProperties, $rightProperties)
            $properties = @{}

            AddItemProperties $leftItem $leftProperties $properties
            AddItemProperties $rightItem $rightProperties $properties

            New-Object psobject -Property $properties

        #Translate variations on calculated properties. Doing this once shouldn't affect perf too much.
        foreach($Prop in @($LeftProperties + $RightProperties))
            if($Prop -as [hashtable])
                foreach($variation in ('n','label','l'))
                    if(-not $Prop.ContainsKey('Name') )
                        if($Prop.ContainsKey($variation) )
                if(-not $Prop.ContainsKey('Name') -or $Prop['Name'] -like $null )
                    Throw "Property is missing a name`n. This should be in calculated property format, with a Name and an Expression:`n@{Name='Something';Expression={`$_.Something}}`nAffected property:`n$($Prop | out-string)"

                if(-not $Prop.ContainsKey('Expression') )
                    if($Prop.ContainsKey('E') )
                if(-not $Prop.ContainsKey('Expression') -or $Prop['Expression'] -like $null )
                    Throw "Property is missing an expression`n. This should be in calculated property format, with a Name and an Expression:`n@{Name='Something';Expression={`$_.Something}}`nAffected property:`n$($Prop | out-string)"

        $leftHash = @{}
        $rightHash = @{}

        # Hashtable keys can't be null; we'll use any old object reference as a placeholder if needed.
        $nullKey = New-Object psobject
        $bound = $PSBoundParameters.keys -contains "InputObject"
        if(-not $bound)
            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$LeftData = @()
        #We pull all the data for comparison later, no streaming
            $LeftData = $Left
            foreach($Object in $Left)
        foreach ($item in $Right)
            $key = $item.$RightJoinProperty

            if ($null -eq $key)
                $key = $nullKey

            $bucket = $rightHash[$key]

            if ($null -eq $bucket)
                $bucket = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                $rightHash.Add($key, $bucket)

            $null = $bucket.Add($item)

        foreach ($item in $LeftData)
            $key = $item.$LeftJoinProperty

            if ($null -eq $key)
                $key = $nullKey

            $bucket = $leftHash[$key]

            if ($null -eq $bucket)
                $bucket = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                $leftHash.Add($key, $bucket)

            $null = $bucket.Add($item)

        $LeftProperties = TranslateProperties -Properties $LeftProperties -Side 'Left' -RealObject $LeftData[0]
        $RightProperties = TranslateProperties -Properties $RightProperties -Side 'Right' -RealObject $Right[0]

        #I prefer ordered output. Left properties first.
        [string[]]$AllProps = $LeftProperties

        #Handle prefixes, suffixes, and building AllProps with Name only
        $RightProperties = foreach($RightProp in $RightProperties)
            if(-not ($RightProp -as [Hashtable]))
                Write-Verbose "Transforming property $RightProp to $Prefix$RightProp$Suffix"
                    Expression=[scriptblock]::create("param(`$_) `$_.'$RightProp'")
                $AllProps += "$Prefix$RightProp$Suffix"
                Write-Verbose "Skipping transformation of calculated property with name $($RightProp.Name), expression:`n$($RightProp.Expression | out-string)"
                $AllProps += [string]$RightProp["Name"]

        $AllProps = $AllProps | Select-Object -Unique

        Write-Verbose "Combined set of properties: $($AllProps -join ', ')"

        foreach ( $entry in $leftHash.GetEnumerator() )
            $key = $entry.Key
            $leftBucket = $entry.Value

            $rightBucket = $rightHash[$key]

            if ($null -eq $rightBucket)
                if ($Type -eq 'AllInLeft' -or $Type -eq 'AllInBoth')
                    foreach ($leftItem in $leftBucket)
                        WriteJoinObjectOutput $leftItem $null $LeftProperties $RightProperties | Select-Object $AllProps
                foreach ($leftItem in $leftBucket)
                    foreach ($rightItem in $rightBucket)
                        WriteJoinObjectOutput $leftItem $rightItem $LeftProperties $RightProperties | Select-Object $AllProps

        if ($Type -eq 'AllInRight' -or $Type -eq 'AllInBoth')
            foreach ($entry in $rightHash.GetEnumerator())
                $key = $entry.Key
                $rightBucket = $entry.Value

                $leftBucket = $leftHash[$key]

                if ($null -eq $leftBucket)
                    foreach ($rightItem in $rightBucket)
                        WriteJoinObjectOutput $null $rightItem $LeftProperties $RightProperties | Select-Object $AllProps

Function Invoke-Ping 
    Ping or test connectivity to systems in parallel
    Ping or test connectivity to systems in parallel

    Default action will run a ping against systems
        If Quiet parameter is specified, we return an array of systems that responded
        If Detail parameter is specified, we test WSMan, RemoteReg, RPC, RDP and/or SMB

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    One or more computers to test

    If specified, only return addresses that responded to Test-Connection

    Include one or more additional tests as specified:
        WSMan via Test-WSMan
        RemoteReg via Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
        RPC via WMI
        RDP via port 3389
        SMB via \\ComputerName\C$
        * All tests

    Time in seconds before we attempt to dispose an individual query. Default is 20

    Throttle query to this many parallel runspaces. Default is 100.

.PARAMETER NoCloseOnTimeout
    Do not dispose of timed out tasks or attempt to close the runspace if threads have timed out

    This will prevent the script from hanging in certain situations where threads become non-responsive, at the expense of leaking memory within the PowerShell host.

    Invoke-Ping Server1, Server2, Server3 -Detail *

    # Check for WSMan, Remote Registry, Remote RPC, RDP, and SMB (via C$) connectivity against 3 machines

    $Computers | Invoke-Ping

    # Ping computers in $Computers in parallel

    $Responding = $Computers | Invoke-Ping -Quiet
    # Create a list of computers that successfully responded to Test-Connection




        [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline=$true,
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName='Detail')]
        [int]$Timeout = 20,
        [int]$Throttle = 100,


        function Invoke-Parallel {
            Param (   

                [ValidateScript({test-path $_ -pathtype leaf})]





                    [int]$Throttle = 20,

                    [int]$SleepTimer = 200,

                    [int]$RunspaceTimeout = 0,

                    [switch]$NoCloseOnTimeout = $false,


                [validatescript({Test-Path (Split-Path $_ -parent)})]
                    [string]$LogFile = "C:\temp\log.log",

                    [switch] $Quiet = $false
            Begin {
                #No max queue specified? Estimate one.
                #We use the script scope to resolve an odd PowerShell 2 issue where MaxQueue isn't seen later in the function
                if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaxQueue') )
                    if($RunspaceTimeout -ne 0){ $script:MaxQueue = $Throttle }
                    else{ $script:MaxQueue = $Throttle * 3 }
                    $script:MaxQueue = $MaxQueue

                Write-Verbose "Throttle: '$throttle' SleepTimer '$sleepTimer' runSpaceTimeout '$runspaceTimeout' maxQueue '$maxQueue' logFile '$logFile'"

                #If they want to import variables or modules, create a clean runspace, get loaded items, use those to exclude items
                if ($ImportVariables -or $ImportModules)
                    $StandardUserEnv = [powershell]::Create().addscript({

                        #Get modules and snapins in this clean runspace
                        $Modules = Get-Module | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
                        $Snapins = Get-PSSnapin | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

                        #Get variables in this clean runspace
                        #Called last to get vars like $? into session
                        $Variables = Get-Variable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
                        #Return a hashtable where we can access each.
                            Variables = $Variables
                            Modules = $Modules
                            Snapins = $Snapins
                    if ($ImportVariables) {
                        #Exclude common parameters, bound parameters, and automatic variables
                        Function _temp {[cmdletbinding()] param() }
                        $VariablesToExclude = @( (Get-Command _temp | Select-Object -ExpandProperty parameters).Keys + $PSBoundParameters.Keys + $StandardUserEnv.Variables )
                        Write-Verbose "Excluding variables $( ($VariablesToExclude | sort ) -join ", ")"

                        # we don't use 'Get-Variable -Exclude', because it uses regexps.
                        # One of the veriables that we pass is '$?'.
                        # There could be other variables with such problems.
                        # Scope 2 required if we move to a real module
                        $UserVariables = @( Get-Variable | Where { -not ($VariablesToExclude -contains $_.Name) } ) 
                        Write-Verbose "Found variables to import: $( ($UserVariables | Select-Object -expandproperty Name | Sort ) -join ", " | Out-String).`n"


                    if ($ImportModules) 
                        $UserModules = @( Get-Module | Where {$StandardUserEnv.Modules -notcontains $_.Name -and (Test-Path $_.Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path )
                        $UserSnapins = @( Get-PSSnapin | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Where {$StandardUserEnv.Snapins -notcontains $_ } ) 

                #region functions
                    Function Get-RunspaceData {
                        param( [switch]$Wait )

                        #loop through runspaces
                        #if $wait is specified, keep looping until all complete
                        Do {

                            #set more to false for tracking completion
                            $more = $false

                            #Progress bar if we have inputobject count (bound parameter)
                            if (-not $Quiet) {
                                Write-Progress  -Activity "Running Query" -Status "Starting threads"`
                                    -CurrentOperation "$startedCount threads defined - $totalCount input objects - $script:completedCount input objects processed"`
                                    -PercentComplete $( Try { $script:completedCount / $totalCount * 100 } Catch {0} )

                            #run through each runspace.
                            Foreach($runspace in $runspaces) {
                                #get the duration - inaccurate
                                $currentdate = Get-Date
                                $runtime = $currentdate - $runspace.startTime
                                $runMin = [math]::Round( $runtime.totalminutes ,2 )

                                #set up log object
                                $log = "" | Select-Object Date, Action, Runtime, Status, Details
                                $log.Action = "Removing:'$($runspace.object)'"
                                $log.Date = $currentdate
                                $log.Runtime = "$runMin minutes"

                                #If runspace completed, end invoke, dispose, recycle, counter++
                                If ($runspace.Runspace.isCompleted) {
                                    #check if there were errors
                                    if($runspace.powershell.Streams.Error.Count -gt 0) {
                                        #set the logging info and move the file to completed
                                        $log.status = "CompletedWithErrors"
                                        Write-Verbose ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1]
                                        foreach($ErrorRecord in $runspace.powershell.Streams.Error) {
                                            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $ErrorRecord
                                    else {
                                        #add logging details and cleanup
                                        $log.status = "Completed"
                                        Write-Verbose ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1]

                                    #everything is logged, clean up the runspace
                                    $runspace.Runspace = $null
                                    $runspace.powershell = $null


                                #If runtime exceeds max, dispose the runspace
                                ElseIf ( $runspaceTimeout -ne 0 -and $runtime.totalseconds -gt $runspaceTimeout) {
                                    $timedOutTasks = $true
                                    #add logging details and cleanup
                                    $log.status = "TimedOut"
                                    Write-Verbose ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1]
                                    Write-Error "Runspace timed out at $($runtime.totalseconds) seconds for the object:`n$($runspace.object | out-string)"

                                    #Depending on how it hangs, we could still get stuck here as dispose calls a synchronous method on the powershell instance
                                    if (!$noCloseOnTimeout) { $runspace.powershell.dispose() }
                                    $runspace.Runspace = $null
                                    $runspace.powershell = $null

                                #If runspace isn't null set more to true
                                ElseIf ($null -ne $runspace.Runspace  ) {
                                    $log = $null
                                    $more = $true

                                #log the results if a log file was indicated
                                if($logFile -and $log){
                                    ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] | out-file $LogFile -append

                            #Clean out unused runspace jobs
                            $temphash = $runspaces.clone()
                            $temphash | Where { $Null -eq $_.runspace  } | ForEach {

                            #sleep for a bit if we will loop again
                            if($PSBoundParameters['Wait']){ Start-Sleep -milliseconds $SleepTimer }

                        #Loop again only if -wait parameter and there are more runspaces to process
                        } while ($more -and $PSBoundParameters['Wait'])
                    #End of runspace function

                #endregion functions
                #region Init

                    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptFile')
                        $ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create( $(Get-Content $ScriptFile | out-string) )
                    elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptBlock')
                        #Start building parameter names for the param block
                        [string[]]$ParamsToAdd = '$_'
                        if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Parameter') )
                            $ParamsToAdd += '$Parameter'

                        $UsingVariableData = $Null

                        # This code enables $Using support through the AST.
                        # This is entirely from Boe Prox, and his https://github.com/proxb/PoshRSJob module; all credit to Boe!
                        if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 2)
                            #Extract using references
                            $UsingVariables = $ScriptBlock.ast.FindAll({$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.UsingExpressionAst]},$True)    

                            If ($UsingVariables)
                                $List = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAst]'
                                ForEach ($Ast in $UsingVariables)

                                $UsingVar = $UsingVariables | Group Parent | ForEach {$_.Group | Select-Object -First 1}
                                #Extract the name, value, and create replacements for each
                                $UsingVariableData = ForEach ($Var in $UsingVar) {
                                        $Value = Get-Variable -Name $Var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath -ErrorAction Stop
                                        $NewName = ('$__using_{0}' -f $Var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath)
                                            Name = $Var.SubExpression.Extent.Text
                                            Value = $Value.Value
                                            NewName = $NewName
                                            NewVarName = ('__using_{0}' -f $Var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath)
                                        $ParamsToAdd += $NewName
                                        Write-Error "$($Var.SubExpression.Extent.Text) is not a valid Using: variable!"
                                $NewParams = $UsingVariableData.NewName -join ', '
                                $Tuple = [Tuple]::Create($list, $NewParams)
                                $bindingFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags]"Default,NonPublic,Instance"
                                $GetWithInputHandlingForInvokeCommandImpl = ($ScriptBlock.ast.gettype().GetMethod('GetWithInputHandlingForInvokeCommandImpl',$bindingFlags))
                                $StringScriptBlock = $GetWithInputHandlingForInvokeCommandImpl.Invoke($ScriptBlock.ast,@($Tuple))

                                $ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($StringScriptBlock)

                                Write-Verbose $StringScriptBlock
                        $ScriptBlock = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock("param($($ParamsToAdd -Join ", "))`r`n" + $Scriptblock.ToString())
                        Throw "Must provide ScriptBlock or ScriptFile"; Break

                    Write-Debug "`$ScriptBlock: $($ScriptBlock | Out-String)"
                    Write-Verbose "Creating runspace pool and session states"

                    #If specified, add variables and modules/snapins to session state
                    $sessionstate = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault()
                    if ($ImportVariables)
                        if($UserVariables.count -gt 0)
                            foreach($Variable in $UserVariables)
                                $sessionstate.Variables.Add( (New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList $Variable.Name, $Variable.Value, $null) )
                    if ($ImportModules)
                        if($UserModules.count -gt 0)
                            foreach($ModulePath in $UserModules)
                        if($UserSnapins.count -gt 0)
                            foreach($PSSnapin in $UserSnapins)
                                [void]$sessionstate.ImportPSSnapIn($PSSnapin, [ref]$null)

                    #Create runspace pool
                    $runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Throttle, $sessionstate, $Host)

                    Write-Verbose "Creating empty collection to hold runspace jobs"
                    $Script:runspaces = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList        
                    #If inputObject is bound get a total count and set bound to true
                    $global:__bound = $false
                    $allObjects = @()
                    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("inputObject") ){
                        $global:__bound = $true

                    #Set up log file if specified
                    if( $LogFile ){
                        New-Item -ItemType file -path $logFile -force | Out-Null
                        ("" | Select-Object Date, Action, Runtime, Status, Details | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";")[0] | Out-File $LogFile

                    #write initial log entry
                    $log = "" | Select-Object Date, Action, Runtime, Status, Details
                        $log.Date = Get-Date
                        $log.Action = "Batch processing started"
                        $log.Runtime = $null
                        $log.Status = "Started"
                        $log.Details = $null
                        if($logFile) {
                            ($log | convertto-csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] | Out-File $LogFile -Append

                    $timedOutTasks = $false

                #endregion INIT

            Process {

                #add piped objects to all objects or set all objects to bound input object parameter
                if( -not $global:__bound ){
                    $allObjects += $inputObject
                    $allObjects = $InputObject

            End {
                #Use Try/Finally to catch Ctrl+C and clean up.
                    #counts for progress
                    $totalCount = $allObjects.count
                    $script:completedCount = 0
                    $startedCount = 0

                    foreach($object in $allObjects){
                        #region add scripts to runspace pool
                            #Create the powershell instance, set verbose if needed, supply the scriptblock and parameters
                            $powershell = [powershell]::Create()
                            if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue')
                                [void]$PowerShell.AddScript({$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'})


                            if ($parameter)

                            # $Using support from Boe Prox
                            if ($UsingVariableData)
                                Foreach($UsingVariable in $UsingVariableData) {
                                    Write-Verbose "Adding $($UsingVariable.Name) with value: $($UsingVariable.Value)"

                            #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
                            $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspacepool
                            #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
                            $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell, StartTime, object, Runspace
                            $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
                            $temp.StartTime = Get-Date
                            $temp.object = $object
                            #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
                            $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()

                            #Add the temp tracking info to $runspaces collection
                            Write-Verbose ( "Adding {0} to collection at {1}" -f $temp.object, $temp.starttime.tostring() )
                            $runspaces.Add($temp) | Out-Null
                            #loop through existing runspaces one time

                            #If we have more running than max queue (used to control timeout accuracy)
                            #Script scope resolves odd PowerShell 2 issue
                            $firstRun = $true
                            while ($runspaces.count -ge $Script:MaxQueue) {

                                #give verbose output
                                    Write-Verbose "$($runspaces.count) items running - exceeded $Script:MaxQueue limit."
                                $firstRun = $false
                                #run get-runspace data and sleep for a short while
                                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $sleepTimer

                        #endregion add scripts to runspace pool
                    Write-Verbose ( "Finish processing the remaining runspace jobs: {0}" -f ( @($runspaces | Where {$Null -ne $_.Runspace }).Count) )
                    Get-RunspaceData -wait

                    if (-not $quiet) {
                        Write-Progress -Activity "Running Query" -Status "Starting threads" -Completed

                    #Close the runspace pool, unless we specified no close on timeout and something timed out
                    if ( ($timedOutTasks -eq $false) -or ( ($timedOutTasks -eq $true) -and ($noCloseOnTimeout -eq $false) ) ) {
                        Write-Verbose "Closing the runspace pool"

                    #collect garbage

        Write-Verbose "PSBoundParameters = $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)"
        $bound = $PSBoundParameters.keys -contains "ComputerName"
        if(-not $bound)
            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$AllComputers = @()

        #Handle both pipeline and bound parameter. We don't want to stream objects, defeats purpose of parallelizing work
            $AllComputers = $ComputerName
            foreach($Computer in $ComputerName)
                $AllComputers.add($Computer) | Out-Null


        #Built up the parameters and run everything in parallel
        $params = @($Detail, $Quiet)
        $splat = @{
            Throttle = $Throttle
            RunspaceTimeout = $Timeout
            InputObject = $AllComputers
            parameter = $params

        Invoke-Parallel @splat -ScriptBlock {
            $computer = $_.trim()
            $detail = $parameter[0]
            $quiet = $parameter[1]

            #They want detail, define and run test-server
                    #Modification of jrich's Test-Server function: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Powershell-Test-Server-e0cdea9a
                    Function Test-Server{
                                $total = Get-Date
                                $results = @()
                                if($credssp -and -not $Credential)
                                    Throw "Must supply Credentials with CredSSP test"

                                [string[]]$props = write-output Name, IP, Domain, Ping, WSMAN, CredSSP, RemoteReg, RPC, RDP, SMB

                                #Hash table to create PSObjects later, compatible with ps2...
                                $Hash = @{}
                                foreach($prop in $props)

                                function Test-Port{
                                    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
                                    $tcpclient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
                                    $iar = $tcpclient.BeginConnect($srv,$port,$null,$null)
                                    $wait = $iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout,$false)
                                    if(-not $wait)
                                        Write-Verbose "Connection Timeout to $srv`:$port"
                                            $tcpclient.EndConnect($iar) | out-Null
                                            write-verbose "Error for $srv`:$port`: $_"

                                foreach($name in $computername)
                                    $dt = $cdt= Get-Date
                                    Write-verbose "Testing: $Name"
                                    $failed = 0
                                        $DNSEntity = [Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($name)
                                        $domain = ($DNSEntity.hostname).replace("$name.","")
                                        $ips = $DNSEntity.AddressList | %{
                                            if(-not ( -not $IPV6 -and $_.AddressFamily -like "InterNetworkV6" ))
                                        $rst = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Hash | Select-Object -Property $props
                                        $rst.name = $name
                                        $results += $rst
                                        $failed = 1
                                    Write-verbose "DNS: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)"
                                    if($failed -eq 0){
                                        foreach($ip in $ips)
                                            $rst = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Hash | Select-Object -Property $props
                                            $rst.name = $name
                                            $rst.ip = $ip
                                            $rst.domain = $domain
                                            if($RDP -or $All)
                                                ####RDP Check (firewall may block rest so do before ping
                                                    $socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient($name, 3389) -ErrorAction stop
                                                    if($socket -eq $null)
                                                        $rst.RDP = $false
                                                        $rst.RDP = $true
                                                    $rst.RDP = $false
                                                    Write-Verbose "Error testing RDP: $_"
                                        Write-verbose "RDP: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)"
                                        if(test-connection $ip -count 2 -Quiet)
                                            Write-verbose "PING: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)"
                                            $rst.ping = $true
                                            if($WSMAN -or $All)
                                                    Test-WSMan $ip -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null
                                                    $rst.WSMAN = $true
                                                    $rst.WSMAN = $false
                                                    Write-Verbose "Error testing WSMAN: $_"
                                                Write-verbose "WSMAN: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)"
                                                if($rst.WSMAN -and $credssp) ########### credssp
                                                        Test-WSMan $ip -Authentication Credssp -Credential $cred -ErrorAction stop
                                                        $rst.CredSSP = $true
                                                        $rst.CredSSP = $false
                                                        Write-Verbose "Error testing CredSSP: $_"
                                                    Write-verbose "CredSSP: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)"
                                            if($RemoteReg -or $All)
                                                try ########remote reg
                                                    [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine, $ip) | Out-Null
                                                    $rst.remotereg = $true
                                                    $rst.remotereg = $false
                                                    Write-Verbose "Error testing RemoteRegistry: $_"
                                                Write-verbose "remote reg: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)"
                                            if($RPC -or $All)
                                                try ######### wmi
                                                    $w = [wmi] ''
                                                    $w.psbase.options.timeout = 15000000
                                                    $w.path = "\\$Name\root\cimv2:Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='$Name'"
                                                    $w | Select-Object none | Out-Null
                                                    $rst.RPC = $true
                                                    $rst.rpc = $false
                                                    Write-Verbose "Error testing WMI/RPC: $_"
                                                Write-verbose "WMI/RPC: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)"
                                            if($SMB -or $All)

                                                #Use set location and resulting errors. push and pop current location
                                                try ######### C$
                                                    $path = "\\$name\c$"
                                                    Push-Location -Path $path -ErrorAction stop
                                                    $rst.SMB = $true
                                                    $rst.SMB = $false
                                                    Write-Verbose "Error testing SMB: $_"
                                                Write-verbose "SMB: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)"

                                            $rst.ping = $false
                                            $rst.wsman = $false
                                            $rst.credssp = $false
                                            $rst.remotereg = $false
                                            $rst.rpc = $false
                                            $rst.smb = $false
                                        $results += $rst    
                                Write-Verbose "Time for $($Name): $((New-TimeSpan $cdt ($dt)).totalseconds)"
                                Write-Verbose "----------------------------"
                                Write-Verbose "Time for all: $((New-TimeSpan $total ($dt)).totalseconds)"
                                Write-Verbose "----------------------------"
                                return $results
                    #Build up parameters for Test-Server and run it
                        $TestServerParams = @{
                            ComputerName = $Computer
                            ErrorAction = "Stop"

                        if($detail -eq "*"){
                            $detail = "WSMan","RemoteReg","RPC","RDP","SMB" 

                        $detail | Select-Object -Unique | Foreach-Object { $TestServerParams.add($_,$True) }
                        Test-Server @TestServerParams | Select-Object -Property $( "Name", "IP", "Domain", "Ping" + $detail )
                    Write-Warning "Error with Test-Server: $_"
            #We just want ping output
                    #Pick out a few properties, add a status label. If quiet output, just return the address
                    $result = $null
                    if( $result = @( Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer -Count 2 -erroraction Stop ) )
                        $Output = $result | Select-Object -first 1 -Property Address,
                                                                      @{ label = "STATUS"; expression = {"Responding"} }

                        if( $quiet )
                    if(-not $quiet)
                        #Ping failed. I'm likely making inappropriate assumptions here, let me know if this is the case : )
                        if($_ -match "No such host is known")
                            $status = "Unknown host"
                        elseif($_ -match "Error due to lack of resources")
                            $status = "No Response"
                            $status = "Error: $_"

                        "" | Select-Object -Property @{ label = "Address"; expression = {$computer} },
                                              @{ label = "STATUS"; expression = {$status} }

Get-Uptime retrieves boot up information from a Computer.
Get-Uptime uses WMI to retrieve the Win32_OperatingSystem
LastBootuptime property. It displays the start up time
as well as the uptime.
from https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Get-Uptime-PowerShell-eb98896f

Created By: Jason Wasser @wasserja
Modified: 8/13/2015 01:59:53 PM
Version 1.4
 * Added Credential parameter
 * Changed to property hash table splat method
 * Converted to function to be added to a module.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
The Computer name to query. Default: Localhost.
Get-Uptime -ComputerName SERVER-R2
Gets the uptime from SERVER-R2
Get-Uptime -ComputerName (Get-Content C:\Temp\Computerlist.txt)
Gets the uptime from a list of computers in c:\Temp\Computerlist.txt.
Get-Uptime -ComputerName SERVER04 -Credential domain\serveradmin
Gets the uptime from SERVER04 using alternate credentials.
Function Get-Uptime { 
    param ( 
        $Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty 
    #Need to verify that the hostname is valid in DNS
    process { 
        foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { 
            try { 
                $hostdns = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostEntry($Computer) 
                $OS = Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop -Credential $Credential 
                $BootTime = $OS.ConvertToDateTime($OS.LastBootUpTime) 
                $Uptime = $OS.ConvertToDateTime($OS.LocalDateTime) - $boottime 
                $propHash = [ordered]@{ 
                    ComputerName = $Computer 
                    BootTime     = $BootTime 
                    Uptime       = $Uptime 
                $objComputerUptime = New-Object PSOBject -Property $propHash 
            catch [Exception] { 
                Write-Output "$computer $($_.Exception.Message)" 

Function Get-IniContent {  
        Gets the content of an INI file
        Gets the content of an INI file and returns it as a hashtable
        Author : Oliver Lipkau <oliver@lipkau.net>
        Blog : http://oliver.lipkau.net/blog/
        Source : https://github.com/lipkau/PsIni
        Version : 1.0 - 2010/03/12 - Initial release
                      1.1 - 2014/12/11 - Typo (Thx SLDR)
                                         Typo (Thx Dave Stiff)
        #Requires -Version 2.0
    .Parameter FilePath
        Specifies the path to the input file.
        $FileContent = Get-IniContent "C:\myinifile.ini"
        Saves the content of the c:\myinifile.ini in a hashtable called $FileContent
        $inifilepath | $FileContent = Get-IniContent
        Gets the content of the ini file passed through the pipe into a hashtable called $FileContent
        C:\PS>$FileContent = Get-IniContent "c:\settings.ini"
        Returns the key "Key" of the section "Section" from the C:\settings.ini file
        [ValidateScript({(Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq ".ini")})]  
        {Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Function started"}  
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Processing file: $Filepath"  
        $ini = @{}  
        switch -regex -file $FilePath  
            "^\[(.+)\]$" # Section
                $section = $matches[1]  
                $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $CommentCount = 0  
            "^(;.*)$" # Comment
                if (!($section))  
                    $section = "No-Section"  
                    $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $value = $matches[1]  
                $CommentCount = $CommentCount + 1  
                $name = "Comment" + $CommentCount  
                $ini[$section][$name] = $value  
            "(.+?)\s*=\s*(.*)" # Key
                if (!($section))  
                    $section = "No-Section"  
                    $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $name,$value = $matches[1..2]  
                $ini[$section][$name] = $value  
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Finished Processing file: $FilePath"  
        Return $ini  
        {Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Function ended"}  
Export-ModuleMember -function *