
function Get-SpecLeafName {
    This function extracts and returns the leaf name (filename with extension) from a given path.
    The Get-SpecLeafName function takes a path as input and extracts the leaf name (filename with extension) from that path.
    Specifies the path from which the leaf name will be extracted.
    Get-SpecLeafName -Path "C:\Files\Document.txt"
    Returns: "Document.txt"
    Extracts and returns the leaf name "Document.txt" from the given path "C:\Files\Document.txt".
    Get-SpecLeafName -Path "D:\Images\Pictures\holiday.jpg"
    Returns: "holiday.jpg"
    Extracts and returns the leaf name "vacation.jpg" from the given path "D:\Images\Pictures\holiday.jpg".
    Author: owen.heaume
    Date: August 10, 2023
    Version: 1.0

    param (

    $LeafName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($Path)
    return $LeafName