
Function New-SpecTestsPS1File {
    Creates a tests.ps1 file for a specified PowerShell module.
    The New-SpecTestsPS1File function generates a tests.ps1 file for a PowerShell module. It creates a PowerShell script file with the name "<ModuleName>.tests.ps1" in the module's "Tests" subdirectory.
    .PARAMETER moduleName
    Specifies the name of the module.
    .PARAMETER modulePath
    Specifies the path to the module's root directory.
    New-SpecTestsPS1File -moduleName "MyModule" -modulePath "C:\Path\To\Module"
    This example creates a MyModule.tests.ps1 file for a module named "MyModule" located at "C:\Path\To\Module".
    Author : owen.heaume
    Version : 1.1


    param (
        [parameter (mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter (mandatory = $true)]

    $code = @"
`$moduleName = '$moduleName'
`$testRoot = Split-Path -Path `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
`$modulePath = Join-Path -Path `$testRoot -ChildPath "..\`$moduleName\`$moduleName.psm1"
get-module `$moduleName | remove-module -Force
Import-Module `$modulePath -Force
InModuleScope $moduleName {

    $testsPath = Join-Path "$modulePath" "$moduleName\Tests"

    try {
        Write-verbose "Creating $testsPath\$moduleName.tests.ps1"
        new-item -Path $testsPath -Name "$moduleName.tests.ps1" -ItemType File -ea stop
        Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $testsPath "$modulename.tests.ps1") -Value $code -ea stop
        return $true
    } catch {
        return $false