
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<helpItems schema="maml">
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<command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10">
            <maml:para>PowerShell パスで使用できる形式にエンコードされた識別子が指定された場合は、元の SQL Server 識別子を返します。</maml:para>
        <maml:para>PowerShell パスで使用できる形式にエンコードされた識別子が指定された場合は、エンコード前の SQL Server 識別子を返します。SQL Server の区切られた識別子には、PowerShell オブジェクト名で通常はサポートされない特殊文字が含まれる場合があります。このような拡張文字は、16 進数表記にエンコードするか、バック ティック文字 (`) を使用してエスケープする必要があります。コロン (:) などの特定の文字はエスケープできません。16 進エンコードは %nn 形式で表されます。Decode-SqlName は、次のように、エンコードを対応する文字に変換します。%5C を \、%3A を :、%2E を .、%2F を /、%25 を %、%3C を &lt;、%3E を &gt;、%2A を *、%3F を ?、%5B を [、%5D を ]、%7C を | に変換します。</maml:para>
    <!-- Cmdlet syntax section-->
            <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)" position="2">
                    <maml:para>形式を変更する SQL Server 識別子。</maml:para>
                <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">string</command:parameterValue>
    <!-- Cmdlet parameter section -->
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)" position="2">
                <maml:para>形式を変更する SQL Server 識別子。</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">string</command:parameterValue>
    <!-- Input - Output section-->
                <maml:description />
                    <!-- description -->
                <maml:uri />
                <maml:description />
                    <!-- description -->
    <!-- Error section-->
    <command:terminatingErrors />
    <command:nonTerminatingErrors />
        <!-- Notes section -->
     <!-- Example section -->
                -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
Decode-SqlName -SqlName &quot;My%3ATable`/&quot;
My:Table/ </dev:code>
                      <maml:para>コロン (:) をエンコードした 16 進数表記を含む SQL Server 識別子をデコードします。PowerShell は、エスケープされたスラッシュ (/) から、エスケープするバック ティック文字 (`) も削除します。</maml:para>
    <!-- Link section -->
            <maml:linkText>SQL Server Books Online: Using SQL Server Identifiers in PowerShell</maml:linkText>
<!-- v -->
<command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10">
            <maml:para>SQL Server 名に含まれる拡張文字を、PowerShell パスで使用できる形式にエンコードします。</maml:para>
        <maml:para>SQL Server 名に含まれる特殊文字を、PowerShell パスで使用できる形式にエンコードします。SQL Server の区切られた識別子には、PowerShell オブジェクト名で通常はサポートされない文字が含まれる場合があります。区切られた識別子を SQL Server プロバイダー パスで使用する場合、これらの拡張文字を 16 進数表記にエンコードするか、バック ティック文字 (`) を使用してエスケープする必要があります。コロン (:) などの特定の文字はエスケープできません。文字の 16 進エンコードは %nn 形式で表されます。Encode-SqlName によってエンコードされた文字を次に示します: \:./%&lt;&gt;*?[]|</maml:para>
    <!-- Cmdlet syntax section-->
            <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)" position="2">
                    <maml:para>エンコードする SQL Server 識別子。</maml:para>
                <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">string</command:parameterValue>
    <!-- Cmdlet parameter section -->
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)" position="2">
                <maml:para>エンコードする SQL Server 識別子。</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">string</command:parameterValue>
    <!-- Input - Output section-->
                <maml:description />
                    <!-- description -->
                <maml:uri />
                <maml:description />
                    <!-- description -->
    <!-- Error section-->
    <command:terminatingErrors />
    <command:nonTerminatingErrors />
        <!-- Notes section -->
     <!-- Example section -->
                -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
Encode-SqlName -SqlName &quot;My:Table/&quot;
My%3ATable%2F </dev:code>
                      <maml:para>コロン (:) およびスラッシュ (/) を含む SQL Server テーブル名をエンコードします。</maml:para>
    <!-- Link section -->
            <maml:linkText>SQL Server Books Online: Using SQL Server Identifiers in PowerShell</maml:linkText>
<!-- v -->
<command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10">
            <maml:para>SQL Server 管理オブジェクトの URN を SQL Server PowerShell プロバイダー パスに変換します。</maml:para>
        <maml:para>SQL Server 管理オブジェクトの URN (Uniform Resource Name) を SQL Server プロバイダー パスに変換します。SQL Server 管理オブジェクトには、SQL Server オブジェクト階層でのその場所を示す文字列を返す Urn プロパティがあります。Urn のノードが、PowerShell パス ノードでサポートされていない拡張文字を含む SQL Server の区切られた識別子である場合、拡張文字は 16 進数表記でエンコードされます。たとえば、テーブル名 &quot;My:Table&quot; は &quot;My%3ATable&quot; としてエンコードされます。</maml:para>
    <!-- Cmdlet syntax section-->
            <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)" position="named">
                    <maml:para>SQL Server の URN (Unique Resource Name) を含む文字列。SQL Server の URN は、SQL Server 階層でのオブジェクトの場所を示す文字列です。URN には、SQL Server PowerShell パスと同じ情報が含まれます。異なるのは形式だけです。SQL Server 管理オブジェクトには Urn プロパティがあります。</maml:para>
                <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">string</command:parameterValue>
    <!-- Cmdlet parameter section -->
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)" position="named">
                <maml:para>SQL Server の URN (Unique Resource Name) を含む文字列。SQL Server の URN は、SQL Server 階層でのオブジェクトの場所を示す文字列です。URN には、SQL Server PowerShell パスと同じ情報が含まれます。異なるのは形式だけです。SQL Server 管理オブジェクトには Urn プロパティがあります。</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">string</command:parameterValue>
    <!-- Input - Output section-->
                <maml:description />
                    <!-- description -->
                    SQL Server 管理オブジェクトの URN を含む文字列。
                <maml:uri />
                <maml:description />
                    <!-- description -->
                    SQL Server PowerShell プロバイダー パスを含む文字列。
    <!-- Error section-->
    <command:terminatingErrors />
    <command:nonTerminatingErrors />
        <!-- Notes section -->
     <!-- Example section -->
                -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\MyInstance\Databases\AdventureWorks2012
Convert-UrnToPath -Urn (Get-Item .).Urn.ToString()
SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\MyInstance\Databases\AdventureWorks2012 </dev:code>
                      <maml:para>現在のパスを含む文字列を返します。次の例では、SMO Urn プロパティの ToString() 関数を使用して Urn を文字列として返します。</maml:para>
                -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
Set-Location ( Convert-UrnToPath -Urn &quot;Server[@Name='MyComputer']/Database[@Name='AdventureWorks']/Table[@Name='Address' and @Schema = 'Person']&quot; ) </dev:code>
                      <maml:para>SQL Server 管理オブジェクトの URN で指定された場所へのパスを設定します。</maml:para>
                -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\DEFAULT\Databases
foreach ($Item in Get-ChildItem) { $Item.Urn.ToString() | Convert-UrnToPath}
SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\DEFAULT\Databases\AdventureWorks2012 </dev:code>
                      <maml:para>それぞれが既定のインスタンスのデータベースへのパスを含む、一連の文字列を返します。現在のノードの URN を Convert-UrnToPath に渡すには、パイプラインを使用します。</maml:para>
    <!-- Link section -->
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    Access SQL Server instances and their databases.
    <para>The Microsoft SQL Server PowerShell provider lets you manage the configuration of instances of the SQL Server Database Engine and the objects in those instances. The SQL Server PowerShell provider implements separate path hierarchies for different classes of objects that are supported by the SQL Server management object models.
The SQL Server PowerShell provider implements one virtual drive named SQLSERVER:. The SQLSERVER: drive has several folders: \SQL, \SQLPolicy, \SQLRegistration, \Utility, \DAC, \DataCollection, \IntegrationServices, and SQLAS.
The SQLServer:\SQL folder lets you navigate to instances of the SQL Server Database Engine and manage the objects in the instances, such as logins, tables, functions, jobs, queues, and mail agents. The SQL folder operates using the objects in these namespaces:
The SQLSERVER:\SQLPolicy folder lets you navigate to instances of the Database Engine that contains a Policy-Based Management policy store and manage objects such as policies and facets. The SQLPolicy folder operates using the objects in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dmf and Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Facets namespaces.
The SQLSERVER:\SQLRegistration folder lets you navigate to instances of the Database Engine and manage Registered Server objects such as server groups and registered servers. The SQLRegistration folder operates using the objects in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.RegisteredServers and Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.RegSvrEnum namespace.
The SQLSERVER:\Utility folder lets you navigate to the managed instances and data-tier applications registered in the SQL Server Utility. The Utility folder operates using the objects in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Utility namespace.
The SQLServer:\DAC folder lets you navigage through data-tier applications objects such as DAC package files. The DAC folder operates using the objects in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DAC namespace.
The SQLServer:\DataCollection folder lets you navigate to instances of the Database Engine and manage Data Collector objects such as collection sets and configuration stores. The DataCollection folder operates using the objects in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Collector namespace.
The SQLServer:\IntegrationServices folder lets you manage SQL Server Integration Services objects such as projects, packages, and environments. The IntegrationServices folder operates using the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices namespace.
The SQLServer:\SQLAS folders lets you manage SQL Server Analysis Services objects such as aggregations, dimensions, and cubes. The SQLAS folder operates using the Microsoft.AnalysisServices namespace.
You can navigate the SQLSERVER: paths by using PowerShell path cmdlets such as Get-Location, Set-Location, and Get-ChildItem.
The leading part of a SQLSERVER:\SQL path has the form SQLSERVER:\SQL\ComputerName\InstanceName. You must always specify an instance name, even for default instances. Specify DEFAULT for default instance names. The path nodes following the InstanceName alternate between object classes and object names. Schemas are not represented as an object class. When you specify a path node for top level objects in schemas, such as tables or views, the node name must be in the format SchemaName.ObjectName. For example, this is the path to the AddressID column in the Address table of the Person schema:
To save typing, you can create your own PowerShell drives that map over the first several nodes of an SQL path.
The information that is returned by Get-ChildItem depends on which part of the path the cmdlet is executed from:
Returns the local computer name and the list of computers to which you have opened Database Engine connections by using WMI:
PS SQLSERVER:\SQL&gt; Get-ChildItem
Returns the list of instances on the specified computer:
PS SQLSERVER:\SQL\ComputerName&gt; Get-ChildItem
Returns the list of top-level object types from the instance, such as Logins and Databases:
PS SQLSERVER:\SQL\ComputerName\InstanceName&gt; Get-ChildItem.
With the SQL Server PowerShell provider, you manage the objects that are exposed in SQL Server paths by using the SQL Server management object model methods and properties for that class of object. For example, you can use the methods of the Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.SMO.Database class to perform actions such as creating, altering, and dropping databases. You can also use the class properties to query the current state of the objects. Use the Get-Member cmdlet to get a list of the methods and properties that are supported for the various objects. For information about the classes, see the namespace reference sections in the SQL Server Books Online.
You cannot select, insert, update, or delete data in tables and views by using the SQL Server PowerShell provider. For example, there is no Select() or Insert() method for tables. Use the Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet to access and change the data in tables and views.
By default, the SQL Server PowerShell provider opens Windows Authentication connections by using the credentials of the Windows account that is running the PowerShell session. See SQL Server Books Online for information about opening a SQL Server Authentication connection using the provider.
In complex databases, the lists returned by Get-ChildItem and the PowerShell tab-completion lists can be very large. You can use three system variables created by the SQL Server PowerShell provider to control the size of these lists:
$SqlServerMaximumTabCompletion = n
n is an integer that specifies the maximum number of objects in a tab completion list. The default is 0, which means all objects are returned.
$SqlServerMaximumChildItems = n
n is an integer that specifies the maximum number of objects returned when you run Get-ChildItem on SQL Server path nodes. The default is 0, which means all objects are returned.
$SQLServerIncludeSystemObjects = { $True | $False }
Specifies whether SQL Server system objects are returned by Get-ChildItem or included in tab-completion lists. The default is $True</para>
    SQL Server delimited identifiers are object names that are enclosed in brackets ([Table:Name]) or quotation marks (&quot;View&gt;Name&quot;). Delimited identifiers can contain any Unicode character. The special characters in these names must be either encoded to their hexadecimal representation or escaped for use in PowerShell paths. The hexadecimal encoding for characters uses the format %nn. An example of encoding the colon (:)character in the name &quot;Table:Name&quot; is:
Set-Location &quot;Table%3AName&quot;.
The PowerShell escape character is the back tick (`) character that is typically on the key at the top left of the keyboard. An example of escaping an extended character is as follows:
Set-Location &quot;View`&gt;Name&quot;
Certain characters, such as the colon character (:), cannot be escaped. They must be encoded. The SQL Server PowerShell provider snapin implements two cmdlets to help encode and decode delimited identifiers: Encode-SqlName and Decode-SqlName.
You must supply a registry or directory object for the -Type parameter when using these core cmdlets with a SQLRegistration: drive: Copy-Object, Move-Object, New-Object, Remove-Object, and Rename-Object.
            Navigating SQLSERVER:\SQL paths
                    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
                    <para>This example uses the Set-Location cmdlet to change the path to the SQL folder.</para>
                    Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL
                    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
                    <para>This example uses Set-Location to change the path to a default instance of the Database Engine</para>
                    Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\DEFAULT
                    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
                    <para>This example uses Set-Location to change the path to the AdventureWorks sample database.</para>
                    Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\MyInstance\Databases\AdventureWorks
            Build a New PowerShell Drive
                    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
                    <para>If you are going to do a lot of work in the AdventureWorks database, create a new AWDB: drive to save typing.</para>
                    New-PSDrive -Name AWDB -Root SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\DEFAULT\Databases\AdventureWorks -PSProvider SQLServer
            Get the Methods and Properties of a SQL Server Object
                    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
                    <para>This command sets a variable to the SMO Database class and then gets a list of the methods and properties supported by the class.</para>
                    $MyVar = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Database
$MyVar | Get-Member -Type Methods
$MyVar | Get-Member -Type Properties
                    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
                    <para>This command navigates to the database node in an SQL-based path and get s a list of the properties that are supported for databases.</para>
                    Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\DEFAULT\Databases
Get-Item . | Get-Member -Type Properties
            Filter SQL Server Objects by Using SMO Properties
                    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
                    <para>This command lists only the tables that are in the AdventureWorks Sales schema.</para>
                    Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\DEFAULT\Databases\AdventureWorks\Tables
Get-ChildItem | WHERE {$_.Schema -eq &quot;Sales&quot;}
            Generate Scripts That Create SQL Server Objects
                    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
                    <para>This script creates a Views.sql file that contains the CREATE VIEW statements that are required to recreate all of the views that are defined in AdventureWorks.</para>
                    Remove_Item c:\PowerShell\Views.sql
Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\DEFAULT\Databases\AdventureWorks\Views
foreach ($Item in Get-ChildItem) {$Item.Script() | Out-File -Filepath c:\PowerShell\Views.sql -append }
            Use SMO to Manage SQL Server Objects
                    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
                    <para>This script uses SMO to create a database and then query its state.</para>
                    Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\MyComputer\DEFAULT\Databases
$MyVar = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Database
$MyVar.Parent = (Get-Item ..)
$MyVar.Name = &quot;NewDB&quot;
            Controlling SQL Server Objects in Tab-completion and Get-ChildItem
                    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
                    <para>This script sets the values for the system variables that control the number of SQL Server objects included in tab-completion lists or returned by Get-ChildItem.</para>
                    $SqlServerMaximumTabCompletion = 20
$SqlServerMaximumChildItems = 10
$SqlServerIncludeSystemObjects = $False
dir variable:sqlserver*