
$IndexJs = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\index.*.bundle.js"
$AssetId = [UniversalDashboard.Services.AssetService]::Instance.RegisterAsset($IndexJs.FullName)

function New-UDCalendar {
    A calendar component for PowerShell Universal apps.
    A calendar component for PowerShell Universal apps.
    The ID for this component. If not specified, a GUID will be generated.

    .PARAMETER Events
    The events to display on the calendar.

    .PARAMETER DateClicked
    The endpoint to call when a date is clicked.

    .PARAMETER EventClicked
    The endpoint to call when an event is clicked.

    The initial view for the calendar. Valid values are dayGridYear, dayGridMonth, dayGridWeek, dayGridDay, timeGridWeek, timeGridDay, listWeek, listDay, listMonth, listYear, multiMonthYear.

    .PARAMETER HideWeekends
    Indicates if weekends should be hidden.

    .PARAMETER HiddenDays
    The days of the week to hide. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.

    .PARAMETER HideDayHeader
    Indicates if the day header should be hidden.

    .PARAMETER InitialDate
    The initial date to display on the calendar.

    .PARAMETER Locale
    The locale to use for the calendar.

    .PARAMETER SlotMinTime
    The minimum time to display in the calendar.

    .PARAMETER SlotMaxTime
    The maximum time to display in the calendar.

    .PARAMETER HeaderToolbar
    The header toolbar configuration for the calendar.

        [string]$Id = (New-Guid).ToString(),
        [Hashtable[]]$Events = @(),
        [ValidateSet('dayGridYear', 'dayGridMonth', 'dayGridWeek', 'dayGridDay', 'timeGridWeek', 'timeGridDay', 'listWeek', 'listDay', 'listMonth', 'listYear', 'multiMonthYear')]
        [string]$View = "dayGridMonth",
        [int[]]$HiddenDays = @(),
        [DateTime]$InitialDate = (Get-Date),
        [ValidateSet("de", "it", "fr", "es")]
        [string]$SlotMinTime = "00:00:00",
        [string]$SlotMaxTime = "24:00:00",
        [Hashtable]$HeaderToolbar = @{
            start  = 'title'
            center = ''
            end    = 'today prev,next'
    End {
        if ($DateClicked) {
            $DateClicked.Register($Id + "DateClicked", $PSCmdlet)

        if ($EventClicked) {
            $EventClicked.Register($Id + "EventClicked", $PSCmdlet)

            assetId       = $AssetId 
            isPlugin      = $true 
            type          = "ud-calendar"
            id            = $Id

            events        = $Events
            dateClicked   = $DateClicked
            renderEvent   = $RenderEvent
            weekends      = -not $HideWeekends.IsPresent
            hiddenDays    = $HiddenDays
            dayHeaders    = -not $HideDayHeader.IsPresent
            initialDate   = $InitialDate
            view          = $View
            locale        = if ($Locale) { $Locale.ToLower() } else { $null }
            eventClicked  = $EventClicked
            slotMinTime   = $SlotMinTime
            slotMaxTime   = $SlotMaxTime
            headerToolbar = $HeaderToolbar

function New-UDCalendarEvent {
    A calendar event for the calendar component.
    A calendar event for the calendar component.
    The ID for this component. If not specified, a GUID will be generated.
    .PARAMETER Title
    The title of this event.
    .PARAMETER Start
    The start date of this event.
    The end date of this event.
    Indicates if this event is an all day event.
    The URL to navigate to when clicking on this event.

        [string]$Id = (New-Guid).ToString(), 
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Title')]
        [DateTime]$Start = (Get-Date),
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Content')]

        id              = $Id
        title           = $Title
        start           = $Start
        end             = if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('End')) { $End } else { $null }
        allDay          = $AllDay.IsPresent
        url             = $Url
        className       = $ClassName
        backgroundColor = $BackgroundColor
        borderColor     = $BorderColor
        textColor       = $TextColor
        content         = if ($Content) { & $Content } else { $null }