
#a private helper function to parse the key settings into more manageable objects
#this is called in Get-WTKeyBinding

Function parsesetting {
        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    Process {
        if ($setting.command -is [string]) {
            $cmd = $setting.command
            #assuming there is only a single key binding
            #it is also possible the json file may use array syntax
            #even though a single key combination is specified
            $keys = $setting.keys | Select-Object -First 1
            $actionsettings = $null
        else {
            $cmd = $setting.command.action
            $keys = $Setting.keys | Select-Object -First 1
            #join other action settings into a string
            $other = $ { $ -ne 'action' }) | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Name) = $($_.value)" }
            $actionsettings = $other -join ";"
            Action         = $cmd
            ActionSettings = $actionsettings
            Keys           = $keys

Function AddWTSettingsVariable {

    Write-Verbose "Parsing $global:WTSettingsPath"
    #need to strip out comments for Windows PowerShell
    #$pattern = "(?(?<=:|\/)no)(\/{2})(?=\s+)?"
    $pattern = "(\/{2})(?=\s+)?"
    Try {
        $obj = (Get-Content -Path $Global:WTSettingsPath).where({ $_ -notmatch $pattern -OR $_ -match "ms-appx:\/{3}" }) | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
    Catch {
        Write-Warning "Failed to parse settings.json. You might have an error in the file. $($_.Exception.Message)"
    #only continue if there is an object
    if ($obj) {
        Write-Verbose "Adding custom properties"
        Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Computername -Value $env:COMPUTERNAME
        Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastUpdated -Value ((Get-Item -Path $Global:WTSettingsPath).LastWriteTime)
        Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastRefresh -Value (Get-Date)

        Write-Verbose "Adding a method to refresh the object"
        Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name Refresh -Value { AddWTSettingsVariable }
        Write-Verbose "Setting the WTSettings variable in the global scope"
        Set-Variable -Name WTSettings -Scope Global -Value $obj
    else {
        Write-Warning "Failed to create the settings object."

Function GetWTPackage {

    if ($Preview) {
        $name = "Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview"
    else {
        $name = "Microsoft.WindowsTerminal"
    Sept. 22, 2020 JH
    PowerShell 7.1 is based on a newer version of .NET Core which breaks the AppX cmdlets. I'll use remoting to Windows PowerShell.

    Dec. 29, 2021 JH
     PowerShell 7.2 gets around the Appx bug by using implicit remoting to Windows PowerShell
     which is what I am doing here. Leaving this code as-is.

    if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() -match "^7\.[1-9]") {
        Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeofDay)] Detected PowerShell $($matches[0])"
        Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Get-AppxPackage $using:Name } -ConfigurationName Microsoft.PowerShell -ComputerName localhost
    else {
        Get-AppxPackage -Name $name
Function NewWTProfile {

    #$WTProfile is an object from $wtsettings.profiles.list that will be converted
    #into a strongly typed object.
    if ($wtProfile.commandline) {
        $cmd = $wtProfile.commandline
    else {
        $cmd = $wtProfile.source
    if ($null -eq $wtprofile.hidden) {
        $hidden = $false
    else {
        $hidden = $wtProfile.hidden
        PSTypeName        = "wtProfile"
        Name              = $wtProfile.Name
        Guid              = $wtProfile.guid
        Hidden            = $Hidden
        Title          = $wtProfile.tabTitle
        SourceCommand     = $cmd
        Icon              = $WTProfile.Icon
        StartingDirectory = $WTProfile.StartingDirectory
        ColorScheme       = $WTProfile.ColorScheme
        UseAcrylic        = $WTProfile.UseAcrylic
        AcrylicOpacity    = $WTProfile.AcrylicOpacity
        CursorShape = $wtProfile.CursorShape
        IsDefault         = ($WTProfile.guid -eq $wtsettings.defaultProfile)


Function Convert-HtmlToAnsi {
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "Specify an HTML color code like #13A10E"
    Begin {
        Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeofDay) BEGIN ] Starting $($myinvocation.mycommand)"
    } #begin

    Process {
        Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeofDay) PROCESS] Converting $HTMLCode"
        $c = [System.Drawing.ColorTranslator]::FromHtml($htmlCode)
        Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeofDay) PROCESS] RGB = $($c.r),$($c.g),$($c.b)"
        $ansi = '[38;2;{0};{1};{2}m' -f $c.R,$c.G,$c.B
    } #process
    End {
        Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeofDay) END ] Ending $($myinvocation.mycommand)"

    } #end
} #close Convert-HTMLtoANSI