
function Get-AzToolsCostSummary {
        Get Billing Invoice Summary
        Get Billing Invoice Summary for Azure Billing Account
    .PARAMETER SelectContext
        Optional. Prompt to select the Azure context (tenant/subscription)
    .PARAMETER Latest
        Optional. Return the latest invoice only. Default is to return all available invoices.
        Returns all available invoices for the current Azure context.
        Get-AzToolsCostSummary -SelectContext
        Prompts to select Azure context, then returns all available invoices.
        Get-AzToolsCostSummary -Latest
        Returns the latest invoice only.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Select Azure Context")][switch]$SelectContext,
    if ($SelectContext) { Switch-AzToolsContext }
    if (!$global:AzToolsLastSubscription -or $SelectContext) { Select-AzToolsSubscription }
    Get-AzBillingAccount | Foreach-Object {
        $ba = $_.Name
        $bplist = Get-AzBillingPeriod | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.InvoiceNames} | Select-Object Name,BillingPeriodStartDate,BillingPeriodEndDate,InvoiceNames
        if ($Latest) {
            Get-AzBillingInvoice -Latest
        } else {
            $bplist | Foreach-Object { Get-AzBillingInvoice -Name $_.InvoiceNames }