
configuration Sample_cFSRMFileScreenTemplate
    Import-DscResource -Module cFSRM

    Node $NodeName
        cFSRMFileScreenTemplate FileScreenSomeFiles
            Name = 'Block Some Files'
            Description = 'File Screen for Blocking Some Files'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Active = $true
            IncludeGroup = 'Audio and Video Files','Executable Files','Backup Files' 
        } # End of cFSRMFileScreenTemplate Resource

        cFSRMFileScreenTemplateAction FileScreenSomeFilesEmail
            Name = 'Block Some Files'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Type = 'Email'
            Subject = 'Unauthorized file matching [Violated File Group] file group detected'
            Body = 'The system detected that user [Source Io Owner] attempted to save [Source File Path] on [File Screen Path] on server [Server]. This file matches the [Violated File Group] file group which is not permitted on the system.'
            MailBCC = ''
            MailCC = 'fileserveradmins@contoso.com'
            MailTo = '[Source Io Owner Email]'           
            DependsOn = "[cFSRMFileScreenTemplate]FileScreenSomeFiles" 
        } # End of cFSRMFileScreenTemplateAction Resource

        cFSRMFileScreenTemplateAction FileScreenSomeFilesEvent
            Name = 'Block Some Files'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Type = 'Event'
            Body = 'The system detected that user [Source Io Owner] attempted to save [Source File Path] on [File Screen Path] on server [Server]. This file matches the [Violated File Group] file group which is not permitted on the system.'
            EventType = 'Warning'
            DependsOn = "[cFSRMFileScreenTemplate]FileScreenSomeFiles" 
        } # End of cFSRMFileScreenTemplateAction Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration