
function New-DBOPackage {
        Creates a new deployment package from a specified set of scripts
        Creates a new zip package which would contain a set of deployment scripts.
        Deploy.ps1 inside the package will initiate the deployment of the extracted package.
        Can be created with predefined parameters, which would allow for deployments without specifying additional info.
    .PARAMETER ScriptPath
        A collection of script files to add to the build. Accepts Get-Item/Get-ChildItem objects and wildcards.
        Will recursively add all of the subfolders inside folders. See examples if you want only custom files to be added.
        During deployment, scripts will be following this deployment order:
         - Item order provided in the ScriptPath parameter
           - Files inside each child folder (both folders and files in alphabetical order)
             - Files inside the root folder (in alphabetical order)
        Aliases: SourcePath
        Package file name. Will add '.zip' extention, if no extension is specified
        Aliases: Name, FileName, Package
    .PARAMETER Build
        A string that would be representing a build number of the first build in this package.
        A single package can span multiple builds - see Add-DBOBuild.
        Optional - can be genarated automatically.
        Can only contain characters that will be valid on the filesystem.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Replaces the target file specified in -Path if it already exists.
    .PARAMETER ConfigurationFile
        A path to the custom configuration json file
    .PARAMETER Configuration
        Hashtable containing necessary configuration items. Will override parameters in ConfigurationFile
    .PARAMETER Variables
        Hashtable with variables that can be used inside the scripts and deployment parameters.
        Proper format of the variable tokens is #{MyVariableName}
        Can also be provided as a part of Configuration hashtable: -Configuration @{ Variables = @{ Var1 = ...; Var2 = ...}}
    .PARAMETER Confirm
        Prompts to confirm certain actions
        Shows what would happen if the command would execute, but does not actually perform the command
        # Creates new package using files from .\Scripts\2.0. Initial build version will be 2.0
        New-DBOPackage -Path -ScriptPath .\Scripts\2.0 -Build 2.0
        # Creates new package using files from .\Scripts\2.0. Destination file will be overwritten.
        Get-ChildItem .\Scripts\2.0 | New-DBOPackage -Path -Build 1.0 -Force
        # Creates new package and applies custom configuration template to it
        New-DBOPackage -Path -ScriptPath .\Scripts -ConfigurationFile .\config.json
        # Creates new package and uses predefined configuration parameters
        New-DBOPackage -Path -ScriptPath .\Scripts -Configuration @{ Database = 'myDB'; ConnectionTimeout = 5 }

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 1)]
        [Alias('FileName', 'Name', 'Package')]
        [string]$Path = (Split-Path (Get-Location) -Leaf),
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            Position = 2)]
    begin {
        #Set package extension if there is none
        $packagePath = $Path
        $fileName = Split-Path $packagePath -Leaf
        if ($fileName.IndexOf('.') -eq -1) {
            $packagePath = "$"
        #Combine Variables and Configuration into a single object
        $configTable = $Configuration
        if ($Variables) {
            if ($configTable) {
            $configTable += @{ Variables = $Variables }
        #Create a package object
        $package = [DBOpsPackage]::new()

        #Get configuration object according to current config options
        if (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName ConfigurationFile -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters) {
            $config = Get-DBOConfig -Path $ConfigurationFile -Configuration $configTable
        else {
            $config = Get-DBOConfig -Configuration $configTable
        #Create new build
        if ($Build) {
            $buildNumber = $Build
        else {
            $buildNumber = Get-NewBuildNumber
        $scriptCollection = @()
    process {
        $scriptCollection += $ScriptPath
    end {
        #Create a new build
        $buildObject = $package.NewBuild($buildNumber)
        foreach ($scriptItem in $scriptCollection) {
            $null = $buildObject.NewScript((Get-ChildScriptItem $scriptItem))

        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($package, "Generate a package file")) {
            #Save package file
            $package.SaveToFile($packagePath, $Force)

            #Output the package object