
    "bucket": "Manage Scoop buckets",
    "bucket list": "Lists the buckets that have been added",
    "bucket add": "Command: scoop bucket add <bucket_name> <bucket_url>\nAdd Scoop bucket\neg: scoop bucket add extras",
    "bucket rm": "Command: scoop bucket rm <bucket_name>\nRemove Scoop bucket\neg : scoop bucket rm extras",
    "bucket known": "list all known buckets",
    "bucket -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- bucket",
    "search": "Command: scoop search <app>\nSearch available apps\neg: scoop search main\\sudo",
    "search -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- search",
    "install": "Command: scoop install [-g|-u|-k|-i|-s|-a] <app>\nInstall apps\neg : scoop install -u main\\sudo",
    "install -g": "Alias: --global\nInstall the app globally",
    "install -u": "Alias: --no-update-scoop\nDon't update Scoop before installing if it's outdated",
    "install -k": "Alias: --no-cache\nDon't use the download cache",
    "install -i": "Alias: --independent\nDon't install dependencies automatically",
    "install -s": "Alias: --skip\nSkip hash validation (use with caution!)",
    "install -a": "Alias: --arch <32bit|64bit|arm64>\nUse the specified architecture <32bit|64bit|arm64>, if the app supports it",
    "install -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- install",
    "uninstall": "Command: scoop uninstall [-g|-p] <app>\nUninstall apps\neg : scoop uninstall sudo",
    "uninstall -g": "Alias: --global\nUninstall the app globally",
    "uninstall -p": "Alias: --purge\nRemove all persistent data",
    "uninstall -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- uninstall",
    "update": "Command: scoop update [-f|-g|-i|-k|-s|-q|-a] <app>\nUpdate apps, or Scoop itself\neg : scoop update 7zip",
    "update -f": "Alias: --force\nForce update even when there isn't a newer version",
    "update -g": "Alias: --global\nUpdate a globally installed app",
    "update -i": "Alias: --independent\nDon't install dependencies automatically",
    "update -k": "Alias: --no-cache\nDon't use the download cache",
    "update -s": "Alias: --skip\nSkip hash validation (use with caution!)",
    "update -q": "Alias: --quiet\nHide extraneous messages",
    "update -a": "Alias: --all\nUpdate all apps (alternative to '*')",
    "update -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- update",
    "list": "Command: scoop list [pattern]\nList installed apps\neg : scoop list 7 -- List all installed apps with names of 7",
    "list -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- list",
    "info": "Command: scoop info [--verbose] <app>\nDisplay information about an app\neg : scoop info 7zip",
    "info --verbose": "Display More detailed information",
    "info -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- info",
    "cache": "Command: scoop cache <show|rm> <app>\nShow or clear the download cache\neg : scoop cache <show/rm> <app>",
    "cache show": "See what's in the cache\neg : scoop cache show *\n scoop cache show 7zip",
    "cache rm": "Remove the cache of app\neg : scoop cache rm *\n scoop cache rm 7zip",
    "cache -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- cache",
    "reset": "Reset an app to resolve conflicts\neg : scoop reset python\n scoop reset python27",
    "reset *": "Reset All apps",
    "reset -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- reset",
    "cleanup": "Command: scoop cleanup [-a|-g|-k|-h] <app|*>\nCleanup apps by removing old versions\neg : scoop cleanup 7zip",
    "cleanup -a": "Alias: --all\nCleanup all apps (alternative to '*')",
    "cleanup -g": "Alias: --global\nCleanup a globally installed app",
    "cleanup -k": "Alias: --cache\nRemove outdated download cache",
    "cleanup -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- cleanup",
    "prefix": "Returns the path to the specified app\neg : scoop prefix 7zip",
    "prefix -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- prefix",
    "cat": "Show content of specified manifest\neg : scoop cat 7zip",
    "cat -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- cat",
    "checkup": "Check for potential problems with Scoop",
    "checkup -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- checkup",
    "alias": "Manage scoop aliases\neg : scoop alias add <alias_name> <command> <description>\n scoop alias rm <alias_name>\n scoop alias list",
    "alias add": "Command: scoop alias add <alias_name> <command> <description>\nAdd an Alias\neg : scoop alias add upgrade 'scoop update * Updates all apps'\n Then type 'scoop upgrade' to run 'scoop update *",
    "alias rm": "Command: scoop alias rm <alias_name>\nRemove an Alias\neg : scoop alias rm upgrade \n",
    "alias list": "List all alias",
    "alias -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- alias",
    "shim": "Command: scoop shim [-g] <add/rm/list/info/alter> <shim_name>...\nManipulate Scoop shims",
    "shim add": "Command: scoop shim add <shim_name> <command_path> [<args>...]\nAdd a custom shim",
    "shim rm": "Command: scoop shim rm <shim_name> [<shim_name>...]\nRemove shims(This could remove shims added by an app manifest)",
    "shim list": "Command: scoop shim list [<shim_name>|<pattern>...]\nList all shims or matching shims",
    "shim info": "Command: scoop shim info <shim_name>\nShow a shim's information",
    "shim alter": "Command: scoop shim alter <shim_name>\nAlternate a shim's target source",
    "shim -g": "Alias: --global\nManipulate global shim(s)",
    "shim -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- shim",
    "config": "Command: scoop config <key> [value]\nGet or set configuration values",
    "config -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- config",
    "which": "Locate a shim/executable (similar to 'which' on Linux)\neg : scoop which sudo",
    "which -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- which",
    "hold": "Command: scoop hold [-g] <app>\nHold an app to disable updates\neg : scoop hold <app>",
    "hold -g": "Command: scoop hold [-g] <app>\nHold an global app to disable updates\neg : scoop hold -g <app>",
    "hold -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- hold",
    "unhold": "Command: scoop unhold [-g] <app>\nUnhold an app to enable updates\neg : scoop unhold <app>",
    "unhold -g": "Command: scoop unhold [-g] <app>\nUnhold an global app to enable updates\neg : scoop unhold -g <app>",
    "unhold -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- unhold",
    "export": "Command: scoop export [-c]\nExports installed apps, buckets (and optionally configs) in JSON format\neg : scoop export -c > ~\\Desktop\\scoopfile.json\n and you can see it in your Desktop",
    "export -c": "Alias: --config\nExport the Scoop configuration file too",
    "export -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- export",
    "import": "Imports apps, buckets and configs from a Scoopfile in JSON format\neg : scoop import ~\\Desktop\\scoopfile.json\n scoop import <url to scoopfile.json>",
    "import -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- import",
    "depends": "Command: scoop depends <app>\nList dependencies for an app, in the order they'll be installed\neg : scoop depends python",
    "depends -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- depends",
    "status": "Show status and check for new app versions\neg : scoop status -l",
    "status -l": "Alias: --local\nChecks the status for only the locally installed apps,and disables remote fetching/checking for Scoop and buckets",
    "status -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- status",
    "create": "Create a custom app manifest\neg : scoop create <app_url>",
    "create -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- create",
    "download": "Download apps in the cache folder and verify hashes\neg : \nThe usual way to download an app, without installing it:\n scoop download git\nTo download a different version of the app:\n scoop download gh@2.7.0\nTo download an app from a manifest at a URL:\n scoop download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ScoopInstaller/Main/master/bucket/sudo.json\nTo download an app from a manifest on your computer:\n scoop download path\\to\\app.json",
    "download -u": "Alias: --no-update-scoop\nDon't update Scoop before downloading if it's outdated",
    "download -f": "Alias: --force\nForce download (overwrite cache)",
    "download -a": "Alias: --arch <32bit|64bit|arm64>\nUse the specified architecture, if the app supports it",
    "download --no-hash-check": "Skip hash verification (use with caution!)",
    "download -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- download",
    "virustotal": "Command: scoop virustotal [* | app1 app2 ...] [options]\nLook for app's hash or url on virustotal.com",
    "virustotal -a": "Alias: --all\nCheck for all installed apps",
    "virustotal -u": "Alias: --no-update-scoop\nDon't update Scoop before checking if it's outdated",
    "virustotal -s": "Alias: --scan\nFor packages where VirusTotal has no information, send download URL for analysis (and future retrieval). \nThis requires you to configure your virustotal_api_key.",
    "virustotal -n": "Alias: --no-depends\nBy default, all dependencies are checked too. This flag avoids it.",
    "virustotal -p": "Alias: --passthru\nReturn reports as objects",
    "virustotal -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- virustotal",
    "home": "Command: scoop home <app>\nOpens the app homepage\neg: scoop home sudo",
    "home -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- home",
    "-v": "Alias: --version\nPrint the current version of scoop",
    "help": "Show official help",
    "help bucket": "Show official help -- bucket",
    "help search": "Show official help -- search",
    "help install": "Show official help -- install",
    "help uninstall": "Show official help -- uninstall",
    "help update": "Show official help -- update",
    "help list": "Show official help -- list",
    "help info": "Show official help -- info",
    "help cache": "Show official help -- cache",
    "help reset": "Show official help -- reset",
    "help cleanup": "Show official help -- cleanup",
    "help prefix": "Show official help -- prefix",
    "help cat": "Show official help -- cat",
    "help checkup": "Show official help -- checkup",
    "help alias": "Show official help -- alias",
    "help shim": "Show official help -- shim",
    "help config": "Show official help -- config",
    "help which": "Show official help -- which",
    "help hold": "Show official help -- hold",
    "help unhold": "Show official help -- unhold",
    "help export": "Show official help -- export",
    "help import": "Show official help -- import",
    "help depends": "Show official help -- depends",
    "help status": "Show official help -- status",
    "help download": "Show official help -- download",
    "help virustotal": "Show official help -- virustotal",
    "help home": "Show official help -- home",
    "help setup": "Show official help -- setup",
    "help completions": "Show official help -- completions",
    "setup": "Enable scoop for the current user / shell",
    "setup -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- setup",
    "completions": "Generate scoop completions\nYou already have scoop-tab-completion. You don't need it",
    "completions -h": "Alias: --help \nShow official help -- completions",
        "warn":"Module Warning(scoop-tab-completion): It's no longer maintained and improved!",
        "tip":"You should install and import the PSCompletions module, and run \"psc add scoop\" to add scoop completion\nFor more information: https://github.com/abgox/PSCompletions"