
Function Enable-SpecWindowsOptionalFeature {
    This function adds a specified Windows optional feature.
    The Enable-SpecWindowsOptionalFeature function is used to query, enable, and install a specified Windows optional feature on the system. It checks the current status of the feature and performs the necessary actions to enable it if it's not already enabled.
    .PARAMETER FeatureName
    Specifies the name of the Windows optional feature to be added.
    Enable-SpecWindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName "NetFx3"
    This example adds the .NET Framework 3.5 feature to the system if it's not already enabled.
    This function produces the following exit codes to indicate the status of the operation:
    - 400: The feature was successfully enabled and installed.
    - 401: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the Windows feature.
    - 402: The specified feature does not exist.
    - 403: An error occurred while enabling the feature.
    - 404: The feature is already installed and enabled.
    Author : owen.heaume
    Version: 1.0 - Initial code


    param (
        [parameter (Mandatory = $true)]

    try {
        write-verbose "Querying Windows Optional Feature '$($FeatureName)'..."
        $FeatureStatus = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $FeatureName -ea Stop -ev x
        write-verbose "OK"
    } catch {
        write-error "Error occured trying to query the windows feature: '$($featureName)'"
        return 401

    If ($NULL -eq $FeatureStatus) {
        Write-warning "Feature '$($FeatureName)' does not exist"
        return 402

    switch ($featurestatus.state) {
        'Disabled' {
            Write-Verbose "Enabling Windows Feature '$($FeatureName)'..."
            try {
                Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $FeatureName -NoRestart -All -ea stop -ev x
                Write-Verbose "OK"
                return 400
            } catch {
                Write-Error "An error occurred enabling '$($FeatureName)' The error was: $x"
                return 403
        'Enabled' {
            Write-Warning "The feature '$($FeatureName)' is already installed"
            return 404