
# Purpose:
# Resource to Publish a Dsc Configuration archive to Azure storage

# Prerequisite: Azure PowerShell SDK
if (-not (Get-Module Azure))
    throw "Azure module is not present in $env:PSModulePath"

#region GET

function Get-TargetResource {


    [string]$ContainerName = 'windows-powershell-dsc',





    if ($AzureSubscriptionName -and $AzurePublishSettingsPath)
        Write-Verbose "Azure Publish Settings provided. AzureSubscriptionName = $AzureSubscriptionName, AzurePublishSettingsPath = $AzurePublishSettingsPath"
        Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile $AzurePublishSettingsPath
        Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $AzureSubscriptionName

    Write-Verbose "Storage Account Name = $StorageAccountName"
    $storageAccountKey = (Get-AzureStorageKey $StorageAccountName).Primary
    $Script:StorageContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $storageAccountKey -Protocol https

    Write-Verbose "ConfigurationPath = $ConfigurationPath"
    $Script:ConfigFileName = [IO.Path]::GetFileName($ConfigurationPath)
    $storageBlobArchive = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Blob "$Script:ConfigFileName.zip" -Container $ContainerName -Context  $Script:StorageContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $blobUri = $($storageBlobArchive.ICloudBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri)

    Write-Verbose "Blob Uri is $blobUri"

    $returnValue = @{
        BlobUri = $blobUri

    return $returnValue    



#region SET

function Set-TargetResource {


    [string]$Ensure = 'Present',

    [string]$ContainerName = 'windows-powershell-dsc',





    switch ($Ensure) {
                Write-Verbose "Ensure is set to $Ensure. Calling Publish-AzureVMDscConfiguration to create the Configuration and Resource archive in Storage `"$($Script:StorageContext.StorageAccountName)`""
                Publish-AzureVMDscConfiguration -ConfigurationPath $ConfigurationPath -StorageContext $Script:StorageContext -Force -Verbose
                Write-Verbose "Ensure is set to $Ensure. Calling Remove-AzureStorageBlob to remove the Blob from Storage `"$($Script:StorageContext.StorageAccountName)`""
                Remove-AzureStorageBlob -Blob "$Script:ConfigFileName.zip" -Container $ContainerName -Force


#region TEST

function Test-TargetResource {


    [string]$Ensure = 'Present',

    [string]$ContainerName = 'windows-powershell-dsc',




    Write-Verbose "Invoke Get-TargetResource to obtain the Absolute Uri to the Blob"
    $parameters = @{}
    $parameters["StorageAccountName"] = $StorageAccountName
    $parameters["ContainerName"] = $ContainerName
    $parameters["ConfigurationPath"] = $ConfigurationPath
        $parameters["AzureSubscriptionName"] = $AzureSubscriptionName

        $parameters["AzurePublishSettingsPath"] = $AzurePublishSettingsPath

    $blobUriObj = Get-TargetResource @parameters
    switch ($Ensure) {
                if (-not $($blobUriObj.BlobUri))
                    Write-Verbose "Ensure is set to $Ensure. But the archive is absent in Storage. We need to Publish the archive to Storage"
                    return $false
                if ($($blobUriObj.BlobUri))
                    Write-Verbose "Ensure is set to $Ensure. But the archive is present in Storage. We need to Remove the archive from Storage"
                    return $false

    return $true


Export-ModuleMember -function *-TargetResource