
        Automated unit integration for MSFT_xExchClientAccessServer DSC Resource.
        This test module requires use of credentials.
        The first run through of the tests will prompt for credentials from the logged on user.

#region HEADER
[System.String]$script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot)
[System.String]$script:DSCModuleName = 'xExchange'
[System.String]$script:DSCResourceFriendlyName = 'xExchClientAccessServer'
[System.String]$script:DSCResourceName = "MSFT_$($script:DSCResourceFriendlyName)"

Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'Tests' -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'TestHelpers' -ChildPath 'xExchangeTestHelper.psm1'))) -Force
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'Modules' -ChildPath 'xExchangeHelper.psm1')) -Force
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'DSCResources' -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path "$($script:DSCResourceName)" -ChildPath "$($script:DSCResourceName).psm1")))

#Check if Exchange is installed on this machine. If not, we can't run tests
[System.Boolean]$exchangeInstalled = Get-IsSetupComplete

#endregion HEADER

if ($exchangeInstalled)
    #Get required credentials to use for the test
    $shellCredentials = Get-TestCredential

    #Get the Server FQDN for using in URL's
    if ($null -eq $serverFqdn)
        $serverFqdn = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($env:COMPUTERNAME).HostName

    # Make sure all AlternateServiceAccount's are cleared before beginning tests
    Set-TargetResource -Identity $env:COMPUTERNAME -Credential $shellCredentials -RemoveAlternateServiceAccountCredentials $true
    $getResults = Get-TargetResource -Identity $env:COMPUTERNAME -Credential $shellCredentials

    Describe 'Test Setting Properties with xExchClientAccessServer' {
        # Confirm that the AlternateServiceAccount was actually cleared before doing any tests
        It 'AlternateServiceAccount has been cleared' {
            ($null -ne $getResults -and $null -eq $getResults.AlternateServiceAccountCredential) | Should Be $true

        #Do standard URL and scope tests
        $testParams = @{
            Identity =  $env:COMPUTERNAME
            Credential = $shellCredentials
            AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri = "https://$($serverFqdn)/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml"
            AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site1'

        $expectedGetResults = @{
            Identity =  $env:COMPUTERNAME
            AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri = "https://$($serverFqdn)/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml"
            AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site1'

        Test-TargetResourceFunctionality -Params $testParams `
                                         -ContextLabel 'Set autod url and site scope' `
                                         -ExpectedGetResults $expectedGetResults

        #Now set the URL to empty
        $testParams.AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri = ''
        $expectedGetResults.AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri = ''

        Test-TargetResourceFunctionality -Params $testParams `
                                         -ContextLabel 'Set url to empty' `
                                         -ExpectedGetResults $expectedGetResults

        #Now try multiple sites in the site scope
        $testParams.AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site1','Site2'
        $expectedGetResults = @{}

        Test-TargetResourceFunctionality -Params $testParams `
                                         -ContextLabel 'Set site scope to multi value'`
                                         -ExpectedGetResults $expectedGetResults

        Test-ArrayContentsEqual -TestParams $testParams `
                                -DesiredArrayContents $testParams.AutoDiscoverSiteScope `
                                -GetResultParameterName 'AutoDiscoverSiteScope' `
                                -ContextLabel 'Verify AutoDiscoverSiteScope' `
                                -ItLabel 'AutoDiscoverSiteScope should contain two values'

        #Now set the site scope to $null
        $testParams.AutoDiscoverSiteScope = $null
        $expectedGetResults = @{
            AutoDiscoverSiteScope = [String[]]@()

        Test-TargetResourceFunctionality -Params $testParams `
                                         -ContextLabel 'Set site scope to null' `
                                         -ExpectedGetResults $expectedGetResults

        Test-ArrayContentsEqual -TestParams $testParams `
                                -DesiredArrayContents $testParams.AutoDiscoverSiteScope `
                                -GetResultParameterName 'AutoDiscoverSiteScope' `
                                -ContextLabel 'Verify AutoDiscoverSiteScope' `
                                -ItLabel 'AutoDiscoverSiteScope should be empty'

        #create AlternateServiceAccount credentials
        if ($null -eq $asaCredentials)
            $UserASA = 'Fabrikam\ASA'
            $PWordASA = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.SecureString
            $asaCredentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
                                                -ArgumentList $UserASA, $PWordASA

        #Now set AlternateServiceAccount account

        #Alter Autodiscover settings and make sure they're picked up along with AlternateServiceAccount change
        $testParams.AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site3'
        $expectedGetResults.AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site3'

        Test-TargetResourceFunctionality -Params $testParams `
                                         -ContextLabel 'Set AlternateServiceAccountCredential' `
                                         -ExpectedGetResults $expectedGetResults

        #Test for invalid AlternateServiceAccount account format
        Context 'Test looking for invalid format of AlternateServiceAccount account' {
            $caughtException = $false
            $UserASA = 'Fabrikam/ASA'
            $PWordASA = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.SecureString
            $asaCredentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
                                                -ArgumentList $UserASA, $PWordASA

            #Set the invalid credentials
            $testParams['AlternateServiceAccountCredential'] = $asaCredentials

                Set-TargetResource @testParams
                $caughtException = $true

            It 'Should hit exception for invalid AlternateServiceAccount account format' {
                $caughtException | Should Be $true

            It 'Test results should be false after adding invalid AlternateServiceAccount account' {
                $testResults = Test-TargetResource @testParams
                $testResults | Should Be $false

        #Now clear AlternateServiceAccount account credentials

        #Alter Autodiscover settings and make sure they're picked up along with AlternateServiceAccount change
        $testParams.AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site4'
        $expectedGetResults.AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site4'

        Test-TargetResourceFunctionality -Params $testParams `
                                         -ContextLabel 'Clear AlternateServiceAccountCredential' `
                                         -ExpectedGetResults $expectedGetResults
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Tests in this file require that Exchange is installed to be run.'