
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\Library\Helper.psm1
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\Library\JeaDir.psm1

Add-Type @'
    namespace Jea
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Globalization;
    public class Parameter
        public string ValidatePattern;
        public string ValidateSet;
        public string ParameterType;
        public string Mandatory;
    public class Proxy
        public string Module;
        public string Name;
        public Hashtable Parameter;
        public Proxy()
            Parameter = new Hashtable(System.StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

function ConvertTo-CSpec

        if ($In.Module -or $In.Name)
            new-object psobject -Property @{
                Module          = $(if ($In.Module         ) {$In.module.Trim()         })
                Name            = $(if ($In.Name           ) {$In.Name.Trim()           }else {"*"})
                Parameter       = $(if ($In.Parameter      ) {$In.Parameter.Trim()      }else {"*"})
                ValidateSet     = $(if ($In.ValidateSet    ) {$In.ValidateSet.Trim()    })
                ValidatePattern = $(if ($In.ValidatePattern) {$In.ValidatePattern.Trim()})
                ParameterType   = $(if ($In.ParameterType  ) {$In.ParameterType.Trim()  })
                Mandatory       = $In.Mandatory

function Get-JeaProxy
    #Names may specify specific commands or have wildcards to specify sets of commands
    if (!$CommandsToGenerate.$Name -and $Parameter)
        $CommandsToGenerate.$Name = New-Object Jea.Proxy            
    return $CommandsToGenerate.$Name

function Add-ParametersToProxy

    if ($CSpec.Parameter -eq '*')
        foreach ($ParameterName in $CmdInfo.Parameters.Keys)
            $p = $proxy.parameter.($ParameterName)
            if (!$p)
                $p = new-object Jea.Parameter
                $proxy.parameter.Add($ParameterName, $p)
        $p = $proxy.parameter.$($CSpec.Parameter)
        if (!$p)
            $p = new-object Jea.Parameter
            $proxy.parameter.Add($CSpec.Parameter.ToLower(), $p)
        if ($CSpec.ValidateSet)
            $p.ValidateSet =$CSpec.ValidateSet.Tolower()
        if ($CSpec.ValidatePattern)
            $p.ValidatePattern = $CSpec.ValidatePattern
        if ($CSpec.ParameterType)
            $p.ParameterType = $CSpec.ParameterType
        if ($CSpec.Mandatory)
            $p.Mandatory = $CSpec.Mandatory

function ConvertTo-CommandsToGenerate
        $CommandsToGenerate = @{}
        foreach ($CmdInfo in Get-Command -Module $CSpec.Module -Name $CSpec.Name -CommandType Function,Cmdlet)
            $proxy = Get-JeaProxy -Name $CmdInfo.Name -Parameter $CSpec.Parameter
            Add-ParametersToProxy -Proxy $proxy -CSpec $CSpec -CmdInfo $cmdInfo
        return $CommandsToGenerate 
function New-ToolKitPremable


        # Now we generate the File
This is a auto-generated module containing proxy cmdlets.
Generated At: $(Get-date)
Generated On: $(hostname)
Generated By: $($env:UserDomain + '\' + $env:UserName)
#region OrginalCSVFile
******************** START Original Source file ***********************
******************** END Original Source file ***********************
    $list = @()
    foreach ($a in $Applications)
        $list += """$a"""
    if ($list.count)
'$ExportedApplications = ' + ($list -join ',')

function ConvertTo-ProxyFunctions
        # Param1 help description


        # Proxy Modules are typically going to be used in constrained runspaces where best
        # practice will be to turn of ModuleAutoloading so the proxy needs to load whatever
        # modules it will proxy
        $modulesToImport = @{'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core'=1 }
        $exportCmdlet = @()
        $Cmd = Get-Command -Name $CmdName -CommandType Cmdlet,Function -ErrorAction Stop
        if (!$cmd)
            Throw "No such Object [$CmdName :$CommandType]"
        Need to do some flavor of analsys of MANDATORY PARAMETERS in SETs

        foreach ($c in $cmd)
            if ($c.Module) {import-module -Name $c.module -ErrorAction Ignore -Verbose:0}
            if ($c.CommandType -eq 'function')
                rename-item function:$($c.Name) $($c.Name + '-Original') 
                $c = Get-command -name ($cmdName + '-Original') -CommandType Function -ErrorAction Stop
            $Parameter = $CommandsToGenerate.$CmdName.Parameter.Keys
            $MetaData = New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData $c
            $metaData.Name = $CmdName

            foreach ($p in @($MetaData.Parameters.Keys))
                $p = $p.Tolower()
                if ($p -notin $Parameter)
                    $null = $MetaData.Parameters.Remove($p)
                    $v = $CommandsToGenerate.$CmdName.Parameter.$p.ValidateSet
                    if ($v)
                        $MetaData.Parameters.$p.attributes.Add( $(New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute $($v -split ';')))                        
                    $v = $CommandsToGenerate.$CmdName.Parameter.$p.ValidatePattern
                    if ($v)
                        $MetaData.Parameters.$p.attributes.Add( $(New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidatePatternAttribute $v))                        
                    $v = $CommandsToGenerate.$CmdName.Parameter.$p.ParameterType
                    if ($v)
                        $type = [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().GetTypes() | where {$_.fullname -match $ParameterType}
                        if ($type)
                            $MetaData.Parameters.$p.ParameterType = $type[0].FullName
                    $v = $CommandsToGenerate.$CmdName.Parameter.$p.Mandatory
                    if ($v)
                        foreach($ps in $MetaData.Parameters.$p.Parametersets.Keys)

            if ($c.Module)
                $RealModule = $c.module
                if (!$modulesToImport.$RealModule)
                    $modulesToImport.$RealModule = 'Already imported'
Import-Module $($RealModule)


#region $cmdname
if ($c.CommandType -eq 'function')
"rename-item function:$cmdName $($cmdName+ '-Original')"
function $cmdName


} # $cmdName

            $exportCmdlet += $CmdName
        } #foreach $cmd
Export-ModuleMember -Function $(($exportCmdlet | sort -Unique) -join ',')

   Use a CSV-formated string to drive creation of a JeaProxy module
   JeaProxy modules provide fine grain control over what a user can invoke.
   It accomplishes this by manipulating the command parsing information and
   generating a proxy function. This process is driven off a CommandSpecs which
   is a CSV formated string using the schema:
    If only a name is specified, the cmdlet is surfaced in whole
    If a Name and a parameter are specified, then only those parameters will be
        surfaced for that cmdlet. Since it is a CSV format, only one parameter
        can be specified on a line so we need to process all the lines and
        consolidate the information before we create the proxies.
    If a Name, a parameter and a Validate is specified, we add a VALIDATESET
        attribute with the values of the Validate field.
        The values need to be seperated with a ';'.
    Applications can also be specified. Applications are non-PowerShell
    native executables (e.g. Ping.exe or IPconfig.exe)
    Export-JeaProxy -Name GeneralAdmin -Applications "ping.exe","ipconfig.exe" -CommandSpecs @`
    Two files are created in the ($env:ProgramFiles)\Jea\Toolkit directory
    1) $Name-Toolkit.psm1 # The proxy module
    2) $Name-CommandSpecs.csv # For diagnostics
   General notes

function Export-JeaProxy



    $CommandSpecs >  (Join-Path (Get-JeaToolKitDir) "$($Name)-CommandSpecs.csv")
    Write-Verbose "New [JeaDirectory.CSV]$($Name)-CommandSpecs.csv"

    $CommandsToGenerate = $CommandSpecs.ToLower() | ConvertFrom-Csv | ConvertTo-CSPec | ConvertTo-CommandsToGenerate
    $toolkit =  (Join-Path (Get-JeaToolKitDir) "$($Name)-ToolKit.psm1")
    New-ToolKitPremable @PSBoundParameters > $toolkit
    $CommandsToGenerate.Keys |Sort {($_ -split '-')[1]},{($_ -split '-')[0]} | ConvertTo-ProxyFunctions >> $toolkit
    Write-Verbose "New [JeaDirectory.Module]$toolkit"
} #Export-JeaProxy