
$errorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'

        Converts the specified hashtable to a file structure under the specified parent path.
    .PARAMETER ParentPath
        The path to the directory that should contain the specified file structure.
    .PARAMETER FileStructure
        The hashtable defining the file structure.
        Nested hashtable values denote directories with the key as the name of the directory and the
        hashtable value as the contents.
        String values denote files with the key as the name of the file and the value as the contents.
        $fileStructure = @{
            DirectoryName = @{
                FileName = 'File contents'
        ConvertTo-FileStructure -ParentPath $env:temp -FileStructure $fileStructure

function ConvertTo-FileStructure
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    foreach ($itemName in $FileStructure.Keys)
        if ($FileStructure[$itemName] -is [Hashtable])
            $newDirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $ParentPath -ChildPath $itemName
            $null = New-Item -Path $newDirectoryPath -ItemType 'Directory'
            ConvertTo-FileStructure -ParentPath $newDirectoryPath -FileStructure $FileStructure[$itemName]
        elseif ($FileStructure[$itemName] -is [String])
            $newFilePath = Join-Path -Path $ParentPath -ChildPath $itemName
            $null = New-Item -Path $newFilePath -ItemType 'File'
            Set-Content -LiteralPath $newFilePath -Value $FileStructure[$itemName]
            throw 'Zip file structure must be made of strings and hashtable values. Found a different type.'

        Creates a new zip file with the specified name and file structure under the specified parent path.
        Returns the file path to the compressed zip file.
    .PARAMETER ParentPath
        The path under which the new zip file should be created.
        The name of the zip file to create.
    .PARAMETER ZipFileStructure
        The hashtable defining the file structure.
        Nested hashtable values denote directories with the key as the name of the directory and the
        hashtable value as the contents.
        String values denote files with the key as the name of the file and the value as the contents.
        $zipFileStructure = @{
            DirectoryName = @{
                FileName = 'File contents'
        New-ZipFileFromHashtable -ParentPath $env:temp -Name 'ArchiveName' -ZipFileStructure $zipFileStructure
        The expanded file structure that the zip file is created from is not removed as part of this function.
        This is to allow tests to compare the structure of the 'zip file' against another file structure.

function New-ZipFileFromHashtable
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $expandedZipPath = Join-Path -Path $ParentPath -ChildPath $Name
    $compressedZipPath = Join-Path -Path $ParentPath -ChildPath "$Name.zip"

    $null = New-Item -Path $expandedZipPath -ItemType 'Directory'
    ConvertTo-FileStructure -ParentPath $expandedZipPath -FileStructure $ZipFileStructure

    $null = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($expandedZipPath, $compressedZipPath, 'NoCompression', $false)

    return $compressedZipPath

        Tests if the two specified file structures match.
    .PARAMETER SourcePath
        The path to the root of the file structure to test against.
    .PARAMETER DestinationPath
        The path to the root of the file structure to test
    .PARAMETER CheckLastWriteTime
        Indicates whether or not to test that the last write times of the files in the structure match.
    .PARAMETER CheckCreationTime
        Indicates whether or not to test that the creation times of the files in the structure match.
    .PARAMETER CheckContents
        Indicates whether or not to test that the contents of the files in the structure match.

function Test-FileStructuresMatch
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $SourcePath,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $DestinationPath,

        [Switch] $CheckLastWriteTime,

        [Switch] $CheckCreationTime,

        [Switch] $CheckContents

    $sourcePathLength = $SourcePath.Length
    $destinationPathLength = $DestinationPath.Length

    $destinationContents = @{}
    $destinationChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $DestinationPath -Recurse

    foreach ($destinationChildItem in $destinationChildItems)
        $destinationChildItemName = Split-Path -Path $destinationChildItem.FullName -Leaf
        $destinationContents[$destinationChildItemName] = $destinationChildItem

    $sourceChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourcePath -Recurse

    foreach ($sourceChildItem in $sourceChildItems)
        $sourceChildItemName = Split-Path -Path $sourceChildItem.FullName -Leaf
        $destinationChildItem = $destinationContents[$sourceChildItemName]

        if ($destinationChildItem -eq $null)
            return $false
            if (-not $destinationChildItem.GetType() -eq $sourceChildItem.GetType())
                return $false

            if ($destinationChildItem.GetType() -eq [System.IO.FileInfo])
                if ($CheckLastWriteTime)
                    if ($sourceChildItem.LastWriteTime -ne $destinationChildItem.LastWriteTime)
                        return $false

                if ($CheckCreationTime)
                    if ($sourceChildItem.CreationTime -ne $destinationChildItem.CreationTime)
                        return $false

                if ($CheckContents)
                    $sourceFileContents = Get-Content -Path $sourceChildItem.FullName -Raw
                    $destinationFileContents = Get-Content -Path $destinationChildItem.FullName -Raw

                    if ($sourceFileContents -ne $destinationFileContents)
                        return $false

    return $true

Export-ModuleMember -Function @( 'New-ZipFileFromHashtable', 'Test-FileStructuresMatch' )