
# Load Localization Data
Import-LocalizedData LocalizedData -filename xSQLServer.strings.psd1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Import-LocalizedData USLocalizedData -filename xSQLServer.strings.psd1 -UICulture en-US -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        Connect to a SQL Server Database Engine and return the server object.
        String containing the host name of the SQL Server to connect to.
    .PARAMETER SQLInstanceName
        String containing the SQL Server Database Engine instance to connect to.
    .PARAMETER SetupCredential
        PSCredential object with the credentials to use to impersonate a user when connecting.
        If this is not provided then the current user will be used to connect to the SQL Server Database Engine instance.

function Connect-SQL
        $SQLServer = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        $SQLInstanceName = "MSSQLSERVER",


    $null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo')

    if ($SQLInstanceName -eq "MSSQLSERVER")
        $connectSql = $SQLServer
        $connectSql = "$SQLServer\$SQLInstanceName"

    if ($SetupCredential)
        $sql = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server
        $sql.ConnectionContext.ConnectAsUser = $true
        $sql.ConnectionContext.ConnectAsUserPassword = $SetupCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        $sql.ConnectionContext.ConnectAsUserName = $SetupCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
        $sql.ConnectionContext.ServerInstance = $connectSQL
        $sql = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $connectSql

    if (!$sql)
        Throw -Message "Failed connecting to SQL $connectSql"

    New-VerboseMessage -Message "Connected to SQL $connectSql"

    return $sql

        Connect to a SQL Server Analysis Service and return the server object.
        String containing the host name of the SQL Server to connect to.
    .PARAMETER SQLInstanceName
        String containing the SQL Server Analysis Service instance to connect to.
    .PARAMETER SetupCredential
        PSCredential object with the credentials to use to impersonate a user when connecting.
        If this is not provided then the current user will be used to connect to the SQL Server Analysis Service instance.

function Connect-SQLAnalysis
        $SQLServer = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        $SQLInstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER',


    $null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.AnalysisServices')

    if ($SQLInstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER')
        $analysisServiceInstance = $SQLServer
        $analysisServiceInstance = "$SQLServer\$SQLInstanceName"

    if ($SetupCredential)
        $userName = $SetupCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
        $password = $SetupCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

        $analysisServicesDataSource = "Data Source=$analysisServiceInstance;User ID=$userName;Password=$password"
        $analysisServicesDataSource = "Data Source=$analysisServiceInstance"

        $analysisServicesObject = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server
        if ($analysisServicesObject)
            throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType AnalysisServicesNoServerObject -ErrorCategory InvalidResult

        Write-Verbose -Message "Connected to Analysis Services $analysisServiceInstance." -Verbose
        throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType AnalysisServicesFailedToConnect -FormatArgs @($analysisServiceInstance) -ErrorCategory ObjectNotFound -InnerException $_.Exception

    return $analysisServicesObject

        Creates a new application domain and loads the assemblies Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo
        for the correct SQL Server major version.
        An isolated application domain is used to load version specific assemblies, this needed
        if there is multiple versions of SQL server in the same configuration. So that a newer
        version of SQL is not using an older version of the assembly, or vice verse.
        This should be unloaded using the helper function Unregister-SqlAssemblies or
        using [System.AppDomain]::Unload($applicationDomainObject).
    .PARAMETER SQLInstanceName
        String containing the SQL Server Database Engine instance name to get the major SQL version from.
    .PARAMETER ApplicationDomain
        An optional System.AppDomain object to load the assembly into.
        System.AppDomain. Returns the application domain object with SQL SMO loaded.

function Register-SqlSmo
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $sqlMajorVersion = Get-SqlInstanceMajorVersion -SQLInstanceName $SQLInstanceName
    New-VerboseMessage -Message ('SQL major version is {0}.' -f $sqlMajorVersion)

    if( -not $ApplicationDomain )
        $applicationDomainName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName
        New-VerboseMessage -Message ('Creating application domain ''{0}''.' -f $applicationDomainName)
        $applicationDomainObject = [System.AppDomain]::CreateDomain($applicationDomainName)
        New-VerboseMessage -Message ('Reusing application domain ''{0}''.' -f $ApplicationDomain.FriendlyName)
        $applicationDomainObject = $ApplicationDomain

    $sqlSmoAssemblyName = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, Version=$sqlMajorVersion.0.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91"
    New-VerboseMessage -Message ('Loading assembly ''{0}''.' -f $sqlSmoAssemblyName)
    $applicationDomainObject.Load($sqlSmoAssemblyName) | Out-Null

    return $applicationDomainObject

        Creates a new application domain and loads the assemblies Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo and
        Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlWmiManagement for the correct SQL Server major version.
        An isolated application domain is used to load version specific assemblies, this needed
        if there is multiple versions of SQL server in the same configuration. So that a newer
        version of SQL is not using an older version of the assembly, or vice verse.
        This should be unloaded using the helper function Unregister-SqlAssemblies or
        using [System.AppDomain]::Unload($applicationDomainObject) preferably in a finally block.
    .PARAMETER SQLInstanceName
        String containing the SQL Server Database Engine instance name to get the major SQL version from.
    .PARAMETER ApplicationDomain
        An optional System.AppDomain object to load the assembly into.
        System.AppDomain. Returns the application domain object with SQL WMI Management loaded.

function Register-SqlWmiManagement
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $sqlMajorVersion = Get-SqlInstanceMajorVersion -SQLInstanceName $SQLInstanceName
    New-VerboseMessage -Message ('SQL major version is {0}.' -f $sqlMajorVersion)

        Must register Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo first because that is a
        dependency of Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlWmiManagement.

    if (-not $ApplicationDomain)
        $applicationDomainObject = Register-SqlSmo -SQLInstanceName $SQLInstanceName
    # Returns zero (0) objects if the assembly is not found
    elseif (-not ($ApplicationDomain.GetAssemblies().FullName -match 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo'))
        $applicationDomainObject = Register-SqlSmo -SQLInstanceName $SQLInstanceName -ApplicationDomain $ApplicationDomain

    $sqlSqlWmiManagementAssemblyName = "Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlWmiManagement, Version=$sqlMajorVersion.0.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91"
    New-VerboseMessage -Message ('Loading assembly ''{0}''.' -f $sqlSqlWmiManagementAssemblyName)
    $applicationDomainObject.Load($sqlSqlWmiManagementAssemblyName) | Out-Null

    return $applicationDomainObject

        Unloads all assemblies in an application domain. It unloads the application domain.
    .PARAMETER ApplicationDomain
        System.AppDomain object containing the SQL assemblies to unload.

function Unregister-SqlAssemblies
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    New-VerboseMessage -Message ('Unloading application domain ''{0}''.' -f $ApplicationDomain.FriendlyName)

        Returns the major SQL version for the specific instance.
    .PARAMETER SQLInstanceName
        String containing the name of the SQL instance to be configured. Default value is 'MSSQLSERVER'.
        System.UInt16. Returns the SQL Server major version number.

function Get-SqlInstanceMajorVersion
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $SQLInstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'

    $sqlInstanceId = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL').$SQLInstanceName
    $sqlVersion = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\$sqlInstanceId\Setup").Version

    if (-not $sqlVersion)
        throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType SqlServerVersionIsInvalid -FormatArgs @($SQLInstanceName) -ErrorCategory InvalidResult

    [System.UInt16] $sqlMajorVersionNumber = $sqlVersion.Split('.')[0]

    return $sqlMajorVersionNumber

        Returns a localized error message.
    .PARAMETER ErrorType
        String containing the key of the localized error message.
    .PARAMETER FormatArgs
        Collection of strings to replace format objects in the error message.
    .PARAMETER ErrorCategory
        The category to use for the error message. Default value is 'OperationStopped'.
        Valid values are a value from the enumeration System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory.
    .PARAMETER TargetObject
        The object that was being operated on when the error occurred.
    .PARAMETER InnerException
        Exception object that was thrown when the error occurred, which will be added to the final error message.

function New-TerminatingError
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $ErrorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::OperationStopped,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $TargetObject = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $InnerException = $null

    $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.$ErrorType

        $errorMessage = ($LocalizedData.NoKeyFound -f $ErrorType)

            $errorMessage = ("No Localization key found for key: {0}" -f $ErrorType)

    $errorMessage = ($errorMessage -f $FormatArgs)

    if( $InnerException )
        $errorMessage += " InnerException: $($InnerException.Message)"

    $callStack = Get-PSCallStack

    # Get Name of calling script
    if($callStack[1] -and $callStack[1].ScriptName)
        $scriptPath = $callStack[1].ScriptName

        $callingScriptName = $scriptPath.Split('\')[-1].Split('.')[0]

        $errorId = "$callingScriptName.$ErrorType"
        $errorId = $ErrorType

    Write-Verbose -Message "$($USLocalizedData.$ErrorType -f $FormatArgs) | ErrorType: $errorId"

    $exception = New-Object System.Exception $errorMessage, $InnerException
    $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $ErrorCategory, $TargetObject

    return $errorRecord

        Displays a localized warning message.
    .PARAMETER WarningType
        String containing the key of the localized warning message.
    .PARAMETER FormatArgs
        Collection of strings to replace format objects in warning message.

function New-WarningMessage
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    ## Attempt to get the string from the localized data
    $warningMessage = $LocalizedData.$WarningType

    ## Ensure there is a message present in the localization file
    if (!$warningMessage)
        $errorParams = @{
            ErrorType = 'NoKeyFound'
            FormatArgs = $WarningType
            ErrorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
            TargetObject = 'New-WarningMessage'

        ## Raise an error indicating the localization data is not present
        throw New-TerminatingError @errorParams

    ## Apply formatting
    $warningMessage = $warningMessage -f $FormatArgs

    ## Write the message as a warning
    Write-Warning -Message $warningMessage

    Displays a standardized verbose message.
    .PARAMETER Message
    String containing the key of the localized warning message.

function New-VerboseMessage
    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss) + ": $Message") -Verbose

        This method is used to compare current and desired values for any DSC resource.
    .PARAMETER CurrentValues
        This is hash table of the current values that are applied to the resource.
    .PARAMETER DesiredValues
        This is a PSBoundParametersDictionary of the desired values for the resource.
    .PARAMETER ValuesToCheck
        This is a list of which properties in the desired values list should be checked.
        If this is empty then all values in DesiredValues are checked.

function Test-SQLDscParameterState
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $returnValue = $true

    if (($DesiredValues.GetType().Name -ne "HashTable") `
        -and ($DesiredValues.GetType().Name -ne "CimInstance") `
        -and ($DesiredValues.GetType().Name -ne "PSBoundParametersDictionary"))
        throw "Property 'DesiredValues' in Test-SQLDscParameterState must be either a " + `
              "Hash table or CimInstance. Type detected was $($DesiredValues.GetType().Name)"

    if (($DesiredValues.GetType().Name -eq "CimInstance") -and ($null -eq $ValuesToCheck))
        throw "If 'DesiredValues' is a CimInstance then property 'ValuesToCheck' must contain a value"

    if (($null -eq $ValuesToCheck) -or ($ValuesToCheck.Count -lt 1))
        $keyList = $DesiredValues.Keys
        $keyList = $ValuesToCheck

    $keyList | ForEach-Object -Process {
        if (($_ -ne "Verbose"))
            if (($CurrentValues.ContainsKey($_) -eq $false) `
            -or ($CurrentValues.$_ -ne $DesiredValues.$_) `
            -or (($DesiredValues.ContainsKey($_) -eq $true) -and ($null -ne $DesiredValues.$_ -and $DesiredValues.$_.GetType().IsArray)))
                if ($DesiredValues.GetType().Name -eq "HashTable" -or `
                    $DesiredValues.GetType().Name -eq "PSBoundParametersDictionary")

                    $checkDesiredValue = $DesiredValues.ContainsKey($_)
                    $checkDesiredValue = $false
                    if (([System.Boolean]($DesiredValues.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains $_)) -eq $true)
                        if ($null -ne $Object.$PropertyName)
                            $checkDesiredValue = $true

                if ($checkDesiredValue)
                    $desiredType = $DesiredValues.$_.GetType()
                    $fieldName = $_
                    if ($desiredType.IsArray -eq $true)
                        if (($CurrentValues.ContainsKey($fieldName) -eq $false) `
                        -or ($null -eq $CurrentValues.$fieldName))
                            New-VerboseMessage -Message ("Expected to find an array value for " + `
                                                         "property $fieldName in the current " + `
                                                         "values, but it was either not present or " + `
                                                         "was null. This has caused the test method " + `
                                                         "to return false.")

                            $returnValue = $false
                            $arrayCompare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $CurrentValues.$fieldName `
                                                           -DifferenceObject $DesiredValues.$fieldName
                            if ($null -ne $arrayCompare)
                                New-VerboseMessage -Message ("Found an array for property $fieldName " + `
                                                             "in the current values, but this array " + `
                                                             "does not match the desired state. " + `
                                                             "Details of the changes are below.")
                                $arrayCompare | ForEach-Object -Process {
                                    New-VerboseMessage -Message "$($_.InputObject) - $($_.SideIndicator)"

                                $returnValue = $false
                        switch ($desiredType.Name)
                            "String" {
                                if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($CurrentValues.$fieldName) -or `
                                    -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DesiredValues.$fieldName))
                                    New-VerboseMessage -Message ("String value for property $fieldName does not match. " + `
                                                                 "Current state is '$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)' " + `
                                                                 "and desired state is '$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)'")

                                    $returnValue = $false
                            "Int32" {
                                if (-not ($DesiredValues.$fieldName -eq 0) -or `
                                    -not ($null -eq $CurrentValues.$fieldName))
                                    New-VerboseMessage -Message ("Int32 value for property " + "$fieldName does not match. " + `
                                                                 "Current state is " + "'$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)' " + `
                                                                 "and desired state is " + "'$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)'")

                                    $returnValue = $false
                            "Int16" {
                                if (-not ($DesiredValues.$fieldName -eq 0) -or `
                                    -not ($null -eq $CurrentValues.$fieldName))
                                    New-VerboseMessage -Message ("Int32 value for property " + "$fieldName does not match. " + `
                                                                 "Current state is " + "'$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)' " + `
                                                                 "and desired state is " + "'$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)'")

                                    $returnValue = $false
                            default {
                                New-VerboseMessage -Message ("Unable to compare property $fieldName " + `
                                                             "as the type ($($desiredType.Name)) is " + `
                                                             "not handled by the Test-SQLDscParameterState cmdlet")

                                $returnValue = $false

    return $returnValue

        Connect to a SQL Server Database Engine and give the server permissions 'AlterAnyAvailabilityGroup' and 'ViewServerState' to the provided user.
        String containing the host name of the SQL Server to connect to.
    .PARAMETER SQLInstanceName
        String containing the SQL Server Database Engine instance to connect to.
    .PARAMETER SetupCredential
        PSCredential object with the credentials to use to impersonate a user when connecting.
        If this is not provided then the current user will be used to connect to the SQL Server Database Engine instance.
    .PARAMETER AuthorizedUser
        String containing the user to give the server permissions 'AlterAnyAvailabilityGroup' and 'ViewServerState'.

function Grant-ServerPerms
        $SQLServer = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        $SQLInstanceName= "MSSQLSERVER",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $SQL = Connect-SQL -SQLServer $SQLServer -SQLInstanceName $SQLInstanceName -SetupCredential $SetupCredential
        $sps = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ServerPermissionSet([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ServerPermission]::AlterAnyAvailabilityGroup)
        New-VerboseMessage -Message "Granted Permissions to $AuthorizedUser"
        Write-Error "Failed to grant Permissions to $AuthorizedUser."

        Connect to a Active Directory and give the Cluster Name Object all rights on the cluster Virtual Computer Object (VCO).
    .PARAMETER AvailabilityGroupNameListener
        String containing the name of the Availability Group's Virtual Computer Object (VCO).
        String containing the name of the Cluster Name Object (CNO) for the failover cluster.

function Grant-CNOPerms
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    #Verify Active Directory Tools are installed, if they are load if not Throw Error
    If (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "ActiveDirectory"})){
        Throw "Active Directory Module is not installed and is Required."
    else{Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false}
        $AG = Get-ADComputer $AvailabilityGroupNameListener

        $comp = $AG.DistinguishedName  # input AD computer distinguished name
        $acl = Get-Acl "AD:\$comp"
        $u = Get-ADComputer $CNO                        # get the AD user object given full control to computer
        $SID = [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier] $u.SID

        $identity = [System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference] $SID
        $adRights = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights] "GenericAll"
        $type = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType] "Allow"
        $inheritanceType = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance] "All"
        $ace = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule $identity,$adRights,$type,$inheritanceType

        Set-Acl -AclObject $acl "AD:\$comp"
        New-VerboseMessage -Message "Granted privileges on $comp to $CNO"
        Throw "Failed to grant Permissions on $comp."

        Create a new computer object for a Availability Group's Virtual Computer Object (VCO).
    .PARAMETER AvailabilityGroupNameListener
        String containing the name of the Availability Group's Virtual Computer Object (VCO).
        String containing the host name of the SQL Server to connect to.
    .PARAMETER SQLInstanceName
        String containing the SQL Server Database Engine instance to connect to.
    .PARAMETER SetupCredential
        PSCredential object with the credentials to use to impersonate a user when connecting.
        If this is not provided then the current user will be used to connect to the SQL Server Database Engine instance.

function New-ListenerADObject
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $SQLServer = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        $SQLInstanceName = "MSSQLSERVER",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $SQL = Connect-SQL -SQLServer $SQLServer -SQLInstanceName $SQLInstanceName -SetupCredential $SetupCredential

    $CNO= $SQL.ClusterName

    #Verify Active Directory Tools are installed, if they are load if not Throw Error
    If (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "ActiveDirectory"})){
        Throw "Active Directory Module is not installed and is Required."
    else{Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false}
        $CNO_OU = Get-ADComputer $CNO
        #Accounts for the comma and CN= at the start of Distinguished Name
        #We want to remove these plus the ClusterName to get the actual OU Path.
        $AdditionalChars = 4
        $Trim = $CNO.Length+$AdditionalChars
        $CNOlgth = $CNO_OU.DistinguishedName.Length - $trim
        $OUPath = $CNO_OU.ToString().Substring($Trim,$CNOlgth)
        Throw ": Failed to find Computer in AD"

    $m = Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -eq $AvailabilityGroupNameListener} -Server $env:USERDOMAIN | Select-Object -Property * | Measure-Object

    If ($m.Count -eq 0)
            #Create Computer Object for the AgListenerName
            New-ADComputer -Name $AvailabilityGroupNameListener -SamAccountName $AvailabilityGroupNameListener -Path $OUPath -Enabled $false -Credential $SetupCredential
            New-VerboseMessage -Message "Created Computer Object $AvailabilityGroupNameListener"
               Throw "Failed to Create $AvailabilityGroupNameListener in $OUPath"

            $SuccessChk =0

        #Check for AD Object Validate at least three successful attempts
        While ($i -le 5) {
                $ListChk = Get-ADComputer -filter {Name -like $AvailabilityGroupNameListener}
                If ($ListChk){$SuccessChk++}
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
                If($SuccesChk -eq 3){break}
                 Throw "Failed Validate $AvailabilityGroupNameListener was created in $OUPath"
        Grant-CNOPerms -AvailabilityGroupNameListener $AvailabilityGroupNameListener -CNO $CNO
          Throw "Failed Validate grant permissions on $AvailabilityGroupNameListener in location $OUPAth to $CNO"


        Imports the module SQLPS in a standardized way.

function Import-SQLPSModule

    $module = (Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName 'SqlServer' -ListAvailable).Name
    if ($module)
        New-VerboseMessage -Message 'Preferred module SqlServer found.'
        New-VerboseMessage -Message 'Module SqlServer not found, trying to use older SQLPS module.'
        $module = (Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName 'SQLPS' -ListAvailable).Name

    if ($module)
            Write-Debug -Message 'SQLPS module changes CWD to SQLSERVER:\ when loading, pushing location to pop it when module is loaded.'

            New-VerboseMessage -Message ('Importing {0} module.' -f $module)

                SQLPS has unapproved verbs, disable checking to ignore Warnings.
                Suppressing verbose so all cmdlet is not listed.

            Import-Module -Name $module -DisableNameChecking -Verbose:$False -ErrorAction Stop

            Write-Debug -Message ('Module {0} imported.' -f $module)
            throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType FailedToImportSqlModule -FormatArgs @($module) -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation -InnerException $_.Exception
            Write-Debug -Message 'Popping location back to what it was before importing SQLPS module.'
        throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType SqlModuleNotFound -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation -InnerException $_.Exception

    Restarts a SQL Server instance and associated services
    Hostname of the SQL Server to be configured
    .PARAMETER SQLInstanceName
    Name of the SQL instance to be configured. Default is 'MSSQLSERVER'
    .PARAMETER Timeout
    Timeout value for restarting the SQL services. The default value is 120 seconds.
    Restart-SqlService -SQLServer localhost
    Restart-SqlService -SQLServer localhost -SQLInstanceName 'NamedInstance'
    Restart-SqlService -SQLServer CLU01 -Timeout 300

function Restart-SqlService
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $SQLInstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER',

        $Timeout = 120

    ## Connect to the instance
    $serverObject = Connect-SQL -SQLServer $SQLServer -SQLInstanceName $SQLInstanceName

    if ($serverObject.IsClustered)
        ## Get the cluster resources
        New-VerboseMessage -Message 'Getting cluster resource for SQL Server'
        $sqlService = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/MSCluster -ClassName MSCluster_Resource -Filter "Type = 'SQL Server'" |
                        Where-Object { $_.PrivateProperties.InstanceName -eq $serverObject.ServiceName }

        New-VerboseMessage -Message 'Getting active cluster resource SQL Server Agent'
        $agentService = $sqlService | Get-CimAssociatedInstance -ResultClassName MSCluster_Resource |
                            Where-Object { ($_.Type -eq "SQL Server Agent") -and ($_.State -eq 2) }

        ## Build a listing of resources being acted upon
        $resourceNames = @($sqlService.Name, ($agentService | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) -join ","

        ## Stop the SQL Server and dependent resources
        New-VerboseMessage -Message "Bringing the SQL Server resources $resourceNames offline."
        $sqlService | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName TakeOffline -Arguments @{ Timeout = $Timeout }

        ## Start the SQL server resource
        New-VerboseMessage -Message 'Bringing the SQL Server resource back online.'
        $sqlService | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName BringOnline -Arguments @{ Timeout = $Timeout }

        ## Start the SQL Agent resource
        if ($agentService)
            New-VerboseMessage -Message 'Bringing the SQL Server Agent resource online.'
            $agentService | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName BringOnline -Arguments @{ Timeout = $Timeout }
        New-VerboseMessage -Message 'Getting SQL Service information'
        $sqlService = Get-Service -DisplayName "SQL Server ($($serverObject.ServiceName))"

        ## Get all dependent services that are running.
        ## There are scenarios where an automatic service is stopped and should not be restarted automatically.
        $agentService = $sqlService.DependentServices | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "Running" }

        ## Restart the SQL Server service
        New-VerboseMessage -Message 'SQL Server service restarting'
        $sqlService | Restart-Service -Force

        ## Start dependent services
        $agentService | ForEach-Object {
            New-VerboseMessage -Message "Starting $($_.DisplayName)"
            $_ | Start-Service

    Executes a query on the specified database.
    The hostname of the server that hosts the SQL instance.
    .PARAMETER SQLInstanceName
    The name of the SQL instance that hosts the database.
    .PARAMETER Database
    Specify the name of the database to execute the query on.
    .PARAMETER Query
    The query string to execute.
    .PARAMETER WithResults
    Specifies if the query should return results.
    Invoke-Query -SQLServer Server1 -SQLInstanceName MSSQLSERVER -Database master -Query 'SELECT name FROM sys.databases' -WithResults
    Invoke-Query -SQLServer Server1 -SQLInstanceName MSSQLSERVER -Database master -Query 'RESTORE DATABASE [NorthWinds] WITH RECOVERY'

function Invoke-Query
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $serverObject = Connect-SQL -SQLServer $SQLServer -SQLInstanceName $SQLInstanceName

    if ( $WithResults )
            $result = $serverObject.Databases[$Database].ExecuteWithResults($Query)
            throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType ExecuteQueryWithResultsFailed -FormatArgs $Database -ErrorCategory NotSpecified
            throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType ExecuteNonQueryFailed -FormatArgs $Database -ErrorCategory NotSpecified

    return $result

        Executes the alter method on an Availability Group Replica object.
    .PARAMETER AvailabilityGroupReplica
        The Availability Group Replica object that must be altered.

function Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $originalErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType AlterAvailabilityGroupReplicaFailed -FormatArgs $AvailabilityGroupReplica.Name -ErrorCategory OperationStopped
        $ErrorActionPreference = $originalErrorActionPreference

function Test-LoginEffectivePermissions
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Assume the permissions are not present
    $permissionsPresent = $false

    $invokeQueryParams = @{
        SQLServer = $SQLServer
        SQLInstanceName = $SQLInstanceName
        Database = 'master'
        WithResults = $true

    $queryToGetEffectivePermissionsForLogin = "
        EXECUTE AS LOGIN = '$LoginName'
        SELECT DISTINCT permission_name
        FROM fn_my_permissions(null,'SERVER')

    New-VerboseMessage -Message "Getting the effective permissions for the login '$LoginName' on '$sqlInstanceName'."

    $loginEffectivePermissionsResult = Invoke-Query @invokeQueryParams -Query $queryToGetEffectivePermissionsForLogin
    $loginEffectivePermissions = $loginEffectivePermissionsResult.Tables.Rows.permission_name

    if ( $null -ne $loginEffectivePermissions )
        $loginMissingPermissions = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Permissions -DifferenceObject $loginEffectivePermissions |
            Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.SideIndicator -ne '=>' } |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject

        if ( $loginMissingPermissions.Count -eq 0 )
            $permissionsPresent = $true

    return $permissionsPresent