
function Import-ConfigData {
    Load configuration data from multiple file types.
    Load configuration data from multiple file types. The returned object should look the same regardless of the source format.
    Specifies a path to a configuration file with an extention of psd1, toml, json, yaml, or yml.
    $config = Import-ConfigData -Path config.psd1

    Return an object representing the contents of a PowerShell Data File.
    $config = Import-ConfigData -Path config.toml

    Return an object representing the contents of a TOML File.
    $config = Import-ConfigData -Path config.yaml

    Return an object representing the contents of a YAML File.

    param (
            Position = 0,

    begin {


    process {
        $file = Get-Item -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop

        switch ($file.Extension) {
            '.psd1' { Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $Path; break }
            '.toml' { Import-TomlConfigData -Path $Path; break }
            '.yaml' { Import-YamlConfigData -Path $Path; break }
            '.yml' { Import-YamlConfigData -Path $Path; break }
            '.json' { Import-JsonConfigData -Path $Path; break }

    end {
